Chapter 12-Reasonings

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"Temari, may I know, why are you staring at me? Ever since I came here, you are staring at me. Or should I do the same?" Temari's brother stood across her bed, stared at her deeply with great intimidation coming out

"True Aneki, did aniki do something wrong towards you?" Temari's younger brother, Masashi asked while pilling an apple for her

"N-no, he didn't do anything. Sorry, did I really stare at you that much?"

Tetsu just sighed and shook his head. Temari talked to Masashi and asked him how was school and stuffs. But her mind was filled with what Miyuki said, Seidou lost.

Nii-san already retired. He was the captain, and he failed to bring the team to Nationals.

She didn't want to think much of it since Miyuki told her that they got over with it. But still for her, she couldn't help but felt sad and broken to the reality that she couldn't help them. Also the fact that Miyuki became the captain made her chest tight. For some reason, she wanted to be happy for him, but she became nervous when she found out about it. After knowing, he became the captain, her parents came in with Masashi, so she lost her chance to ask more

"By the way, Aneki, I'm quite curious" Temari looked at Masashi as he handed her a piece of apple "in those guys a while ago, who is your boyfriend?"

Temari choked from his question and immediately his younger brother helped her out.

"Masashi, what's with that question?!" She agitatedly asked with tone of embarrassment, since once he asked that, their parents came in and also were surprised to his question

"I'm also curious to know" their mother giggled putting her things on the table "who on those five young men?"

"The guy with eyeglass" Tetsu answered leaning on the wall. He folded his arms and sighed "that cocky catcher of our team, Miyuki Kazuya"

"Ah, isn't he handsome? Dear, if you see him you'll be okay with him. He looks so gentle though for our Temari"

"Okay mom, stop" Temari pleaded her mom and sent a death glare to her brothers "first, Kazuya isn't my boyfriend. He is, uhm, a very close friend. Second, gentle? That guy?"

No wait, but, indeed he has some gentle sides. But he is a kind of person who has a nasty personality.

"Really? So those interactions, you are not yet in a relationship?"

"Nii-san, please stop. And I said no."

"Even though you two already kissed?"

Temari's body froze for a second as she slowly looked at her brother nervously "h-how did you know? I knew it you saw that time?!"

"I'm actually joking and expected you to deny that, but I guess I was right that there was something going on when we saw the two of you in his room" He answered and excused himself since he sensed the different ambiance of their parents. Masashi put down the knife, and also excused himself.

Their mother asked their father to also leave her with Temari, since she needed some explanation, on why they weren't going out and yet they already kissed, also what happened in Miyuki's room

Temari explained to her mother everything, including her reasons on why she still couldn't say yes to Miyuki. However, she did mention to her mom, how she really felt towards Miyuki

A week had passed and Temari got discharged from hospital. She also stayed in their house for two days, and finally had the permission from her parents to go to school. However, they had a discussion if Temari would stay in the dorm or not. In the end, Temari persuaded her parents to let her stay, with the helped of her grandparents in father side who visited them.

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now