It's never Good bye

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Sorry for the delay I had to make sure the second one was ready to be out for you guys!!! I love you very much my pandas.


buts it's not the end of the world read the second one.

I love you guys I have been waiting for this chapter for a while. So here it is.

💋🎀I LOVE YOU!!!🎀💋



"Jason calm down, its only for a year baby." I said watching him pace the room of the hotel.

He stopped and looked at me, then whined. "A year is a long time. 135 days without you, without sex, without seeing you. That's just going to drive me crazy." he continued to walk back and forth. I looked over at Levi who was looking out the window. I called over to him. "Levi, babe are you okay?"

He turned around just to see not his normal blue but a dark mysterious blue color. "Do I look okay to you?"

"No, but your eye color just turned me in though."

He smirked and turned back around. "I still can't believe your leaving us."

I hopped off the bed and started walking towards the kitchen part of the room. "You guys are over reacting. I thought I was the girl in this relationship?"

As I closed the refrigerator I saw pushed onto the corner of the counter top. I looked to see Jason starring at me intensely with his eyes a swimming with forest green and gold. He pulled me towards him into which I was forced to wrap my legs around him.

"I'm not over reacting. You still are the girl in this situation." He whispered in my ear.

I put my hands on his stomach but he pulled his shirt up to which he made me feel his abs. "your just gonna leave all this."

I swallowed the drool that started to accumulate in my mouth. He pushed his self closer to me and kissed me. "Allison please don't leave me."

I outlined his abs with my fingers. "I don't want to but I have to."

He put his forehead to mine and kissed me longer this time. "I don't know what to say, then."

I smiled and looked at him. "I know that I sir, like your body."

He moved back from me and left me sitting in the counter. He stood a few feet away from me and looked at me smirking then took his shirt off. "Only people that stay with me gets this."

I jumped down and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yes, but people that are my bitch I can have anytime I want."

He growled at me. "Did you call me your bitch?"

I bit my lip. "Maybe?"

He raised a brow and smiled. "Are you sure about that?"

I stuck my tongue at him and turned around. Just to be pressed back into the corner. "Jason, I'm gonna kick you."

He kissed my neck and purred. "You smell nice."

"Jason not now, I have to pack."

He put his arms around me and started to pull me backwards with him. "No packing is gonna go on in this room tonight...but you know what is."

"Don't." I said grabbing his hands.

"Baby, grined with meeee." he started to sing.

I started laughing and he picked me up. He walked over to the bed and sat me down on his lap. I looked around the room to see Levi but found nothing.

"Where's Alpha boy?"

"Don't worry about him, he will be back." Jason purred against my neck.

I looked at him. "than what are we doing right now than?"

"I have an idea....but you might not, ou it."!

"Tell me why u think your idea involves you getting in my pants." I looked at him.

He looked away to the window. "Maybe because it does."

I pushed him to where he was laying on his back. "Your a perv, just to let you know and, what about your neck?"

He held my waist. "I know, it's just how the human mind works. And what do you mean what about my neck, my neck will be fine as soon as you kiss and touch it."

"That's bullshit because that's how your mind works and I'm sure kissing and touching wouldn't work." I laughed.

He leaned up and pecked me on the lips. "Allison, on a real note....I really don't want you to go. But if it makes you happy I'm happy too. You have no idea what you do to me when your not around. Before I found you, even when before we started dating. I Jason Carter was a player. I had every girl in school, and swore to myself that I will not settle down for anyone until I feel as though it's the right time. But the day I saw you changed everything. I saw that you weren't one of those sluts, or the ones that's are attention whores. You we're different...something about you just made me feel like you were the one. Besides being your mate,beloved, what ever. You just don't give fucks or anything. Allison your my world now, and nothing can change that. You Allison Henderson has stolen a heart that I never even knew was there....I love you. I really do love you Allison." he finished off.

I didn't realize I was crying until Jason reached up and wiped my tears away, and kissed my forehead. I looked him in the eyes. "I love you too, Jase."

I kissed his lips and ran my tongue across his bottom lip. He tasted like chocolate. I pulled back and he flipped us over to wear I was on the bottom. He looked down at me and smiled. "is this you asking for it?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Shut up." I kissed him and he ran his hands up and down my sides slowly. I put my hands on his stomach and ran them up to his chest. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and looked at me asking for permission. I kissed him and soon felt my shirt being lifted above my head. He put both arms on the side of my head and held himself up on his forearms, hovering over me he looked down. "I love you so much."

He went to my neck and peppered kisses around it. Sucking and biting. I moaned softly and he held my waist down. He trailed kisses from my neck down to my chest down the middle of my stomach to the waist of my jeans. He came back up to my mouth and kissed me. I took his shirt and tossed it somewhere, where I didn't care. In one hand he had my hair pulling back kissing my neck, whilst the other one went down to my jeans. At some point in time I took his jeans off, I don't even know when I did it though. The only thing between me and him was my bra and panties and his boxers. I could feel the bulge in his boxers when he grinded against my core. I moaned softly and he did it again. The fire between us was building and the fire in my stomach was aching. When we were down to nothing on he came close to my ear. "Your beautiful."

I whimpered when he entered me. "I know baby, it will feel better soon." He didn't lie, soon the pain went away and the pleasure washed over me,and I wanted more. He did it faster and harder. I cried out to where my throat hurt. This went on for about 2 hours. We rolled over just to hit the floor with a thud. I looked down at him and started laughing. He joined me in on the laughter.

"Well, that was interesting." I giggled out.

He brushed some hair out of my face. "You don't say."

I Went to kiss him but heard the door being opened. I paused and stayed in my spot.

"Allison!" I heard the voice yell.

Then it hit me that's fucking Dylan's voice. I looked at Jason and his eyes were big as shit.

"Allison, in 40 minutes we have to be somewhere. I know your ass is in here." he called out again.

Now, what would you do if your brother walked in on you after having sex with your boyfriend. Do I just grab the sheet and run to the closet? Does Jason say he's fixing the bed because Levi and I broke it when Levi tackled tickled me? I'm trying to prevent Jason's face being busted in by my brother.

"Allison, if I have to come look for you I'm gonna...." he stopped talking and I heard him sniff the air.

'I think we're fucked.' Jason said though the link.

'You don't say captain obvious.' I said looking at him.

'Knowing you have a plan?' he asked.

'Yeah...Okay you just stand up and say I just fucked your sister while I grab the sheet and run to him and say 'I've been raped' while crying.'

He looked at me and I wish I had a camera for it. 'Allison, what kind of fucking shit is that!? Do you want me to get my head ripped the fuck off by your brother....because I don't I need my head. Even though I don't use it very often....i still need it.'

"Allison....please tell me I did not....and I mean did not just walk in on you doing it with one of them."

Yup we are so fucked.

"Hold on Dyl, I'm trying do my hair." I called back to him.

"On the other side of the bed? With the lights off?" he questioned.

"I'm a girl....your a don't know anything about how girls get ready for events like this." I said.

"Your right about that....but what about Jason's scent in here?"

"What are you CSI?" I questioned.

"No, I'm your brother now answer the question."

"Ugh, it's his room too you know so his scents going to be in here. His scents really strong because heeee.....did what ever boys do when there alone or something like that."

"Ohhhh ok.....well I'm down stairs in the lobby waiting for you. And tell Levi and Jason where ever they are to hurry up. And if anybody else is in here which I do know....that there dead." he said then I heard the room door close behind him.

Jason and I sat up quickly and looked to the door to make sure he was completely gone. Jason got up and helped me up. "You get in the shower and I get in after you, because if we are in the same shower together we're gonna be..." he looked at the clock. "another 2 hours.

"But wouldn't that take longer."

He groaned and kissed my head and ran to the shower. I grabbed the sheet and ran to the closet. I grabbed my black pumps with the mini spikes in the back of them, light hot pink dress with lace on the back. It came just above my knee. Also my black clutch, and a beige belt.

I ran back out and to the bathroom while Jason was still in there. I grabbed
My tooth brush and started brushing my teeth as quickly as possible. I took all my makeup out and turned my flat iron on so it will be hot when I get out. I plugged in my blow dryer and sat it next to the flat iron. I felt Jason kiss my neck but went straight to the room. I jumped in the shower and took the quickest one I could possible do. I wrapped the towel around me and started to blow dry my hair. It's took longer than usual but I got it dry. I looked in the mirror and my hair looked a mess. I ran back out and grabbed the lotion from Jason.

"Jason do you know where we are going?" I said rubbing lotion on my leg.

He was buttoning his black shirt the stopped at his elbows with not to tight and not to baggy jeans. "It's a surprise so....I can't tell you."

I frowned. "Not fair."

"How do I look?" he said standing back.

"Like a princess." I smiled.

"Hardy har har."

I put my under garments on with my dress and everything. "Jase zip me up."

He walked over. "I rather zip you down, but sure."

He zipped me up and I ran to the bathroom. I flat ironed my hair and curled the bottom. I put my makeup on with light pink lipstick. I ran back out the bathroom and found Jason laying on the bed. "20 minutes to go."

I grabbed my clutch and threw my phone in it. "You have your phone?"

"Always." he said getting up.

I grabbed my shoes and headed for the door. "come Carter come."

I got to the elevator with Jason following behind. The doors closed and the elevator started to move. I grabbed Jason shoulder while I put my heels on. We got to the bottom with out any trouble of freaks of nature trying to
Kill us. we stepped out the elevator and saw Levi and Dylan standing there. Dylan turned around and looked at me. "I thought you were up there by yourself?"

My eyes widened forgetting the lie I told. "I was, what are you talking about?"

He gestured toward Jason who inched closer to the door. "It's not like I can't see Jason standing here. what did he do? Grow wings and fly to your room and got dressed."

I nodded. "Because that's exactly what happened."

Allison you idiot, like he's gonna believe your boyfriend grew wings and flew to the window asking for entree. First I would just freak the fuck out like....whoa Jason has wings like what the fuck I want wings too. But really wings?!

Levi walked away and was laughing. Jason shook his head and Dylan did the same thing. "That was one of the most bull shit ass lies I have ever heard. Just...just go get in the car."

I hung my head low in shame and got in the car. I sat between Jason and Levi. "where are we going anyway?"

"It's a surprise." Levi smiled at me.

I squinted at him. "Fine, I will just find out from Tiff."

I looked over at her and smiled. "Where are we going of fair one?"

"Allison I love you but I was sworn not to tell."

I gave her my puppy face and she buried her head in Austin's shoulder. "Ugh fuck you Tiff."

About a hour later of plotting on how to push Austin out the car for calling me a hoe for stealing Levi and Jason who are apparently his bitches, we finally arrived at the place. It was a small restaurant.

"What is this place?" I said getting out grabbing Levi's hand.

"This is my way of saying good bye to you. Well never good bye know..see you later."

I held Levi's hand and Jason talked to Austin about something. As we entered the restaurant people bowed there heads to Dylan and Levi. Me not so much, I guess they don't know that the O'Connor long lost daughter had been found. We reached the back of the restaurant and Levi stopped me.

"Put this on." he held out a blind fold.

I put it on and I was completely blind. "You better not rape me."

"Babe, I'm not that kind of guy, Plus I'm your boyfriend and would never do anything like that to hurt to you."

I felt him put his hands on my waist and guide me wherever we were going. As I moved along the floor because unsteady and rocking kind of. Levi sat me down and untied the blind fold.

I blinked a few times until everything came back clearer. we were on a boat that had lights hanging from the ceiling an music playing. It was dim in the room but was just the right amount of lights.

I turned and looked at Levi. "did you plan all this?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Not a big deal. I would do anything to make you happy."

I smiled and kissed him on the lips. I pulled away and Jason sat next to me. "Your gift from me is after Levi's."

We ordered our food, we talked, we laughed, and ate. After dinner Tiffany fell asleep in Austin's arms sitting on his lap.

Levi stood up and held his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

I took my small hand in his large one and stood me up. We made our way to the open area and he pulled me to him. He held my waist and I put my hands up around his neck.

"So you like it?" he said putting his lips in holding his breath.

I kissed his chin. "Of course Levi, but I don't like it. I love it. I couldn't ask anything more perfect at the moment than right now."

"I wouldn't say that just yet though."

He pulled back and spun me around,then we came back together. "Why say that?"

"Because Jason's surprise is like mine but... a bit better in my opinion."

I sat my head on his chest. I felt him kiss my head and rest his chin there. "I love you."

I smiled to myself. "I love you too."

"Why does it feel as though we just got married though?" he chuckled and my head moved at he did. I looked up him. "Yeah, it does feel like that."

When the song was over the boat came to a complete stop and the horn blew. Austin carried Tiffany off the boat and we followed behind hem till we got to the cars.

"Why are there two?" I said pointing between both of them.

"Because we are getting in one, while they are leaving." Levi said getting in the back seat.

I nodded and climbed in the passenger side. I pulled my phone out and it was 2:00 in the morning. No wonder I was so tired. I turned on the little roof light that was in the car and opened my camera on the phone. I started taking pictures but stopped when I saw Levi photo bombing in the back. I turned around and looked at him. "Really you photo bomber?"

He smiled. "yeah....really."

Jason got in the drivers seat and I turned the light out. "So where we headed to now?"

"Your full of questions today." he smile as he glanced over at me.

"So if I take a nap
Right now you wouldn't be mad?"

He looked at the clock and glanced at me. "a 15 minute one."

I smiled. "That's all I need."

I leaned back and closed my eyes. I felt Jason grab my hand and intertwine it with his. I smiled and took my quick cat nap.


"Babe, we're here." I heard Jason's voice.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them. "are we there yet?"

He laughed and looked down then bak to me. "we been her for 2 minutes already."

I sat up and stretched my arms out. "Does this place involve shoes or anything?"

"No, and I knew you would say something like that" Jason handed me a black backpack. I opened it and I found a pair of black yoga pants, a white tank top, and my black high top converse. I looked up at him and kissed him quickly. "You know me to well."

He smiled. "that's my job."

"I know you wanted to do this when I put this dress on me down." I stood up so he can.

"Talk dirty to Meh." He said in a sexy voice.

I took the dress of and put my comfortable clothes on.

"Also take this." Jason handed me his red and black hoodie. "It might get cold."

I threw it on and dig through my clutch for a hair tie. luckily I found one. I pulled my hair back out of my face but let a couple of strands fall on the sides. Jason held his hand out and I took it. I looked back at Levi who was walking by himself. I held my hand out so he could get it but she shook his head. "no this is Jason's surprise. I'm not going to interfere with his because he didn't with mine."

"Okay. If that's what you want."

He walked up a hill which I almost died. we still had half way to go but knowing me I'm tired and lazy so I just let Jason carry me up the rest of the way. when we got to the top it was the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen. It was on a very tall hill that looked over England, London, where ever the fuck I am... I don't care at the moment.

I sat in the blanket that had been laid out on it. It was almost liked dream I had about the girl and Jason. except the girl was me. Jason sat behind me with me sitting between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me. "That's exactly why I did it. To show that you're only girl in the world." He rested his chin on my shoulder and I put my head next to his. "Levi was right. This is the perfect moment."

He chuckled and kissed my neck. "I'm glad you love it."

"I'm glad I love you." I turned and kissed him I watched all the little town cars go in the road like little ants. People's houses all lot up with there house lights on. I watched the scene as I sat on Jason's lap with his head on my shoulder for about 20 minutes. I turned to where I can lay my head in his chest. "I'm gonna miss you Jase."

He kissed the top of my forehead. "im gonna miss you so much Allison, I really am. I love you with all my heart."

I closed my eyes and fell to sleep with laying on Jason's chest looking over England....or London...somethimg like that.



*tears falls*

And that's only the beginning of Allison's crazy messed up life.

Don't worry it's not the end of the world read the next book I'm posting it !!!!

I love you soooo much guys thanks for the votes and everything go read the sequel to this one


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