We cant be friends

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Allison's P.O.V

I was in the lunch line with Austin and Justin. They were fighting over the last slice of pizza.

I turned around and looked at them" what are you guys doing after school today since its Friday".

"I'm not doing anything but... I don't know about him" Austin said gesturing towards Justin.

Justin glared at him and said "I'm not doing anything. Why?"

"Oh because me mom said I can hang out with my friends after school"I said moving closer towards the pizza.

"Allison you know we aren't your friends right" Justin said.

I stop and looked at them with tears starting to come but stopped them when anger filled me.

I opened my mouth to say something when Austin cut me off "we are your brothers. Duh "

Justin started again "you are the only child right".

Nodded my head and took the slice of pizza they had been arguing over. They looked at eat other then to me and started complaining. I shook my head and laughed as I walked out of the lunch line with Austin and Justin behind me throwing fries at me. Then I stopped and was hit with that smell from first period again.

"Guys do you smell that "I said looking around the cafeteria.

They lifted there nosesin the air and both said "no".

"How do you not smell that its,it's, it's amazing. I want to know where that smell is coming from" I said looking around frantically.

I turned around and they were looking at me smirking like something popped into there mind. Then out of know where Jason was by my side.

"How'd you get here so fast" I said not even looking at him.

"Don't worry about that, now what are you smelling" he looked at me.

"How did you know that" I said finally bringing my attention towards him.

"Because I know things, now go follow that smell, I'm right behind you" he said smirking.

"It's not like I'm a dog or anything I can't track things down" I said pushing chairs out the way.

"You'll be amazed at the secrets people hold from you" he mumbled.

"What the monkey nuts are you talking about" I asked impatiently.

"Monkey nuts ?" He asked

"No time to tell you know" I said waving him off.

I followed the smell pushing chairs and people out my way because I wanted to find it. Until I got to it I was about 5 ft away. It, it was a person and he was a really hot person to be exact.

He had dark black hair which looked like he had just waken up. He had blue eyes which made him more hotter. He had was muscular but not to much. I saw him smile and it was like I died. Until he spoke is when I really died. I don't know ow who he was talking to but it looked like it was Dave but I was paying him no mind. He laughed and oh my goodness my head was swimming. He stopped and looked at me our eyes met and I couldn't take my eyes away from his. It felt like I was in a deep trans and everything around us seemed to be moving in slow motion. Then all of a sudden he was broke from our eye contact because that stupid blonde chick sat in his lap and started making out with him and he kisses her back to. I swear I herd him say "mate" before that stupid donkey sat on him. I don't get it something inside me screamed mate and I don't even know what a mate is unless we are talking about friends here. But as he kept making out with her I felt my heart being ripped out or at least torn into a million pieces. Then I heard a growl erupt from something or someone. The last time I heard that it came from Jason. I saw everyone's eyes on me they all looked at me in fear. I guessing because my eyes probably changed color. I took a few steps back and hit something. Then there arms wrapped around my waist and I knew it was either Austin or Jason. They turned me around and it was Jason.

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