Girl Code, mud, football

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Allison's P.O.V

"Have you ever seen this show before?" Tiff asked me.

"Yeah" I said looking at the screen.

'Listen up ladies it's girl code. On this episode of girl code, get off the bench and get on the field because we're playing sports'

Tiff turned to me "we are going to play a sport later now". I rolled my eyes then looked back at the screen.

'Sure he might be a corny old man, but you can find common ground with your dad'

I looked at Jessica "my dads a d*ck". They both laughed hysterically.

'Also put down that large object, take a deep breath and ask yourself "am I being crazy".

Tiffany and Jessica both looked at me and said "Your a crazy b*tch".

"Oh thanks guys".

'But first if you thought about it,then maybe you should give it a little shot. Because there no harm in a little experimenting'

"What is this talk of experimenting" we looked toward the stairs and saw Austin and Jason coming down.

"We are watching girl code, I think you know about it" Jessica laughed.

"What ever" Austin said walking over to the big chair.

I looked at the TV and Jason came and sat on the floor between my legs while I played with his hair.

'Experimenting is finding away outside your comfort zone'

"No, I think they mean far away from your comfort zone" Tiff said.

"Hahaha you don't say" I laughed then looked at the TV.

'Almost every girl wants to hook up with another girl. It's just natural'

"Okay yeah that's kinda true" Jessica said.

I looked at her "what?!"

"Allison don't play dumb. You know at some point in time you wanted to hook up with a girl".

"I don't believe I know a girl name Allison." I joked.

"What the f*ck are we watching again" Austin asked looking at us.

"A show" Tiff said.

"Allison, you never got so drunk that you made out with a girl" Tiffany asked.

"No, and I plan on keeping it that way"I said holding a hand up.

"Nope that won't last long. Jess and I are going to get you very drunk one day and your gonna kiss one of us" Tiffany said looking back at the TV.

"You two are not going to get my girlfriend that drunk so that she makes out with one of you." Jason said looking at Jess and Tiff.

"Actually that would be amusing" Austin smiled.

I threw a pillow at him but he caught it. I looked at the TV.

'Okay, you do it if you want to do it. Don't if there's a guy saying do it'

"Okay I not going to say what I was going to say" Austin said smirking.

"Wow Aust" I laughed.

I turned back and looked at the girl on the TV 'what are we doing spicing up a relationship. What is this, are we talking about stew. It's two people....but I guess it's keeping things exciting.'

Jess looked at me "and Allison what are you doing to keep..." I cut her off.

"Don't say anything about hot or spicy" I said glaring at her.

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