Chapter 16-Separate Way

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Temari stared at her luggage, blankly and in tears. Finally the day she would be leaving Japan came. Her friends couldn't go see her off, and she insisted her brothers not to go too, instead she told them to watch the finals. Addition to the fact that she would be leaving, she felt despair for what happened to her and Miyuki.

Are we going to part like this? But I'm afraid to talk to him

"Temari" she immeidiately wiped her tears and smiled once her mother came in to her room "Mother said that after sending your brothers to the stadium, we'll be heading to the airport. She'll meet you there"

"I see. She has a meeting again" Temari commented standing up and getting her bag pack "Are we leaving now?"

"We can't help it. She is the chairman of Japan's department of Education and a business woman. She is very busy. Because of her business meeting in America, you will be going with her. We will go visit you there before your surgery, so rest assure, okay?" Her mother approached her and got her luggage "Let's go, so you still have time to meet your friends that are going to watch the finals." She looked at Temari and teasingly smiled "Also, to Miyuki-kun"

But he thinks of me as an annoying person

She sighed and carried her bag pack. Once she got down, her brothers, and father were looking at her with stoic expression.

"Let's go to the stadium" Temari excitedly told them, and they just nodded.

Silence engulfed the siblings as they headed towards the stadium. Temari was just looking straight on the road. Her brothers were sitting beside her, both looking outside the window.

As they arrived in the stadium, their parents gave her an hour to stay. She nodded and got her paper bag on the car's trunk.

"I'll go find Maaya and the others" Temari left her brothers and went to different way. She went to where the Seidou stand.

The three immediately saw her and they ran towards her. "You are finally leaving" they said in low voice

"Temari-chan" Temari looked behind her and Rei was standing, smiling at her "Do you want to come with me?"


"I'll be going to the dugout"

"I'll go, ah wait" Temari handed three gifts to her friends and gave a tight hug to each of them "Thank you and I love you Maaya, Fuyune, Ono. I will miss you all. I'll go see you later before leaving" She smiled and left with Rei, leaving her friends crying.

As Rei went first to talk to Kataoka-sensei, Temari waited outside the door. Once Rei was done talking to them, she patted Temari's head and smiled

"You can go now, I'll go to the bench first. And I'll wish you all the best in your future"

"Thank you Rei-sensei" Temari said. She stayed quiet and just stood outside the door.

Should I go see him? I'm having a low-spirit now.

She peeked on the door, and saw no one behind the dugout. She sighed and just put the paper bag with her gift inside.

'To Miyuki Kazuya, winter is coming. Wear it always.'

After leaving her gift, she left and it was then Miyuki went behind the dugout. He breathed heavily and tried to calm himself. Kuramochi followed him. He confronted Miyuki about his injury, but instead of telling him to stop, he told him to crumble after they win instead.

Once Kuramochi left, Miyuki chuckled to himself and finally noticed the gift that was on the chair. He approached it and noticed his name that was on the card.

Caught in The Right Time (Miyuki Kazuya X OC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now