Blurred Lines

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Allison's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly and closed them again. It was Friday and since I started school yesturday I could sleep all I want on the weekend. I turned over and put my face into my pillow. My hand wandered on the side of the bed searching for my phone. Once I found it I looked at it. It said 6:25. I moaned and turned over. Finally something to my satisfaction there was a bed and yes I didn't fall off my bed for once. Since at the old apartment I had a twin but now I have a queen.

I rolled until I felt the side of the bed and swung my legs over. I stretched my arms and yawned. Rubbing my face I got up and walked over to MY bathroom.

"Ha guess I don't have to run back in forth in the hallway anymore" I said to myself.

I looked in the mirror and came face to face with Frankensteins mother.

"Ugh I look horrible" I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out. I went down in the kitchen and started to make coffee for when mom wakes up. I walked back up the stairs and went in my room and opened the balcony doors. I stepped out and let the morning air hit my face. I stepped out onto it and took a seat in the chair. I went on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter but there was nothing interesting going on. I looked at the clock and it was 7:12. I jumped on the shower and got dressed. When I got out I looked at my phone to see what the weather was. It was going to be warmer the yesturday so I went along with black shorts, a silver sweater, and my black high top converse. I did my normal light makeup routine and decided that I would just leave my hair up in a messy bun. I walked down the stairs and saw mom making breakfast.

"Hey mom" I said giving her a cheery smile.

"Hey sweetie" she said keeping her attention on the eggs.

When she was done she sat them in front of me and told me she would be back I just gave a quick nod. Then I got a text message.

Justin: Heeeeeey Allison

Me: hey wat do u want

Justin: rude much and nothing I was wondering if you were going to school

Me: yeah and is ur face okay

Justin: Jason told you

Me: yup

Justin: u will c wen u get to school

Me: okay I will be there ttyl

Justin: k bye

I was done with my food and had to be at school in 20 min. I walked out the kitchen and went outside to see mom talking to someone.

I walked over to her and said "mom I have to go".

She turned to me and smiled" hold on honey".

She finished her conversation with the guys and waved him off. She looked at me and pointed to the garage. I walked over to it and mom typed in a code that was 12/31/14. When it opened it had a cover over the car.

"Well pull it off Ally" she said gesturing to the cover.

I walked over and pulled it off it was the NEW Jaguar F-Type and it was black. I looked at mom and she smiled wide and said "happy early birthday".

"AHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU MOM I LOVE YOU OMG" I screamed and hugged her.

She handed me the keys and I got in. I turned it on and it roared to life. I pulled out the drive way and headed off to school. Since I didn't know how to get there I put on the GPS.


I was at a red light when a black Toyota Camry pulled up on the side of me. Since my windows were rolled up and were tinted they couldn't see me. I looked and saw Jason. I saw that he was checking out my car. I rolled down the window and the look on his face was priceless.

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