Chapter 37 -Mutual Decision

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After the wedding ceremony, they did lots of picture taking. Everyone wanted to take a picture with Fuyune and Hee-chul. The photographers hired for the event took pictures of the married couple with their family first, before taking picture with maid of honor and best man, the bridesmaid and groomsmen, the ring bearer and the flower girl, and then all at once. Fuyune asked to take pictures with the Seido team and of course with her close friends from school. She also didn't let the chance to take a picture with just her, Temari, Maaya, and Taki. Most of all, she insisted to take a picture with Temari, and Maaya, while behind them stood her husband, Sanada and Miyuki.

They all teased them, and again Fuyune being the main person of the event, asked the photographer to take pictures of Sanada with Maaya, and Miyuki with Temari. They couldn't say no since it was Fuyune.

After the picture taking, they walked through the rose bridge towards the port. The celebration would take place im a cruise ship, but they needed to take the ferry first.


As they arrived on the private cruise ship of Lee family, Temari and the others headed to their designated room on Deck 12. There were total of 15 Decks, and the Seido team got all the rooms in Deck 12.

"Wait, a minute, so we will be staying here for the night?!" Sawamura asked in loud voice

"Yeah, this cruise will take us back to Seoul." Maaya answered "Our things are already in our room. You brought changes, right?"

They nodded as they all went to their rooms. They would just stay there to rest but they needed to go to the upper deck before dinner for the celebration.

"Your best friend is freaking rich" Miyuki sighed and threw himself on their bed. Again, Miyuki and Temari would stay on the same room "But she doesn't look like one"

"Yeah, she prefer being normal, but still reality" She answered and took off her high heels. Her feet looked so red since she didn't wear heels that mucb.

Miyuki saw her massaging her feet, and so he asked him to go beside him and he would do it. She shook her head, but Miyuki was persistent that in the end, he won. He massaged her feet until they were called to the upper deck.

~Past 8 in the evening~

The celebration continued and the sun already set. The upper deck was still loud since the relatives of Hee-chul and Fuyune were there having a pool party. Fuyune's close friends were on the grill bar one deck below, while Hee-chul's friends were on the grill bar located on Deck 8. The Seido team, consisting of baseball players, they headed to the other side of the upper deck where they could play baseball. Temari, Maaya, Taki, Fuyune and Sanada were on the pool side, chatting on each other.

Another hour had passed and Temari saw Kuramochi and the others heading their way. However, she noticed that Miyuki wasn't with them

"Did you guys have fun?" Fuyune curiously asked in which they answered 'yes' in unison. "Where's Miyuki?"

"He returned to their room" Nabe answered then shifted his eyes towards Temari "What happened to that guy? He is actually not in his usual self"

True, he is not. So Nabe also noticed it. I really wonder what happened to him. But, but I already have an idea on what is going on his mind. I am sure he knows about what John did to Nao-san.

"He is just stress because of his exams" Temari answered finishing the juice she was drinking. "Taking mechanical Engineering is hard. Further to that, he is graduating"

"You are right. It's his decision after all to take the same course as his dad and in that school where his parents graduated" Kuramochi added that made everyone looked at him in confusion "You didn't know?" They shook their head and even Temari

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