Attack dog

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Allison's P.O.V

I showed my top front teeth and growled. Levi did the same. He was about 2 inches taller than me though.

"Babe it's okay calm down" I heard Jason say from besides me.

I raised my head not bowing down to submission to Levi. He didn't make me a part if his pack yet and I was still a lone wolf or rouge or whatever you call it. Levi growled viciously at me and I did the same back. He took a step forward and so did I.

"Babe back down now please" Jason voice flooded my ears.

Levi was an inch from my noise and started to growl. He was about to launch himself at me when a darker brown wolf broke us apart then I realized it was Jason. It looked like Jason and Levi were having a mental conversation. I turned my head to see b*tchy Britney smirking. I ran past Levi and almost caught the b*tch by her hair but I missed. She turned into her wolf and ran out the back door. I darted out the kitchen and chased after her. I jumped over logs and boulders. I chased her through some brush and then came to a stop. She was standing there with a wolf pack behind her. 'Ugh f*ck me' I mentally said. The big black wolf stood out of all of them and walked forward. I crouched down and snarled my teeth. Jason came trotting out from behind him and stopped in front of me. He touched his nose to mine and I calmed down. I stood up and shook myself. Jason nudged me to turn around. I turned around ran I ran as fast as I could through the woods. I never did once look back.

Jason's P.O.V

I was still in my wolf form when I nudged Allison. I nudged her to run to the pack house not run the f*ck away. I chased after her. I ran and ran until I couldn't see her winter white fur anymore or couldn't find her scent. I ran back to the pack house.

'You b*tch you did that on purpose' I said through the pack link to Britney.

'No Jason she di' I cut her off.


She put her head down in submission and ran off. Where I didn't give a f*ck as long as she was away from me. I turned to see Austin and Justin standing in the wolf forms sniffing the air.

'Where going to look for her weather you like it or not' I heard Austin say I'm guessing to Levi who was standing next to me. Austin and Justin ran in the woods the fastes I ever seen the run.

'Jason im' Levi started but I cut him off.

'If you say your sorry save your breath I don't care right now. I'm sorry Alpha but I have to find my mate' then I darted off towards the woods.

Austin's P.O.V

'Justin you got anything' I asked through the link.
'I have something but its faint, run faster' he said.
'Over here I smell something'I said darting to the left.

We were on the boarder line of our territory and I'm really hoping she didn't cross over it. I sniffed the air and her scent got stronger. Justin and I came upon a river. I looked up and down the river until I seen white fur move. I ran over towards it and it surely was her. I couldn't freaking talk to her because Levi didn't accept her into the pack yet. I changed back to my human form and put on the basketball shorts I tied to my ankle.

I walked over towards Allison" Allison are you okay".

Her head snapped up quickly and ran towards me.

"whoa wait Al" I warned but she already tackled me to the ground.

She was on top of me licking my face I pushed her off and got up.

"I'm glad to see you to Allison."I said patting her head.

She wagged her tail and sat down.

"Do you know how to change back to your human form" I asked her.

She shook her head no.

"Do you want to change back" I asked again.

She shook her head no again.

"Hahaha alright follow us." I said motioning her to follow.

She looked at Justin and she got a Wolfy grin and darted towards him. Justin's eyes went wide and ran the other direction towards the pack house. I turned back into my wolf and ran after them.

Allison's P.O.V

I was having fun. I chase Justin into the pack house yard. When I finally caught up with him I jumped on his back and we went tumbling into a tree. Justin got up and jumped back on my and snapped at my neck. I pushed him off with my hind legs and stood on all fours in defense mode. I fell to the ground because some moron decides to jump on my back. I flip Austin off my back and he lands with a thud on the ground. Austin and Justin start to circle me and I was looking back and forth at each one. 'This isn't fair they can mind link each other' I thought to myself. Just then the launched themselves at me and I ducked and rolled while they collided with each other. I barked with laughter. I sniffed the air and smelled Jason near by. I ran in the other side if the house while Justin and Austin were still playing. Jason came out the woods lining and I ran as fast as I could towards him. I tackled him and he barked. I got up and ran back towards the two morons. Jason ran over to me and jumped on me. He had both paws on either side of my head and was standing straight over me. He leaned his head down and rubbed his nose on mine. I pushed him off with my hind legs I saw him trot into the woods and came back with a shirt in his mouth he dropped it in front of me. Then Austin came over and told me think of something that makes me, me.

Jason stood in front of me and I thought about my sarcasticness and my conversations with my wolf. Then I turned back into my human form and I was was, was nake it. I grabbed the shirt and put it on quickly along with someone's boxers that where probably Jason's and a bra that actually fit me. I jumped on Jason's back like he was a horse and he started to walk. I grabbed his fur on the back of his neck so I wouldn't fall off. He stopped and I jumped down. I looked into his eyes. Oh how I love his forest green eyes and those specs of gold. He sat down while I stood. He was sitting on his butt mind you and he was looking me in the face. I played with his ears and patted his head. He rolled over on his back and looked at me.

"You really want me to rub your stomach" I looked at him.

He nodded his big head. I knelt down and started to rub his stomach. I stopped and he whined.

"I'm want to kiss my boyfriend not a huge dog"I laughed.

He growled.

"Jason's wolf, I love you too probably more than Jason and so does my wolf. But can I please talk to my Jason maybe later you might get a treat from my wolf." I said with my hands holding his face.

He started to wag his tail greatly and then trotted over behind a tree then came back a shirtless Jason with basketball shorts on.

He walked over to me and kissed me. This kiss had longing and passion. We broke apart for air.

"Allison never, and I mean never running away like that again"he said holding me.

"I won't" I said hugging him back.

"Didn't I tell you my fur was softer than Austin's" he smirked.

"If you say so"I laughed.

"And what do you mean you love my wolf more than me"he frowned.

I just smiled at him then he said "thanks because you just made his ego bigger than mine".

I laughed and pecked his lips.

As we started towards the house Levi was walking down the stairs. He came over to us stopped us.

"Levi I don't hav" he cut me off.

"I Levi Michels accept you Allison Nicole Henderson into the dark moon pack. All you are to be is loyal to your pack and your Alpha. There is to be no backstabbing,betraying,or disrespect to the pack or the Alpha. You are to leave your rouge ways and become part of a loyal family. Do you Allison Nicole Henderson accept my offer?" Levi said in his Alpha tone.

They looked at me expectantly.
'Should I join or should I not. But I will be able to talk to Jason, Justin,Austin,Tiff,Amber,and Jess.'I thought to myself.
'Of course you say yes' my wolf said.

I looked back at them and they were staring back at me.

"Levi you have pretty eyes" I said looking at him eyes.

"Umm...thanks" he smiled and looked confused.

"Before I answer I need to say something. Levi you are a total jerk at times and I hate your guts at times and sometimes your a huge d*ck and need to go die in a whole. Okay and now I accept your offer." I smiled.

He was about to yell at me but I stopped him "you can't yell at me because I said that as a rouge and now I'm not".

"Ugh Allison welcome to the Dark Moon pack" he said walking away.

I heard a whole bunch of voices fill my head then they went away. I watched as Levi walked away.

'You know it's rude to stare at your Alpha'I heard Jason's voice flood my mind.

I started to walk towards the front if the house.

'You know you shouldn't look at my ass like that' I said through the link.
'I can because I'm your boyfriend' he said back.

'Ugh why does he turn me on like this' I thought to myself.
'Babe'Jason said through the link
'Huh'I said back
'I heard that' he laughed mentally

I turned around and looked at him. He was holding back a laugh he so wanted to let out. I glared him. I blocked him out like my wolf does me or I do her.

'Guess who'a voice said.
'Who are you and why are you in my head' I snapped back.
'Don't talk to your Alpha like that' Levi said
'Ugh Levi'I groaned.
'Don't worry I'm just making sure the pack link worked' he said.
'Oh okay' I said back and blocked him out.

I looked up and Jason was looking at me.
"Levi" he said.
I nodded and we got into the his car and he drove me home.


We got to my house and he walked me to my front door.

I turned to him and I wrapped my arms around his torso while he sat his hands on my waist.

He bent down the kiss me but he stopped then whisper "your mom is on the window".

"Jason does it look like I care" I said getting closer to his lips.

"No"he smirked.

"Okay than, now kiss me" I said pulling his head down.

"Good night babe" he said against the kiss.

"Uh huh" was all I did.

We broke apart and I pecked him on the lips once more before going inside.




Her wolf is white... Cool.

She got accepted in the pack YAY !

Now she can talk to them and read there minds .... Kinda l.o.l

Hope you like this chapter


Anyways like I always say







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