You can kiss my royal ass

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I didn't edit this one at all because I was rushing and trying to update be to hard on me 😞


Levi's P.O.V

"Kevin, you should know by now that I'm not missing Dylan's party." I laughed.

"Dude, Jason is bringing this hot chick named Allison." he said looking across the field.

My wolf growled on the inside,not liking that someone called our mate hot. I looked at him. "Oh is he now, because I was bringing her."

He turned to me and started laughing. "What are you double teaming now."

I smirked at him. "forever and always."

He started laughing, then I heard heavy footstep coming fast. Before I could turn and look I was tackled to the ground by some moron. I felt my shoulder crack and I heard it. I yelled in pain and I shut my eyes tight. The pain was unbearable. It hurt, it hurt and it just hurt. I couldn't roll over and when I felt people start to get close to me I let out a warning growl that only a wolf could here. I felt small hands on my face and I relaxed. I opened my eyes and Allison was looking down at me.

She snapped her head towards someone and I looked in the path she was looking. I looked back to her and saw her eyes flicker from her wolf to hers, but with slight red.

"Jackson you jackass." someone said to him.

"Jason, Kevin take him to my car, I'm taking him to the doctor." Allison ordered them in the calmest voice she could muster up. I could feel the power and authority roll off her, which was weird since she was just a plain normal wolf.

"Allison, whatever your gonna do. Don't." I said hissing in pain when the guys picked me up.

She looked at me and her eyes softened. "Levi, go get in the car."

She turned back to Jackson and walked up to him. He was smirking at her and didn't like it but I could tell Allison was about to do something that all guys would be scared of but love her at the same time. Jackson was no guy you would mess with. He was big, yeah I'm alpha and all but Jackson was kind of big for a human.

"Hey." he said in a chill voice.

Allison crossed her arms over her chest and smiled at him. "So why did you do it?"

"Just messing around that's all. He's gonna be fine. Plus what are you gonna do? I'm a bulldog and your like a kitten." He laughed.

"Auh sh*t." I heard Jason say. I knew why he said it.

Jackson went to go say something but was cut off by Allison's fist connecting with his face. I heard a crack so I believe my girlfriend just broke his nose. I turned my lips in to keep from smiling and liked down. I looked back up and Jackson stumbled back and held his face, then looked at Allison.

His nose was bleeding and he looked mad. "You b*tch you broke my nose."

She laughed. "Guess you need a nose job now."

She turned and started to walk towards me. The coach was staring at Allison with surprise, he looked back at Jackson and started laughing his ass off. We turned and I hissed in pain went Kevin and Jason held me up. I looked at the school and it was lunch and people were outside watching. Of course Austin and Justin were the ones on the ground laughing like there was no tomorrow. We walked to the car and they sat me in. I held my shoulder and closed my eyes. Jason got in the back and Allison started driving to the the house. I turned and looked at her, she looked hurt and sad.

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