Love hurts

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Allison's P.O.V

By the time the movie was over I was basically in Jason's lap. We left the theater and I looked over toward the ticket booth. I saw the kid there and I waved. He smiled but got a slap on the back of his head from who I assume was his boss. I looked at Jason who was glaring at him but then looked back towards me.

"You will get over it" I smiled.

"And you will get over that girl".

My head snapped towards him I narrowed my eyes.


I rolled over and opened my eyes. I blinked a few times then sat up. I looked over at my shoulder and it felt better so I didn't put the sling back on. I did what I usually do in the morning...mess with Austin. I went down the hall looking for where Austin's scent was the strongest. I stopped at a door and I opened it quietly.

"Please have clothes on, please have clothes on" I whispered over and over to myself.

I looked in and Austin was spread across his bed. I tiptoed in and he moved. I stopped in my tracks and turned my head towards his direction. He rolled over and I saw his eyes start to flutter open.
'Sh*t Allison.' I thought to myself.
'Okay ummm, think sleek, think panther like'.

All of a sudden I was on four legs.
'I didn't want to shift' I yelled mentally at myself. I looked down and my paws were black. I forgot I was in Austin's room until I started to hear gasped. I looked up and his eyes were wide as ever.


'Haha that was pretty funny he screams like a girl'. Austin door came busting open and Justin,Jason, Levi and I'm guessing back up to because they all came in all in wolf forms. They growled low and I bent down and growled. They came towards me.

'Guys don't hurt, me are you people morons' I linked not knowing if it worked.

I guess it did because they stopped.

'Allison?' Justin said stepping forward sniffing me.
'Sup' I said moving my tail.
'How are you a different animal' Levi questioned.
'How the f*ck am I suppose to know. It kinda... Just happened' I said standing up.

"Most of all why are you in my room" Austin said getting up off his bed.

I looked at him and purred 'I was gonna play a trick I. You but it back fired on me'.

I walked over to the bed and jumped on it 'then again, I can still get you'.

"If you hurt my bed Allison" he started "I will declaw you".

I looked at him then I took his pillow in my mouth and ran. I got down the stairs and into the living room. I started scratching at it. I was satisfied when all the fluffy stuff was on the floor and drifting slowly down from the air. I looked toward the stairs to a wide mouth Austin.

I sat down in the mess and wagged my tail and looked up at him 'I love you Austin'.

"I'm gonna f*cking kill you" he said in a to sweet voice.

I darted towards the kitchen and ran out to the garden. I looked back to find 4 very large male wolves. One if them smirking and running towards me. I turned and ran but I jumped and climbed up a tree. I laid on the branch and looked down.

'What cat got your tongue' I said to Austin.

He growled and he ran into the tree. I dug my claws in the truck so I wouldn't fall.

'Get down here' he yelled.

'Nah rather not' I laughed.

I stood up and jumped over to the next tree. They came over and started barking at me. Jason backed up and started to run full steed at the tree. My eyes went wide so I jumped over to the next tree. I looked over and I saw him jump and dig his claws in the tree until he was on the branch I was.

'Dogs are not suppose to be in trees' I growled out.

'I'm gonna catch your cat ass' he barked.

I didn't notice Levi until he was an inch away from bitting my tail. I looked at Jason who was on his way to get me. I turned and jumped from tree to tree until I was close enough to the house. I took one last leap and I landed on the roof. I looked down at them and gave the best smile I could muster up in my panther form.

'Babe, can you help me get down' Jason said.

I looked at him and he was stuck in the tree. I looked down and jumped and landed in my paws quietly. I snuck up behind Austin and darted under him. He barked and snapped at me.

'I hate damn cats'. He growled

I walked over and brushed up against him and purred. Not even two seconds Jason was in the ground growling at him.

'See got you out the tree didn't I' I said walking back into the house. Three wolves ran past me and I went tumbling over on my back.

'Ugh I hate you' I linked to all of them.

'Yah okay I love you to' Austin said.

Justin sent a image to my mind that was a card that said 'love you'.

I shook my head of the image and turned around.

'This cat, dog relationship is weird' Jason said looking at me.

I jumped on him and when he looked at me I was in my wolf form.

'Is this better' I touched my noise to his.

He flipped us over 'yeah, now it is'.

"Yes! Are you making me grand babies" I heard a voice from the door.

Jason turned around and I looked from under him and saw his mom and my mom standing there.

'Oh god' I pushed Jason off and ran around to the other side of the house.

'Ugh I'm so stupid. Why does he make me feel like this. Ugh life is so difficult.' I thought to myself.

'He's our mate that's why' my wolf said
'So now you finally talk'
'Well excuse me'
'Haha your excused'

I walked into the house and ran past the kitchen, up the stairs, and into my room. I washed put on some black skinny jeans, a panda shirt 🐼, and my black combat boots. I swung my bag over my shoulder. I ran down the stairs and went off to school.

*****7th period******

"Class this is our new student Tyler." Mr. Stewart said.

I looked up to see a tall boy with black dirty blond hair like me and dark brown eyes. He looked towards me and smiled. I looked back down at drawing of a panther. I smiled to myself 'wow I'm pretty good'.

"Tyler, how about you sit next to Allison. Allison please raise your hand".

I looked up and raised my hand. Tyler started towards me and I put my hand down. He sat next to me and looked at me.

"Hey I'm Tyler".


I turned back towards the board "today we are drawing the first thing that comes to mind. When you finish pass it to the person next to you and let them figure it out".

The first thing that came to mind was Jason. I can't draw Jason. This kid is new he probably won't even know him. So I might as well draw the second thing that came to mind... a wolf.

I started my doodle. When I was finish I came out better than I expected. I flipped my note book over and waited for him to finish. He slid his book over to me and I gave him mine.

"Don't make fun of it, I'm not that good as you can see" he chuckled.

Not good....doesn't even explain what the f*ck I was looking at. I held in a giggle that I so badly wanted to let out.

"Sorry dude I have no clue what this is. If you were going for a demented snow man then you got that much" I laughed.

"Hardy har har. Yours is a wolf isn't it." He said looking at the paper.

"Yeah" I said looking at it.

"So, I just moved here and don't know much about anything around here..."he trailed off.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow"you want me to show you around town".

He half smiled "yeah".

"Sure, how about this weekend".

I turned back towards the board. Mr. Stewart was talking about shapes and shades and what not. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Me: Oh I don't no at the moon
Jason:well than, don't have to be all sarcastic
Me: l.o.l I'm in art
Jason:oh okay well hurry up
Me: Jason I can't make the time move any faster and what do you mean hurry up aren't you in class to
Jason: ugh ik but...I miss you
Me: dude your like a clingy girl I think I'm the guy in this relationship
Jason: OMG y can't you ever listen to my problems blah blah blah lets go to the mall

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing out loud in class then I would look like a freak.

Me:😂😂😂 OMG r u trying to make me get in trouble for laughing in class.
Jason: 😏 task complete
Me: dude why can't you just mind link me
Jason:because... then it would look like I wasn't paying attention
Me:ur not paying attention now
Jason: point taken. But besides that it looks like I'm reading a book so...
Me: haha wow
Jason: yeah I will c u in a min
Me: 💋
Jason: I don't want that in a text I want that in person
Jason: I demand to c u now
Me: u will shortly
Jason: f*ck this... I'm coming
Me: wat!!! ur leaving class
Jason: we have like 3 minutes left might as well
Me: okay ??? if you say so.

I looked up and saw that Mr.Stewart was at his desk writing. I looked over and saw Tyler drawing something. 'Wow he really sucks at drawing' I thought to my self.

The class door opened and I saw Jason walk through and walked over to the teachers desk and handed him a slip of paper.

Mr. Stewart stood "class I believe you all know Mr.Carter. He will be in our class for the remaining time until school is over. Jason, sit behind Allison. Allison raise your hand please".

I smirked and raised my hand. Jason started to walk towards me and winked when he walked by. I could feel him burning holes in my back. Then I started to feel him kick my chair.

I turned around and whisper shouted at him "Jason, stop it".


"Because I said so, unless you want me to hurt you" I warned.

He thought about it "how exactly would you hurt me".

I smirked and looked towards Tyler who was looking at the board. I looked back toward Jason.

"Don't, don't do that I will stop" he said.

I smiled at turned back around.

'I like your ass' he linked
'I'm sitting down you moron'
'Okay, I can still imagine'I could tell he was smirking.

"Allison please come here" Mr. Stewart said.

I got up and walked over to his desk.

'Told you I liked your ass' Jason linked me.

"Yes Mr.Stewart".

"Allison I just got a call from the front office. They said if you can please show Tyler around the school there putting him in all your classes."

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because you seems you know everyone, and your a good girl" he said.

'She's a goody two shoes' Jason linked me and laughed.

'Oh no Jason, I'm a very, very bad girl' I linked him back.

I heard a low growl and I smiled " Of course Mr.Stewart, I will show him around in Monday."

"Thank you. I will notify the office".

'Pretty weird if you ask me' I thought.
I turned and walked back towards my seat but before I sat down I winked at Jason who pushed the table closer. The bell rang and I waved by to Tyler and step out the class. I looked for Jason but I couldn't see or find him. I walked out the school and I saw his car was still there. I walked down the stairs and over to it.

"Okay. I see the car but not my Jason" I said. I turned around but to be pushed onto of the hood of the car with Jason standing between my legs.

"Jason ! What the hell" I yelled at him.

"Sorry" he said.

He pecked my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him
closer. I bit his bottom lip and he moaned. Our lips moved in sync and he licked my bottom lip before I could let him in we were interrupted. I stopped but kept my lips on his. I saw him look over and roll his eyes. Then he continued to kiss me.

Between kisses he said "go" kiss "away" kiss "Britney".

"Ugh how are you even kissing her" he spat out.

He stopped and looked at her " are you mad because I'm making out with my girlfriend in front of you and you can't get this." He gestured to all of him.

I rolled my eyes and he looked at me "hold on" he looked back at Britney "what do you want".

"I need a ride" she said looking at him with puppy eyes.

"I thought Austin was driving you. Where's your car in the first place". Jason said motioning back over to me.

"Austin ditched me. And my car got taken away because I was drunk and threw up in it" she said rolling her eyes.

Jason kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me " should we give her a ride".

I kissed the his jaw line up to his mouth but didn't kiss him "give her a ride".

I brushed my lips against his like I was about to kiss him but pushed him away. He pulled me closer and kissed me and I let out a small moan I didn't want to slip out.

"Crap" I said under my breath.

"Got what I wanted" he smirked.

I heard b*tchy Britney make a gagging noise.

I got off the hood of the car and got in. I saw B*tchy Britney make her way over to the back door behind Jason and sat down. I looked out the window and laid my head back. Jason started the car and drove off the school parking lot.

"Allison, you should dye your hair all blond" Britney said looked at me.

"Nah I rather not. I think I keep my brown/blond hair" I said looking out the window.

"Why don't you just call it dirty blond. That's the hair color you have" she said inching closer.

"Because when people say dirty blond it makes me feel like a dirty blond" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Oh, I will make sure to call you that more often then" he laughed.

"Cool, I will make sure to call you b*tchy Britney more" I smirked.

"Ugh you little b*tch".

I sat up and turned around "b*tch do you ever shut the f*ck up. Like seriouly. SHUT.THE.F*CK.UP. It's very simple you should try it sometime. Stop sucking d*cks all the time and keep your mouth shut."

I turned back around and rubbed my temples. At least she didn't say anything after my little rant.

I looked over at Jason who was staring holding in a laugh looking at the rode. I giggled at him and he glanced over towards me and smiled.


B*tchy Britney stormed out the car and into the house. I got out the car and stretched. Jason walked around to the other of the car to me and grabbed my hip "can we finish what we started".

"Nah" I said trying to get away from him.

"Nah ah ah, your mine" he said kissing my neck right in where my shoulder and my neck connects.

"J-Jason s-stop, n-not now" I said struggling for words.

I brought his head back to mine and kissed my lips. He turned and walked into the house.

"Dude your such a tease" I yelled at him.

"You know it" he called back.

I chased after him in the house and jumped on his back. I wrapped my legs around him around him and get grabbed my thighs. We more like he walked into the kitchen and the first place he went was to the refrigerator. He grabbed Pepsis and went to the the cabinet and got a bag of Doritos and I snapped.

"Where did you put them?" He asked.

"Your room".

I kissed the back of his neck and I felt him shiver. I did it again and he shivered again.

"Babe stop" he breathed out.

"No" I breathed on his neck.

He flipped me around to where I was facing him.

"So if I kissed you right" he moved my hair from my neck" here".

He pointed to where my shoulder and my neck met "if you said stop, I'm not gonna listen next time".

"Okay and what does that spot do. Nothing I bet. You know why... you just like scaring me" I protested.

He raised an eyebrow "really".

"Yes. Really".

He leaned down and kissed the area. It was hot and spread warmed throughout my whole body. I whimpered at little and he pulled away.

"Exactly" he said carrying me up the stairs.

"No you did something to me" I poked him in the chest.

"Yeah. Okay. Wherever."

We got to his door and he opened it. He closed it with his foot and he threw me on the bed.

I took my shoes off and got under his blankets "do my homework for me".

"No. You do it for me" he said turning the TV on.

"I'm to tired. You and your wolf friends chasing me this morning."

I felt his breath on my neck and made me shudder. He kissed that stupid spot on my neck and laughed.

"Stop that" I said not looking at him.

He didn't answer I sat up and looked at him. He was to busy eating chips and drinking soda like a fat kid. I moved over towards him and kissed his jaw line down his neck to that spot behind his neck. I looked at him and his eyes were black.

"Whoa your eyes are creepy looking" I poked his cheek.

He looked at me and they went to dark green, then a lighter green.

"Sorry" he smiled.

I laid back down and stuck my head under the pillow "bed you smell like my boyfriend".

I heard a knock at the door and Levi walked in and his face became red.

"The f*ck is wrong with you" I said with my head still under the pillow looking at him.

"Your my problem" he growled.

I moved the pillow and sat up " the f*ck did I do."

"Sleep around with other guys" he growled at Jason.

"Whoa there buckaroo, he's my boyfriend. I can do whatever I please with him."

"I'm gonna take you up in that offer later" Jason said smiling at me.

"Something is mentally wrong with you" I laughed.

"Oh so did you tell Jason about that time I kissed you" Levi smirked.

"Umm..Levi key words. YOU F*CKING KISSED ME! I pushed you away and don't deny it because I did".

"But you know you liked it" he stepped closer.

I growled at him but before I could say anything Jason was in front if me.

"Jason back down" Levi growled out.

"Step away from my mate" Jason growled.

They were chest to chest so I squeezed myself between them. I had my back towards Levi and my front towards Jase.

'Justin, Austin help please dying here' I linked them and they came running in the room.

They pulled them a part and I went over towards Jason. I leaned down so I was eye level to him.

"Jason are you okay" I said.

"No Allison I'm not alright. If it looks like I'm alright you must be blind." he yelled at me.

"S-sorry Jase" I said backing away.

"Allison. Why didn't you tell me?"he said sitting back down on the bed.

"I was scared if how you might react" I said my voice tiny. "I was going to tell you".

He stood back up "of how I might react. Of how I might react. Oh my god Allison are you stupid. If you told me straight away I wouldn't be so mad but to hear this from Levi of all people. Sometimes Allison, your head is so far up your ass.... its ridiculous".

Tears were streaming down my face and all my love for Jason went out the window or into a box and locked away. The key inside a dragon that no one can get to.

Austin and Justin were standing in shock. Jason looked around the room and then his eyes stopped towards me. Something inside him must have triggered something because he looked as though he was sorry.

He took a step forward and I took one back "Allison I'm I'm sorry. I don't know ....I mean I ..uhh. I."

"It's fine Jason. You don't have to explain" I backed away from him.

Austin must have snapped out if it and into protective mode because he walked over to me and blocked my view from Jason.

"Allison look at me it's okay" he whispered an hugging me.

I heard foot steps come in and I smelt Tiffs scent. If this wasn't already a scene then, now it was. Tiff looked at my face then back to Jason's. Tiffany lunged at Jason but Austin caught her waist and spun her around to hold me. He pulled me into her.

"Come on Ally let's go in my room." She said walking pulling me away.

I was to tired, to worn out, defeated. Tiffany looked at me and hugged me tightly. As we left the room I heard Austin say "Jason, Levi you two are d*cks so you should suck each others".

Tiff lead me into her room and I sat on the bed and cried into her shoulder.

Justin's P.O.V

"Jason, Levi you two are d*cks so you should suck each others" Austin said then walked out the door.

I stood there still frozen not knowing what to do. I looked at Jason who looked as if he was about to cry and Levi was looking defeated.

I walked out and said "You two are a bunch of ladies and get over each other. Then go make things right with Ally."

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen with Austin.

"Dude I should punch them in the face" Austin said slamming his fist down.

"Oh you don't say" I said back to him.

"I just don't understand why he would say that to her. Is he stupid. No I think he's the stupid one. If he gives me or tells her some crap about his wolf taking over. I'm going to straight up punch him in the face. Give her some stupid crap like that" Austin half yelled.

"Okay, I thought I was the one with the anger issues".

"Yeah??? Why aren't you all mad right now" he asked.

"Because my wolfs anger builds up. Like in a few minutes some sh*t is about to go down".

We heard a huge crash come from the front door. We ran over to the living room but stop and backed away slowly at the sight.

I leaned over to Autsin "if we don't get to him first I'm sure his mom will".

I looked back over to Mrs.Carter.


I swear the pack house shook a little and some birds flew away. People came running down the the stairs and out the back door running for their lives.

Austin leaned over to me "dude I think we better get popcorn or something because sh*t just got real".

"If we can run for our lives now and live to see tomorrow" I said leaning over to him.

"But would you rather watch f*cking live W.W.E right in front of you or not see the fight and everyone talk about it tomorrow and you not know what the f*ck is going on." He said back.

"Good point. I get the popcorn" I said running to the microwave.

"Cool I get the soda" Austin said running for the fridge.

"You two are complete morons" Dave said entering the kitchen "I'll get the lawn chairs from the back".

We laughed and got ready for the fight.




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. THIS SHOULD BE GOOD.


That was hilarious with Austin

~~"But would you rather watch f*cking live W.W.E right in front if you or not see the fight and everyone talk about it tomorrow and you not know what the f*ck is going on."~~ Austin's words.

Okay guys its like 2 something in the morning and I'm tired. So TTYL !!!

as I usually say


back to what I was saying as usual








haha alright will update soon

~~💋💋LOVE YA💋💋~~

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