Chapter 21-Genuine Friends

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The exchanged students got their schedules and all of them had the same schedules. However, since Temari took Japanese classes before, the teacher gave an assesment exam for her to see her level in Japanese, and she immediately passed the exam. Akari didn't challenge it since she knew that she was still lacking in Kanji.

Temari had an option to put another class but she instead made it as her spare time. Since it was around lunch time, she reasoned that she wanted to have a long free time before her afternoon class. The truth was, she just wanted to have a free time for herself, away from the eyes of the exchange students who was with her in all of her class.

It's been two weeks since the exchange students arrived. They also joined club and as expected Temari joined the photography club. Francine and the others wanted her to join the baseball team, but she refused. Shuang also joined in photography club, Akira and Francine joined the Volleyball team, and the two guys joined the baseball team. They were also required to have a Japanese partner per week and help them practice speaking in English.

And it's been two weeks, Temari and Kazuya just passed by each other, without any contact, without saying anything, and as if they were strangers who didn't know each other.


"You six are always together, huh" Azumi approached them who were gathering near the ground field, looking at the pictures Shuang and Temari took "so you will be watching the practice game?"

"Practice game?" The four girls asked confusedly

"Eh, Robert and John you didn't tell them?" They looked at them but Robert pointed at John

"Well, he told me not to. We will be playing, but John was pissed because he is not the catcher" Robert explained

"It can't be helped, Kazuya is one of the best catcher in the history. Also, he is the captain. Just believe in his strategy. He is a stupid genius anyway" Azumi chuckled and crossed her arms "besides, today's team is also strong. Even though it is just a practice game, they have a member that has a stupid tension gut" she explained and she was pissed

Tension gut? I wonder how is Shunpei-kun? Ah, why did I remember that guy? Well probably because I heard gut?

Temari chuckled at the side that caught their attention.

"Ah sorry, I remembered someone who has an annoying gut. He is a pitcher"

"A guy?" John suspiciously asked

"Yes, a very close friend" she answered then looked at Azumi "what time is it?"

"Three hours from now, oh but the other team is on their way and they might come any minute" she answered but then they were all surprised when John grabbed Temari's arm and glared at her

"Don't watch the game!"

Temari snapped her hands away and glared back at him "you are in no position to tell me what to do. Don't ruin my mood, John!"

"John, even though you are her fiancé, you are not yet married. Don't suffocate her!" Azumi told him since she didn't like attitudes like that

"You don't know anything" John retorted but Shuang was the one who answered back

"You are the one who don't know anything. Temari know people before meeting you. She lived her life here in Japan before meeting you. It is no surprise if she will meet them here, so don't get ahead of yourself, you will be hated in the end"

"Okay stop" Francine sighed and stopped them "we will watch, end of argument, okay? You two will eventually get married so get along, okay?"

They remained silence from what happened. Everyone felt pissed from John's action, for them he was just simply jealous since Temari seemed famous among baseball members. But for John, there was a specific person he felt alarmed, and someone so ahead of him. Even though he realized that the two of them weren't talking to each other for the past two weeks, there was something inside of him that he felt so threaten in just one wrong move.

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