Chapter 39 - Acceptance

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After telling Kuramochi that he was suspended and even broke up with Temari, Miyuki easily changed the topic and it was also then they arrived where Kawakami was. That day, Kuramochi just planned to hang out with his batchmates, but didn't expect to hear that news. He called Azumi to confirm it, and was surprised when he heard that it wasn't just Miyuki, but more. But Azumi also mentioned about what Tetsu said, and so for the meantime, he calmed down, but still worried to them.


Monday arrived and finally Temari had a chance to go out of her room. She was still stressing out what happened to Shuang and to others, but Shuang told her not to worry about it.

The fresh air, finally. But what should I do in this situation? Everyone is involved because of me. I only have a month, no, less than a month here. There were happy memories, and problems, am I going to leave just like that?

"Are you okay to go out, Temari? I heard you got sick"

"Ah, Oliver, good morning. I am fine now. Shuang, Azumi and Akira looked after me. Thank you for asking" She smiled at Oliver who approached her, but then noticed that he seemed nervous and tense "Oliver?"

"Ah, no sorry. Its just, somehow today... Ah, no..." Olivee just shook his head and smiled. He didn't want to worry her more, and so he decided to just remained silent.

"What are you doing, you two?" John arrived with Francine that made Temari walked away, without even bothering to look at them.

However, Francine followed her, and stopped her "I heard you got fever. I was worried. Shuang, Akira, and even Azumi didn't let me in your room. As if they were hiding things from me"

Temari looked at her from the corner of her eyes, but then again gazed away. "Is that so? Well we are hiding things from you." She answered and smiled "I want to be alone for now since its school common closure today." She bowed down and left Francine speechless.

However not long after, she saw Azumi standing in front of their dorm, smiling to herself. As she was approaching her, the other baseball team also approached her.

"How was it, Azumi?" Temari heard someone asked her

"I actually didn't know what just happened" Azumi answered and laughed. Once she noticed Temari, she ran to her and hugged her "Temari!"


"My expulsion is lifted!" She shouted in excitement "Furuya and Asanuma too!"

"Really?!" The baseball team shouted as Azumi nodded in assurance

"We were called to the principal office, and told us that our expulsion is lifted. Shuang asked to go to their exchange advisor, with Akira and Robert, but don't worry she will be staying too"

"What the hell are you saying?!" John angrily asked her "And who the hell told you that?!"

Azumi looked at him, mocking him "The principal was the one who told us, but the one who gave the order was from someone higher than him, and from the department of Education."

"Azumi, how about Miyuki?!" Takashi worriedly asked

"That..." She lowered her eyes and worriedly looked at Temari "Well, he stayed there. Since his case is kind of different to Furuya and Asanuma. I mean, Minato-sensei already sent it to the department of Education, so they will look over his case today. Someone from there will come." Azumi explained that made them worried, except for John who was expecting it

"Do you know who will come?" Temari confusedly asked but Azumi shook her head, making the ambiance so gloomy


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