Time togther

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Allison's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with the biggest headache of my life. I didn't want to wake up, I just wanted to sleep. Then I heard a soft moan come from someone on the side of me. I sniffed the air and the bed. 'Oh my f*cking god'. I turned over as lightly as possible to come face to face with Levi. His face looked soft and sleepy like. All that faded away went I saw he had no shirt on and no f*cking pants. My heart beat started to pound against my rib cage. I sat up quickly with the sheet covering me. I looked around the room. There was pillow fluff everywhere, my dress was on the other side of the room.

"The f*ck happened last night." I said lowly.

Then the memories flooded my mind from last night. Then I thought about Jason. 'How he would never talk about me, never see me again.' I frowned 'I never even got to do with Jason what I got to do with Levi. Oh my god I'm a slut'. I heard a chuckle as I looked at Levi.


"Your funny." He said sleepily.

"And how am I funny."

"So many things running through your little head of yours. And your not a slut. It's just natural to do that with your mate." He sat up and let the sheet fall to his waist.

"What about Jason?"

"He. He will get his turn." He smirked. "I just got first dibs."

I frowned. "So this was a bet or something."

"Oh no no no. Jason and I had a talk."


"You. Me. Him. All of us." He said moving closer to me.

"So." I trailed off.

"So we did talked about you and being an Alphas mate. Since I'm your true Mate, we decided that the true mate should you know. And he has his own plans."

I raised an eyebrow. "Basically I'm a hooker."

"No your not. If you had just one mate, we would do this." He gestured to the whole room. "Every night."

I blushed and looked down tightening the sheet around me.

"Since you have two mates. We have to improvise." He said.

"Oh okay. I guess." I said still confused.

"Just don't worry about it." He said sliding his hands around my waist.

"Just to let you know I still think your a jerk." I laughed.

"To bad because, I'm your jerk now." He said in my ear.

I shivered and looked at him. "Turn around."

"Why?" He asked.

"I need to get a shirt or something." I said gesturing to his closet.

He laughed. "Allison, I seen all of you last night. Trust me."

I blushed even deeper. "Ugh".

"Fine. I'm going to the bathroom."

"Wait!" I stopped him.


"Do you have shorts on?"

He smirked. "Want to find out."

I rolled my eyes and I shifted to my panther and went into the closet. I shifted back got one of the longest shirts I could find. I stepped out the closet, to fine Levi in his boxers cleaning up.

He looked at me. "Do you need tea?"

I raised an eyebrow. "No? Why?"

He smiled. "Good thing these rooms are sound proof."

My eyes widened. "LEVI!"

"Hey, it was all you." He said picking up the rest if the fluffy stuff.

"Whatever. You were the one moaning and sh*t." I said under my breath while picking up my dress.

I looked up to find Levi holding my underwear smirking. "Who was the one moaning again?"

I walked up to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso. I leaned up to kiss him but I snatched the underwear and I moved back.

"Tease much!" He said.

"Yup." I moved towards the door. He grabbed me and kissed me anyways.

He pulled back. "Mine."

I winked at him and walked out the door up the steps to my door. "Well well well. Doesn't someone smell different."

I turned to see Austin standing at the end of the hall. "Austin, shut up."

"I'm just saying someone got some last night." Then he started to air hump.

I shook my head. "You are such a moron."

He smiled and walked down the stairs.

I turned to open my room door but stopped. I stepped over to Jason's door and opened it. He was laying face down with a garbage next to him.


I walked over to his bed and sat down. I started to rub his back. "Jason how are you feeling."

He moaned into the pillow. I kissed the spot on the back of his neck and he shivered. He turned over and looked at me.

"You smell like Levi...I don't like it." He half smirked.


"It's okay. Even though I rather you smell like me."

"What is it with you and Levi.
Can't you feel the pain or hurt whenever I kiss someone?"

"Not anymore both our wolves came to terms that we were both your mates and shouldn't be hurt by that."

"Okay. But anyway are you okay. You don't look so good."

"My stomach hurts." He moaned.

"Okay. Just lay here and sleep I will be back."

"Sure. But take a shower for about 2 hours. So you can get that Levi smell off if you." He laughed.

I kissed his forehead and walked out and went into my room. I took a shower and got dressed. I put on black leggings with white crosses on them, a white flow-ie shirt, and black toms.

I went over to Jason's room and peeked in,he had went back to sleep. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Tiffany was drinking a gallon of water and Austin was just laughing at her.

He looked over towards me and sniffed the air. "Smell still didnt come off Al."

Tiffany punched him in the arm. "Leave her alone stupid."

She walked over towards me and pulled me to the living room. Jess and Amber were sitting in there watching TV.

As soon as they seen me Amber and Jess yelled. "ALLISON HAD SEX WITH THE ALPHA!"

Like on cue Levi came walking down the stairs. He looked at the room and gave a head nod and headed towards the kitchen with Justin and Dave behind him.

As they disappeared in the kitchen the girls jumped on me.

"Allison, you know the deal spit it out!" Jess said lowly.

"What are you talking about?" I knew what they were talking about.

"Don't play stupid Al." Amber smirked.

"What do you want to know?"

"EVERYTHING!" They all said at once.

"OMG calm down okay so. It was.... great. Not even great ,fantastic, wonderful, breath taking." I said thinking about it.

"Hahaha. Ally has dirty thoughts." Jessica sang.

"And?" Jess said for me to continue.

"What do you mean an...... Ohhhh."

"And." Jess said again.

"Huge." I blushed.

We heard the back door open then close, but just ignored it.

They all started laughing.

"You know I'm done with this conversation. I have to bring Jason water. He's not feeling well." I said getting up.

"Allison Henderson are you a slut?" Jess laughed.

"No. It's hard to love two people."

"What do you mean by love." Tiff wiggled her eyebrows.

"It's complicated." I waved them off.

"No it's not. Because we all know Jason is next in line and your going to explain it to us. And your gonna compare." Amber smiled.

"Whatever. I'm a slut. I get two for the price of one."

We all started rolling on the floor laughing. Along with other laughter coming from somewhere but I didn't bother to single them out.

"Oh. My. God. That. Is. The. Funniest. Thing. I. Have. Ever. Heard." Jessica laughed out.

We calmed our laughing and there were just giggles now.

"So which one is which. Gotta give them names."

"That's easy. Levi's asshole and Jason's ass wipe." Tiffany laughed.

I heard laughs then remembered the guys were in the kitchen. They were probably watching TV or something.

"Awe you guys are mean." I said.

"Oh I have it. Levi's playboy and Jason's bunny." Jess said.

I heard the laughs a bit louder. I wonder what the guys are watching if its that funny.

"So if someone asked me where I was going and I said. "Oh I'm gonna go see playboy bunny" you don't think that would sound weird." I giggled.

I heard deep breathing and laughing even harder.

"No. But it would be cool to see their reactions." Amber laughed.

"Fine. How about Levi's playboy and Jason's lover boy." Jess finished.

"I like that one better." I smiled.

"Okay. Go see your lover boy and take care of him." They laughed.

I walked away and gave them the finger. I walked in the kitchen and Levi was eating chips. Justin was on the floor laying on his stomach. It looked as is he was laughing but crying at the same time. I looked at Austin who was leaning on the island looking up at the TV. I opened the fridge and took a bottle of water. I shut it and looked at them. I walked up behind Austin and poked him in his side. He jumped and looked at me.

His eyes were red and and his lips were turned into a smile. "Yeah."

"What's wrong with all of you."

He turned his lips back in holding back a laugh. "Nothing."

I walked over to Justin. "Dude whats wrong with you."

He started to laugh so hard I couldn't help but giggle. Then Austin started laughing.

"Oh my god. I can't.I can't with you guys." Austin said walking out the back door.

I looked down at Justin who was breathing heavily and laughing holding his stomach. I looked at Levi who put his face in the chip bag I could tell he was laughing. I walked over to him and pulled the bag away. He was crying from laughing.

"Mmmm. You guys are freaks." I walked away and went up stairs.

I walked in Jason's room to find Britney sitting next to him. "What the f*ck are you doing in here.

"Nothing. Just checking up on him." He smiled.

"Step. Away." I growled.

Jason turned over and rubbed his eyes. He looked up and saw Britney.

Then he scrunched his eyebrows together. "What are you doing."

She smiled and walked out. I walked over to him and sat down. Here's your water.

He took it. "Thanks."

"Are you okay." I asked.

"Now that your here." He smiled. Then the smile went away and turned I to a frown. "Allison. I'm sorry about what happened befo--" I put my finger in his mouth.

"It's okay. It's the past."

"Thank you." He said.

The door of his room swung opened and in stepped his mom. She looked at me and smiled she looked at Jason and frowned.

"Allison, you go to town with your friends. I will take care of Jason." She said walking over to the bed.

"Alright." I kissed his forehead. "I will be back."

"I'm waiting." He smiled.

•Levi's P.O.V

"Dude,that's not even possible." Justin complained.

"No, your just a moron and suck at Xbox. It is so possible to get a gold gun." Dave growled.

"Oh, I suck at Xbox. You use cheat codes!" Justin pointed out.

"How about both of you shut up." I laughed.

"Fine new topic. Lets talk about how Levi got some last night." Justin smirked.

"Go back to arguing." I waved off.

"ALLISON HAD SEX WITH THE ALPHA!" I heard a group of girls yell.

I turned the corner of the stairs on my way down and saw Allison and her friends sitting in a circle in the living room. I gave them a head nod and continued towards the kitchen. Austin was sitting in there eating a bag if chips watching the TV in the kitchen.

He turned towards us and smirked. "Sup dude."

"Hey." I grabbed the chips from him.

"Someone got some last night." He high fived me.

Then we heard tumbling on the floor and we ran to see what it was. We stopped in the door way when we seen the girls jump on Allison. We stepped back so they couldn't see us and we listened in on their conversation.

Allison, you know the deal spit it out!" I think Jessica said.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Don't play stupid Al." I believe Amber said.

"What do you want to know?" Allison spoke up.

"EVERYTHING!" They all said at once.

"OMG calm down okay so. It was.... great. Not even great ,fantastic, wonderful, breath taking." She said.

I smiled to myself and Dave patted my back.

'Dude you so got her' Dave linked
'Shut up'

Then I listened back to what they were saying.

"Hahaha. Ally has dirty thoughts." Jessica sang.

"And?" Jess said for her to continue.

"What do you mean an...... Ohhhh."

"And." Jess said again.

"Huge." She blushed.

Justin turned and walked away shaking his head. Austin walked back to the counter and flipped me off grabbing the bag of chip and eating them harshly.

"Oh god." Dave said and walked over to Austin.

"Girls and all there sh*t. Talking about guys d*cks and everything." Austin mumbled out.

I laughed lowly and turned my attention back towards the conversation.

I heard all of them start laughing.

"You know I'm done with this conversation. I have to bring Jason water. He's not feeling well." Allison said.

"Allison Henderson are you a slut?" Jessica laughed.

"No. It's hard to love two people."

"What do you mean by love." Tiffany giggled.

"It's complicated." I heard Allison say.

"No it's not. Because we all know Jason is next in line and your going to explain it to us. And your gonna compare." Amber said.

"Whatever. I'm a slut. I get two for the price of one."

They all started rolling on the floor laughing.

I saw Austin cup his hand over his mouth and start choking out laughs. Justin's face started to turn red and he turned his lips in. Dave had his fist over his mouth.

"Oh. My. God. That. Is. The. Funniest. Thing. I. Have. Ever. Heard." Jessica laughed.

"Shhh." I said to the guys.

"So which one is which. Gotta give them names." Jessica said.

"That's easy. Levi's asshole and Jason's ass wipe." Tiffany laughed.

I growled low to myself. Dave had to actually leave out the back door because he was laughing. Austin and Justin were basically crying now. Justin on the ground crying laughing and Austin had his head on the counter laughing is ass off.

"Awe you guys are mean." Allison said.

"Oh I have it. Levi's playboy and Jason bunny." Jess said.

This made Austin and Justin laughed even harder.

"Oh my god dude. I'm about to pee my pants." Austin laughed I could hardly under stand him.

"Shut up." I said to him.then I turned back and listened.

"So if someone asked me where I was going and I said. "Oh I'm gonna go see playboy bunny" you don't think that would sound weird." Allison giggled.

"Austin if you don't shut up I'm gonna kick your ass." I said to him. He just laughed harder. Justin was laying on his back on the floor laughing so hard I don't think he could breath. I went back to there conversation.

"No. But it would be cool to see their reactions." Amber laughed.

"Fine. How about Levi's playboy and Jason's lover boy." Jess finished.

"Why do I have to be playboy." I whispered yelled.

"Playboy bunny." Was all Austin got out from laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"I like that one better." Allison said.

"Okay. Go see your lover boy and take care of him." They laughed.

I heard her start to walk to the kitchen I ran and jumped over Justin who was still laughing. I grabbed the bag of chips and leaned against the counter looking up at the TV. Austin moved to the island and looked up at the TV. Justin just turned over so he was laying on his stomach. I saw her in the corner of my eye look around at us. She opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. She looked at Austin and walked over to him.

"Yeah." He said.

"What's wrong with all of you." Allison looked at his eyes.

"Nothing." He laughed.

I started to chuckle so I stuffed chips in my mouth.

She walked over to Justin. "Dude whats wrong with you."

He started to laugh so hard she couldn't help but giggle. Then Austin started laughing. Then I started laughing an I put my face in the bag.

"Oh my god. I can't I can't with you guys." I heard Austin say. Then walked out the back door.

I heard Justin who was breathing heavily and laughing. I heard her foot steps start towards me. I was crying laughing from laughing at Austin,Justin, and Dave. She pulled the chip bag away from my face and looked at me. I looked at her and turned my lips in. Trying not laugh.

"Mmmm. You guys are freaks." Walked away and disappeared up the stairs.

I slid down to the floor laughing. Then I heard people walk into the kitchen. Jessica,Amber, and Tiffany were standing in the doorway looking at us. Austin came back inside but his face still red from laughing.

"I don't know what is wrong with you people." Tiffany said.

"Jess. Allison and I are going to town, wanna come." Tiffany said.

I wiped my eyes and stood up. "I'm coming with you."

She looked at me. "No, your not playboy."

I smirked. "Yeah that's not gonna work. I'm coming anyway."

"I'm coming to." Austin piped in.

"Fine fine fine. We are all going to town do you want to come?" Tiffany rolled her eyes.

I heard her mumble something about Alpha and a F.B.I agent kicking his ass. I had a feeling she was talking about me.


Allison's P.O.V

"Can we go to Starbucks." Jess asked.

"Umm. Of course." I said dramatically.

Jessica,Tiffany, Amber, Austin, Justin, Dave, and Levi and I had all went to town. I don't know who even invited the boys. We walked into Starbucks, and there were kids from school there. I looked around and seen that boy Tyler. 'I'm a jerk OMG I was suppose to show him around town and school.'

I turned to Tiffany. "Get me whatever your getting. As long as its coffee."

She nodded and I went over to Tyler. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Tyler. I am soo sorry that I wasn't in school to show you around. I had family issues. I'm sorry. And the fact I was suppose to show you around town." I rushed out.

He looked down and smiled then back up to me. "It's okay. I'm just happy you remember my name."

"Bet you don't know my name."

"Alice." He raised and eyebrow.

"Ohh your so close."


I smiled. "Yeah. Since its Sunday. And I kinda forgot to show you around.... want to hang out today."

He looked behind me and I turned to see the Justin and Austin hitting on the girl behind the counter.

I turned and looked at Tyler. "You don't have to come you know."

"Are you sure it's ok to come."

"There're not going to do anything." I laughed.

"Ok, if you say so." He shrugged.

'This is a terrible idea' my wolf said
'Something doesn't feel right about him. Like there's something off.'
'Calm down everything will be fine' I reassured her.
'Ok. If you say so. Just watch our Alpha and our friends backs.'
'Okay your creeping me out now'
'That's the point just listen to me and keep and eye on him.'



Sorry I haven't updated so.... Sorry.

School started soooooo... Yeah ik sucks but anyways if your still reading and still with me 💋I LOVE YOUUUUUU💋


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