A Mate of Choice

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Allison's P.O.V

Walking down the road to my beat down apartment was treacherous. I wrapped my arms around my self to keep from freezing. With the worn out jacket that I had on, help me a lot.(note my sarcasm) Just as I thought things couldn't get worst, nothing comes to my satisfaction these days. Just as I'm about to turn the corner some jerk decides to ram into me.

"Dude watch where your going" I say aggravated.

The next thing I know I have a gun pointed in my face just my luck.

"Oh shit" I curse under my breath.

"Oh... Yeah sorry about that I didn't mean to...you know... bump into you. That was all complete my fault." I say frantic with wide eyes " and I'm sure that your not a jerk, I was just being ...stupid as usual."

As I'm babbling on about how of an ass I was, the guy was just looking at me confused as ever. I stopped talking and just looked at him as I started to wonder why he was confused. I started to think to my self 'I AM THE ONE AT GUN POINT. DUDE, WHY ARE YOU CONFUSED ,YOUR THE ONE WITH THE GUN POINTED AT SOMEONE'S FACE'.

As I came back to reality I realize the guy dropped the gun. I don't even know how long we were standing there, maybe an hour.

The guy looked at me and smiled. That's when I started to get creeped out A LOT. He step closer but I couldn't move ,I was glued to my spot.

Because of the dark I couldn't see his face, heck don't even know how I knew the gun was there. I just knew it was there ok. I closed my eyes and just hoped it was a dream, and that I would wake up in my "apartment" if that's what you could call it.

'Open your eyes stupid' I heard a vice in my head say.

'The f*ck' I thought to myself. Reluctant I opened my eyes anyway and the guy was gone. Gone as in never there. There was no tracks , no...

Wait why am I even questioning myself. Great that creep is gone. Still, how the f*ck do you just disappear into thin air... 'Magic?'. No I don't think so.

What's next fairies come and change my life from hell to something that's ... Not hell. I don't know and I couldn't care less. I'm not you typical girl that dreams about shit like ponies, unicorns, and freaking rainbows.

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