Well...that escalated quickly

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Allison's P.O.V

We rode down the street in silence and come to think of it I had no clue were we where going.

"Umm guys were are we going" I asked them staring at the road.

"Ummm you can't just drop us off at our house" Justin said.

"And why couldn't Jason just do that" I glanced at Austin who was next to me.

"Because I wanted to get in your car" he smiled.

"Wow okay, I will drop you off I just need to stop by my house." I said a block away from my house.

Jason's P.O.V

"Levi dude, what the f*ck was that" I stormed over to him.

"If she asked nicely I would have moved. But I'm an Alpha and don't take well with demands from other people" he said walking to her car.

"Okay yeah I understand shes your mate but..." I started but he cut me off.

"That THING is not my mate. Did you not see her eyes shes a freak and something that doesn't belong near me" he said voice filled with so much hate.

A deep growl erupted from my chest from him saying those words about her.

"Levi... " I started " you know what, whatever I will see you at the pack house".

I got in my car and saw Britney cling onto Levi like it was nothing. I sped off hearing my tires kind of skid from me pulling off to fast. Then I mind linked Justin and Austin

'Austin, Justin whats Ally doing'
'Well she has a pain look on her face' Austin linked
'That's because Levi wanted to play with freaking Britney' I linked back
'We should be home in a min we are stopping at her house' Justin linked to me
'Why her house' I asked
'She needs to see her mom' Justin said
'What happened to Austin' I asked
'Haha he's explaining why he was staring at her' Justin laughed
'Yeah but I can still hear you freaks' Austin scolded
'Alright guys I will see you at the pack house or do you want me to come pick you up'
'No we rather stay in her car' they said in unison
'Haha okay'
I blocked them out and continued my way to the pack house.

Levi's P.O.V

I hate to say it but I didn't want a mate. I wanted to stay the player I was and not be stuck with one person for the rest of my life. I was taken out of my thoughts from Britney lip locking me in a tackle. I kissed her back but wondered what it would be like to kiss Allison. 'Ugh come on Levi what are you think don't think about her' I thought to myself
'Your a d*ck I just want you to know that' my wolf scolded me
'No I'm not' I said back to him
'Yes you are. That's our mate and you just blew her off like that' he said with anger
'Look she's your mate not mine and besides she looks like a loser' I said brushing him off
'I swear at times I have more sense than you ... Wait no I always have more sense than you matter of fact' was the last thing he said. And I went back to making out with Britney in my car.

Allison's P.O.V

We pulled up to my house and I saw the boys eyes wides and there mouths drop. I saw the movers moving things into my house and some on my room balcony.

I opened my car door "guys I will be back".

I headed towards the house and heard my car doors shut and they were following me.

" we told you we don't so things the simple way" Justin said smirking.

I ducked under the couch the guys were moving in the house. I walked to the kitchen and mom was sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

I walked over to the fridge " hey mom".

"Allison I told you to hang out with your..." She stopped and looked at Justin and Austin.

She waved hi and grabbed me "why didn't you tell me your friends with hot people".

I looked at her then, looked behind her shoulder. Justin and Austin were standing back smirking with there arm crossed over their chest.

I turned my attention back to my mom " MOM ? Don't say that when there right beside you".

She turned around and smiled then back to me" which one are you dating?"

"MOM! I'm not dating non of them. But I am going on a date with someone this weekend on Friday."

She squealed and hugged me. While she was hugging I flicked off both of them.

Mom let me go and looked at them then to me " have fun".

I turned around and pushed them towards the door.

Once we got back in the car I put my head in the stirring wheel" you guys are gonna bother me about this aren't you".

"Yup" the both said popping the 'p'.

I started my car and headed down the road again.


I was basically driving through the woods and all I saw was tress.

"Dude where are we going. To let you know I have mase in my bag", I said glancing over at Austin.

He looked at me and laughed " we aren't going to do anything" then Justin cut in "unless you don't want us to" he smirked. Austin started again "we live right up there at there. As soon as he said that I came across this huge house. It at least had to have 5 floors. There were children running around outside and parent talking to other parents. I drive up and parked in front of the house everybody stopped and looked. I got out and heard growls. Some people were giving me dirty looks and other tilted their noses in the air like they were sniffing.

I grabbed onto Austin's arm and asked "do I smell funny or something".

He chuckled and said "no , we just don't get very visitors like you".

"That's because You live in the freaking woods and what do you mean like me" I frowned.

"As pretty as you I mean" he smiled.

I slid behind him and grabbed Justin and pulled behide me so it look like we were in line.( A very close line to be exact.) I held one hand on Austin's back and the other in Justin's hand to the point I had my back against him and my front against Austin as we walked into the house.

"Allison you know this is kind of turning me on" Justin said from behind me.

"I can tell... now shut up and get me to Jason" I scolded.

"Allison stop pressing your self into me or I will do something I will reget" Austin said.

"I'm sorry... But that's the horny kid behind me pressing himself against me" I said trying not to laugh.

As we got into what seemed was the living room I saw Jason sitting on the couch. He turned and looked at us.

"What's wrong with you Justin, you look like your about to blow" he said amused.

I'm guessing he didn't see me because of how smushed I was between them. Austin moved and I was standing there smiling.

Jason got up and started towards me. I walked away from Justin who turned around quickly and almost ran to which I think was his room.

Jason had a amused look on his face " I think I know why he had that look on his face".

"Oh,you don't say" I said sarcastically.

We sat on the couch and started to watch the walking dead. Then I seem Jessica come down the stairs. I ran up to her and hugged her "what are you doing here".

" I live here I should be asking you the same thing" she said smiling.

"Oh I came to hang out with Jason" I said to her.

I heard a coughs come from behind me "and Austin".

She smiled at me and grabbed my hand "that's to bad because we are going shopping".

She started to pull me to the door but I grabbed the railing and started screaming for Jason. Jason ran to me and I had my arms around his neck while Jessica pulled my feet.

In the corner of my eye I think I seen Levi and come to find out it was with b*tch Brit on his arm.

Jessica let go and Jason and I fell. Well Jason fell... I fell on top of him.

His face was a centimeter from mine and our breath mingled together. I heard a cough and I sat up.

I looked at Levi who looked like he wanted to punch the wall next to him until he said "look at what the cat dragged in".

I had nothing to say at the moment until the b*tch Brit whispered something in his ear and he smiled and kissed her.

I frowned and then became angry. I felt something laugh under me and I saw I was straddling Jason's hips.

"Ugh sorry Jase" I said getting off him.

He smiled and got up "no it's fine... I actually like that position if you might ask".

I rolled my eyes and then came back to face a very angry Levi. Then it popped into my head. I walked over to Jason and wrapped my hands around his torso and put my hands in to his back pockets. I saw him smirk and I guess he was catching on to what I was doing.

I leaned up and kissed his nose but felt a spark. He must have felt it to because he furrowed his eyebrows. So kissed his nose again and the spark grew stronger. Then I heard him growl "mine" and he picked me up and he had his hands in my butt. I wrapped my legs around his hips naturally to hold on.

"Well that escalated quickly" I heard Austin say.

I held back a laugh from Austin comment. Then tried to figure out why Jason has that growling problem. I was confused for a moment then decided to lighten the mood "I will go shopping with you later Jess. Austin text me." Then I yelled "JUSTIN" I saw Jason cringe when I yelled. "Sorry" I whispered to him. He nodded then I heard Justin yell back "WHAT". I smiled and covered Jason's ears with my hands then yelled back "TEXT ME LATER". He yelled back "OKAY, BUT YOU OWE ME" I took my hands away from his ears and put them on his shoulders.

As Jason walked me down the stairs to the front door I looked over his shoulder and saw Levi shaking and his eyes were not there normal blue but black.

Jason sat me in the passenger seat in my car and he got in the drivers seat. He sped off down the drive way through the woods. Then a new smell hit me oak tree,lavender and fresh rain, but it had a manly smell to it.

I leaned over and sniffed Jason " you smell fantastic. Not to be weird or anything but its like I can smell you from a different perspective".

He glanced over at me and smiled "thanks... Want to know what you smell like".

I looked at him "don't tell me sweat".

He chuckled "no. You smell like lavender,roses,and a Bon fire"

I sniffed myself "I don't smell that".

He just shook his head and I turned my attention out the window then I heard a howl.

A howl that sounded like pain,hurt,and anger. So much anger !




OMG what is going???

Who knew they were going to be mates?? Because I didn't

I am very happy about this chapter and I hope you liked it too


like I always say





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