Touch my sister and I will bitch slap you

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This chapter go's out to the people that always comment, and vote! you know who you are I was going to dedicate this one to you guys but there were a lot of names and knowing me by now I'm lazy but I'm gonna just do it anyways because I LOVE YOU, YOU CRAZY PANDAS this goes to the follow people

•smk_violet also that comment you left me made my day and made me smile 😁





I love you SMEXY people for always voting and commenting and all that!!!

If I missed you, I still see your comments and votes and I love them. 💋🎀


okay now to the story


Allison's P.O.V

"I don't exactly know what to pack? Like do I pack a weeks worth of clothes or months worths?" I said throwing the clothes into my suitcase.

"2 months worth." a voice said walking past my door.

I went over to my door to find Dylan leaning next to my doorway. I raised an eyebrow. "Do you stalk me?"

He smirked. "Your my sister what do you expect."

I rolled my eyes and walked back in my room. "My bro is a creep."

He laughed and walked in my room. "Can we hurry this process up."

I looked at him and he looked at me. "Then you do it, if you want me hurry up."

"Fine, éadaí phacáil ar feadh dhá mhí néata agus slachtmhar." He said then automatically my clothes were packed away in my suitcase nice and neat.

I turned towards Dylan. "How the fuck?"

He shrugged. "Your not the only weird one in our family."

I squinted at him then looked at my phone, then back to him. "What were you doing at that party anyway?"

He was about to say something but his eyes went wide. Then a loud howl broke threw the air. It was a warning howl to say they were coming. To say we were under attack.

Dylan quickly shot up from my bed and out the door. Just as quickly Jason darted out his room and down the hall. I ran out and down the steps to outside. I saw the pack warriors shift and speed into the woods. Levi and Dylan were nowhere to be found. It was dark already and my mate was out there. I was about to sprint into the woods but was caught by the waist. I spun around to see Jason.

"Your not leaving Allison." I could here the command in his voice and I didn't like that.

"My mate and Alpha are out there plus my brother who I just met Jason. Your not going to stop me this time, mate or not."

He looked hurt by my words but then it dawned on me what I just said. I put my hand over my mouth quickly in shock. "Jason I didn't mean that."

He looked down them to the woods. "we can talk about this later, we need to help Levi."

I smiled and we darted into the dark woods. I'm mid run I shifted into my wolf, shredding clothes and all not caring. I could see way better in my wolf state then human. I jumped over trees and brush. I hit the ground hard with my paws as hard as I could push myself. I started to run faster when I started to hear snarls and growls. I slowed to a steadily pace when I seen which I assumed was Dylan a large wolf, larger than Levi. Dylan had a blue glow coming from him. Almost like a boarder was going up and spreading I front of them. I saw the wolves try running through it but only to be ramming into it. It looked like it hurt, which I assumed it did. Jason walked up next to me looking up at the blue like wall that was now over head.

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