The dream

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Half of this chapter was inspired by one of my readers that commented so....thank you for that and you MUST read the authors note at the bottom. Thx


Allison's P.O.V

~the dream~

I walked down the path of the forest rubbing my arms to keep warm. Why would I be this cold I'm a wolf, I shouldn't be this cold. It was dark as hell and couldn't see anything, couldn't here any animals, or even the scent of anything. I continued to walk down this mysterious path. I past trees, and more trees. The wind blew my hair in my face which slapped me hard and it hurt. After I finished tangoing with my hair I looked up to see a small light. I started to walk towards it. When I finally got to it I came out the bushes and trees to be standing on a cliff, with the ocean in view and the sun rising. It was a beautiful view. I smiled at the warms the sun was giving me. Out of no where I heard chuckling. I turned to see Jason sitting on the edge of the cliff looking out. Was he waiting for me? I smiled but he didn't even turn around. I thought that was odd so I started towards him. All the happiness I once had was gone. I looked down at Jason with another girl sitting on his lap. My heart broke into a million pieces. She wasn't even that fucking pretty. She looks like a fucking gorilla. Stupid ugly black hair, stupid ugly brown eyes, who wears to much makeup and eyeliner. How the fuck you gonna wear that much. I know for a fact no Jason has lost is whole fucking mind. He and the girl both looked up at me smiling.

I looked down at them. "What the hell is going on?"

Jason snuggled his head in the girls neck then looked back to me. "Nothing Allison, remember it's hard to have two mates."

I frowned. "you don't though."

He laughed and shook his head. "I do now. Once I seen Angel my life turned around at that very moment."

"Well, then Angel needs to get the hell up off you before I get her off you."

The girl frowned. "Allison don't be like that. It's not my fault that he treats me better than you. So you might as well just suck it up and go be with Levi."

I growled at her and lunged at her. I tackled and knocked her off Jason's lap. We rolled around pulling each other's hair. She grabbed the back of my hair and pulled hard. Hard enough to pull hair out. When her hand came back into view,she had a bunch of my hair in her hand. My hand shot to the back of my head and I looked shocked at her. "You bitch! did you just pull my hair out!"

She smiled. "Guess Jason and I have better sex since with you....he will have nothing to grab."

"You fucking bitch I hope you go to hell." I ran at her but was caught by the waist. I turned to see Austin.

"Ally calm down he doesn't want you anymore."

"Austin, what kind of shit. Just let me go so I can rip her eyes out." I growled.

Jason walked over to the whore and pulled her to him. My wolf howled on the inside in pain and betray. I stray tear left my eyes as I watched him.

"Is this what you want Jase?"

He looked at me. "Isn't that what you wanted. You wanted Levi."

I frowned. "No, I need both of you to keep me whole. You guys are all I have and all I need."

He shook his head. "You wanted him more and me less I can't do anything about that. Now I have another mate who is actually their all the time if I need her.....good bye Allison."

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