Hey Coach

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Jason's P.O.V

I squeezed my eyes shut but then blinked a few times. I smiled and kissed Allison's head. She moaned softly and turned around, then snuggled into my chest. I pulled her close to me and sat my chin on her head. "It's sad how crazy I am about you."

I heard her giggle. "I'm crazy about me too."

She looked up at me and I looked at her. I smirked and pushed her hair back out of her face. she leaned up and kissed me. "How long am I going to be in this stupid heat thing."

"Umm about a week or less."

She started to get up but I pulled her back down. "No. Sleep."

"Isn't it Monday?" she raised and eyebrow.

I sat up. "Your not going because of your heat. Half of our pack is there."

She pulled the blanket up over her chest and sat back. "Fine then what are we going to do all day."

I smirked. "Do you really want me of all people to answer that?"

She looked at me. "Never mind just don't..... Tell me about when you were younger."

I looked down thinking about my mom. My mom was my everything. But she had to run off with stupid am I right. She told me all the decisions she made was for me. I guess this was one of those times where she didn't think it all through.

I looked back at Allison. "I was a bad kid if you were wondering. I always tackled people and I still do."

She laughed. "I can see that."

I have her a sad smile. "Charles isn't my real dad."

She frowned. "How do you know."

"I was 3 when my mom met Charles. It was the day I actually felt a little bit of my wolf. I mean the guy was a rouge, there dangerous. When my mom picked me up, and I looked at the guy and I could tell he was up to something. Plus I look nothing like that guy. If I looked anything like him I would wear a bag over my head for the rest if my life." I laughed the last part. "But besides that, I was a good/bad kid. I listened to my mom, but I disobeyed Charles. I was good in school..kind of, had lot of friends and got good grades. Besides the time I got suspended because I brought a dead rabbit in the class and gave it to the teacher. What about you?"

I saw the pain and hurt in Allison's eyes. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

She looked up at me. "No it's okay."

Allison's P.O.V

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Jason's voice rang through my ears.

I looked up at him. "It's okay."

He grabbed my hand and a round of flash backs appeared through my mind.

~~~flash back~~~

11 years ago~age 7

"Allison your clothes look stupid." Kaitlin laughed at me.

"Can you guys please leave me alone." I said walking away.

Kaitlin ran up to me and pushed me. I fell to the ground and I scraped my knee. All the kids around me started to laugh. Tears started to come to my eyes but I held them back. I picked myself up and ran out the doors. I ran to the park and sat on the swing and cried.

"Hey, are you okay." A voice said from behind me.

I turned to see Hilton a boy in my art class. I wiped my tears away. "Yeah I'm fine."

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