Date night

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Allison's P.O.V

"Mom can you not be you for 5 min please" I rolled my eyes at her.

"No now just put the shoes on its almost 8:00." She said sitting on my bed wide eyes.

I put on the black strapless dress and shoes from before. My mom had curled my hair and it made the blond stand out.

"Do you have everything you need"she asked.

"Like what"?

"Phone,keys,...Mase" she trailed off.

"Mom I don't need mase.... Okay" I reassured her.

"Okay I will be down stairs if you need me " she said walking out my room.

I sat on my bed listening to my music and left my balcony doors open so there was a breeze. I waited about 20 min.

"Juliet please let down your hair" I heard someone yell from outside.

I jumped off my bed and went over to my balcony and looked down it was Jason. He was wearing a tuxedo and holding a red rose.

"Hahahaha did you just say Juliet" I said between laughs.

"Yeah isn't that right. Doesn't she let down her hair" he asked confused.

"Hahaha" I laughed harder" no it was Repunzel that let's her hair down."

He scratched the back of his neck then looked back up at me "I don't f*cking read those kid books or whatever".

"Haha okay I'm coming down" I said.

I walked out from the balcony and shut the doors behind me. I took one last look in the body mirror and then headed out the door.

I walked down the steps and saw mom was talking to Jason. "Oh god what is she saying to him" I said under my breath.

He looked up at me and smiled. My mom turned around and smiled at me too.

"You look beautiful Allison" Jason said in his sexy voice.

"Thanks" I said I'm reply.

"Okay you two go go go. Have fun" mom said pushing us out the door.

We stood outside the door that mom had shut in our faces.

"Are you ready" he looked down at me.

"Sure" I said.

"Oh and this is for you" he handed me the rose.

"Awe your so sweet" I said taking the rose.

We walked over to his car I seen a new car in my drive way it was white.

"Is that your car" he asked me looking at it.

"My mom handed me some keys... but I don't know if its to this one" I said looking for the keys. I pulled out the keys and hit the unlock button and the car sure did unlock.

He looked at me and smiled "please".

I handed him the keys and walked over to the car.

"Allison is this the new Cadenza" he almost yelled.

"I guess, I'm just now seeing it" I said getting I'm the passenger seat.

Jason entered the drivers seat and found a note on the steering wheel. He read it over then handed it to me.
It read
Dear Allison hears the new KIA Cadenza. I thought you needed a white one to go with the black one it looked kind of lonely. But hope you have fun love mom.

I smiled at the paper and when I looked up we weren't even near the house.

I turned to look at Jase who looked really nervous. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. He seemed to relax at my touch.

"Where are we going" I asked looking at him.

He glanced my way then back towards the road "you will see".


3 hours later

3 freaking hours later we were still driving. It was 11:00 now.

"Jason" I started but he cut me off.

"We're here" he said.

I turned and looked to see huge towers everywhere and it was bright. People were dressed like there were going to party and other looked like they owned a business's. There were huge sighs and billboards everywhere too.

I turned and looked at Jason excitedly "are we in New York".

He nodded.

I started to jump up and down a little and look around much more excited.

He pulled into a parking lot and he got out and ran around and opened my door to.

"Thank you" I said taking his hand.

He held my hand and we walked into a huge restaurant. It was very fancy and looked very expensive but considering I was rich and he lived in what looked like a freaking hotel it was fine.

Jason's P.O.V

I am extremely nervous because I never took a girl on a date kind of like this. I didn't even want to wear a tuxedo but my mom made me. Levi was mad but oh well that's his problem.

We walked in the restaurant and their was a guy waiting for us because I made reservations. As we followed his to the elevator I saw guys looking at Allison. I pulled her closer to me and put my arm around her. I also seen girls look at me and Allison leaned more into me and wrapped her arm around my torso.

I chuckled and she looked up at me "why are you laughing?"

"Because your funny" I stated

"And how so"she said smiling

"Nothing, nothing at all" I said looking away from her.

"I don't want any sluts taking you away because your mine" I heard her whisper. My wolf purred at her words.

'You should let me take over for a while' my wolf said
'Nah I rather not. Who knows what you would do' I said back
'I won't do anything except claim her...and maybe mate her' he mentally smirked
'Haha yeah that's what I'm afraid of' was the last thing I said

We reached the top floor of the restaurant which was the roof. I swear I have never seen Allison so happy or smile as wide when I looked at her.

Allison's P.O.V

The sight in front of me was beautiful. We were on the roof of the restaurant they have fence around it so you couldn't fall off the side. There were lights hanging all around and flowers on vines that crawled up the fence. There was a table for two in the middle. I felt Jase place his hand on my back and he led me over to the table.

A waiter came over " may I get you any water for now".

"Yes please" I said looking at him.

"Water" Jase said looking at the menu.

Jase looked at me "so do you like it".

"Jason, I love I couldn't ask for anything more" I said gesturing all around.

He chuckled "I'm glad you do".

The waiter came back with our waters then took our orders. I ordered the same thing Jason ordered. It was steak, mash potatoes, and pasta. When it came I already knew I wasn't going to eat it all.

"Jason I won't be able to eat all this" I said looking at the plate.

"It's fine, you can just take it home"he said trying to cut his steak.

"So"he started"what do you like to do".

"As in" I said biting my steak.

"Draw,paint....sing" he chuckled referring to when I got out the shower.

"Yes I like to sing and draw. How about you?" I said having trouble cut the stupid steak.

"Here let me help you"he said moving closer to me to cut the steak.

"Thanks"I smiled.

"I like to play football,take care of business,and joke around mostly" he said cutting the steak.

"I seen you on the football field but never actually watched you. Yeah, I know you like to joke around and I don't take you as a business person"

"I get that alot but I'm good at it." He said.

"What do you do"I asked.

"I'm like second in command" he said eating.

"Who's first" I asked.

He hesitated then answered "he's kind of a jerk at times, but he really cares about everybody in his community. I tend not to talk about him to much".

"What's your favorite color. Mines light blue and sometimes purple" i saidtrying to change the subject.

"It use to be green and red...but then I seen your eyes so now it's hazel brown and green".

"Your so cliche. I just want you to know that" I said giggling.

"I try to be" he laughed.

"So what's your family like" I asked.

"My mom is probably the best person I know besides you. My dad is just like any other dads." He said smiling at the mention of his parents.

"I wouldn't know what's that like" I said looking down.

"What do you mean" he said concerned.

"Can we talk about it later is kind of a touchy subject "I said looking away from his gaze.

He held my hand and pulled me over to him until I was on his lap"your very pretty".

"Hahah where did that come from"I said laughing at him.

"I don't know. Second thing that came to mind" he said looking at me smiling.

"What was the first" I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't want to know" he said smirking.

I raised my hand to him "forget I asked".

"Allison can I ask you a question" he said seriously.

"Shoot"I said.

"How would you fell if I was your boyfriend." He said nervous.

I was taken back by his question "well...ummm... I would like it. I mean like".

"Allison...would you like to be my girlfriend?" he said nervously.

"Is that why you were so nervous" I asked rubbing small circles on the back of his hand.

"Yeah... But I'm more nervous of your answer"he looked down.

I lifted his face up with my finger to meet my face " Yes Jason I would love to be your girlfriend".

"Really?" He asked

"Did you just ask me that" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah... No don't answer that" he said smiling and laughing.

"So now I can just have more fun with teasing you" I smirk.

"Oh god ,no please no, don't so that"he pleaded.

"To late"I said.

I got up off his lap and walked over to the fence and looked out over the city. I don't even know what time it is and I honestly don't care. Jason walked up behind me and put both his arms on my shoulders.

"I'm glad I found you"he whispered.

Something inside of me sparked I felt this whole new energy run through me.

'Hey Allison' someone said in my head
'What the f*ck who are you? My are you on my head' I said back mentally.
'Don't be afraid please calm down' the voice said
'Fine but who are you'I asked nervous
'I'm your wolf' the voice said
'My what'I asked
'Your wolf' she said again

I turned to Jason who was looking at me "are you okay Allison" he asked.

"Something or someone inside my head just talked to me is that crazy I hope that's not crazy am I going crazy" I spoke out.

"Whoa Allison calm down. Now did it say anything" Jason asked really concerned.

"Yeah...she said she was my wolf or something like that" I said looking at him not knowing what to do.

"Allison your not going crazy. Because I have that voice in my head to. Except he's a boy and yeah" he looked away confused.

"What's happening" I asked frantic.

Jason came over and hugged me and I calmed down.

"Do you want to go home or walk around the city" he asked still hugging me.

"I want to have fun" I simply said.

"Fun we shall have then" he smiled.

He paid for the food and we went into the elevator.

'Hello wolf are you there' I asked
'Yup I'm here' she said
'If you don't mind why are you in my head'I asked her
'Because your a werewolf Allison' she said
'Did you say werewolf. There not real' i mentally laughed.
'Allison I was always here in your head but I was never summoned to stay like I am now. Everything in our world is kept secret in the human world. A few min ago you didn't even know werewolves were real until now. But I think it's best if mom tells you' she said
"Wait did you say mom"I asked
"Yes, mom as in our mom.' She said sarcastically.
'Ha your funny I like you'I laughed at her
'Yeah you better like me' then I felt her cut me off.

I looked back a Jason who was looking at me smiling.

"Why are you always looking at me" I asked him.

"Where you talking to your wolf" he asked amused.

"Yes I was" I said looking away from him.

I looked back at him "are you a werewolf".

He tensed up then answered "if I say yes don't break up with me or freak out".

"Jason if you were, I wouldn't freak out because I have a wolf in my head who I had a whole conversation with. I finally know why I can smell things better than people and I guess I can make dog jokes about you now. Oh and I guess your not sick with the whole growl thing you do" I laughed out the last part.

"Okay than yes I'm a wolf. And no if you make dog jokes about me your just talking about yourself you do know that right."he said.

"Yeah but they will be directed just to you though not me or anybody else" I nodded my head.

"Whatever" he said leaving the elevator with my hand in his.

When we got outside I smelt something terrible. It smelt like death,blood and rotten eggs. I lifted my nose to the air and then shook my head. Not even a second later Jason pulled me behind him protectively.

"Jason do you smell that" I said hold my nose.

"Yeah and it's not a happy smell either" he said dead serious.

"What is it" I asked.

"It's something you call a rouge" he said scanning the crowd of people.

"What's a rouge" I kept asking questions.

"Allison I will tell you when we get to the car. We will have to come back to New York next time. " he said with me close to him as he pulled me to the car.

We got in the car and he locked the doors and he pulled off holding my hand like I was going to disappear.

"Jason I'm not going to disappear "I said.

He lightened his grip on my hand "sorry".

"It's okay"I held his hand to my face and kissed it.

I saw him ease up and relax a little as his smile grew.

"A rouge is a wolf the doesn't belong to a pack because they either got kicked out, abandoned, their pack was destroyed,or their mate died and they think they can't live without them so they go all out and kill almost everything in there path." He said with disgust.

I said in a tiny voice "am I a rouge".

He glanced over at me "yes".

"But you don't have to be if you join our pack" he said with a small smile.

"What do you mean our there's more" I asked.

"Do you know what an Alpha is"he asked me.

"Isn't that the wolf that's bigger than everyone and bosses them around and is a jerk and think he owns the place and has land or what not."I said.

He laughed "and who do you think that is".

I was confused for a second then my jaw dropped "you mean Levi".

He nodded "yup" he said popping the 'p' and its called territory we aren't farmers we don't own land.

"HAHAHAH oh my god that is hilarious" I laughed out.

"Yeah and there's also the Alphas best friend who is Beta. Do you know who Levi's best friend is?"

"Is it my boyfriend" I smiled at the word.

"The one and only" he smiled.

"So far Levi's Alpha he's in charge and takes care of everyone. Then there's the Beta who is second in command and helps out" I said checking over my information.

"Yes, then there is Justin, Austin, and some kids at school." He finished off shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing.


"Ahhh Allison eardrum, I need that thank you very much" he said pointing to his ear.

"I'm going to yell at them tomorrow about that" I scolded the road in front of us.

"Ha babe it's fine"he said.

I felt something purr inside my head then purred to Jason "can wolves purr".

"Yeah why?" He asked.

"Because, I think mine just did or I'm hearing things" I stated.

"No it was your wolf"he smirked.

"Why are you smirking. What are you planning?" I asked looked straight at him.

"Wanna know why your wolf purred" he said.

"I'm scared to know but continue"

"She purred because she liked something I said or something I did"he kept smirking.

I waved him off and looked out the window and fell a sleep.


I woke up and we were parked in my drive way. Jason walked over to my door and opened it. I took my shoes off and left then in the car. 'I will get them later' I thought.

"Want me to carry you?" Jason asked.

I got up and shut the car door then walked over to him. He picked me up bridle style and carried me to the door. He sat me down and I got the keys out my bag. I put it in the door and it opened. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and handed one to Jason.

"Are you staying or..." I trailed off.

"Want me to stay"he asked.

"I think you already know the answer to that plus its like 2 on the morning anyways." I added

He walked up stairs and he went in my room. I kept walking until I got to my moms room I opened the door to find her a sleep. I walked back out and went in my room to find a half sleep Jason on my bed. I walked over to my closet and left the door cracked. 'Crap I need someone to unzip the back' I thought to myself. I walked back out and walked over to Jason.

"Can you unzip this please."I asked.

He had his face buried in my pillow "is this one of your teasings" he said.

"Will you just look up" I snapped at him because I was tired.

He looked up and his eye grew wide "whatever your thinking ewwwe and its just a dress I'm tired" I said straight forward.

He sat up and I turned around "can you not stare at my ass and get those dirty thoughts out of your head" I said.

"I'm a guy I can't help it, plus I'm your boyfriend so you have no choice."

"Can you hurry up" I jumped a little.

"I'm done already"he said.

I walked away from him "you could have told me that".

I put pajamas on and walked back out the closet to find a shirtless Jason in his boxers already sleep. I rolled my eyes at him and turned out the light back to the bed and got in and went to sleep. Then I felt a arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer towards them.




At least she didn't freak out...right?

Awwwwwwe the dinner was soooo cute awe.

Eww like I said to much mushy gushy crap l.o.l

NEW YORK CITY IS WHERE HE TAKES GIRLS (only his mate)ON DATES LIKE THAT WISH I WAS HER !!!! Jealous much .... Yes,yes I am

I hope you funny people like this chapter because I did.

I think this chapter is longer than the other ones gosh like really anyways like I say


(If you will please)






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