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Allison's P.O.V

I unpacked all my belongings and sat on the couch and watched tv. My phone began to ring and Jason threw me my phone. I picked up and put it on speaker and sat the phone on my chest. "hello."

"Allison, we should go walk around England."

"Tiffany we just got here, just unpacked, just got off a plane with a dead guy that we still dont know how hes dead and we could ave died."

"Allison really. What ever happened to YOLO?"

"Tiff you know what i think. I think the word YOLO should just jump off the earth and never be heard or seen from again."

Jason started laughing and sat next to me.

"Allison i will admit, that is the funniest shit i heard all day but think about it. Do you really want to stay in a room with two horny ass guy or be in Englan with your best friend and talk to british guys."

"I like the first one." Jason budded in.

"Jason no one was asking you." Tiffany laughed.

i laughed. "sure i will be down in a few but we cant get in trouble ok."

"wheres the fun in that then?"

"Gosh Tiff. Im coming now."

i hung up and looked at Jason. "im going to hook up with a british guy."

"No the fuck you will not." i heard Levi say from the bathroom.

i looked at the bathroom door. "when did you become my daddy and tell me what to do?"

"Since im the one that can smack your ass when your naughty."

i looked at Jason who looked amused at our conversation. "Jason baby, you know i love you right?"

"Nope dont even ask for my help."

" But Jason."

He looked back at the bathroom door then to me. " If i were you i would start running before he gets out."

I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his side. "Jaaaaason! Pleeeease he's gonna get me though."

He kept his arms draped behind the couch. "hey. I Have nothing to do with this."

He looked down at me and kissed my nose. "run."

I looked shocked at him. "Jason Carter, if you don't get your ass up and help me."

"Allison Henderson, I love you and in order to protect you....im saying run from you Alpha."

Before I could say anything Levi came out the bathroom door and his hair was wet. I wanted to run my hands through his hair just to see. But then again Jason has nice eyes.

'Those thoughts would get you into trouble.'

I looked at Jason and held tighter. "Mr.Alpha is going to get me though."

Levi started to walk to the couch and I jumped up and stood on the opposite side. He stopped and put his hands to the side. "Really babe really."

I put my hands on my hips. "What cat got your tongue."

He growled playfully and ran and I darted to the other side. "Don't play this game with me."

He smirked. "Try me."

I looked at Jason."baby."

He looked at me and pouted his lip out. Which was very sexy. "If I help....im on my Alphas side."

My eyes widened. "Jason. I thought we were on the same team here."

He pointed to Levi. "He's the Alpha."

I ran towards the door and fumbled with the door knob
When I was lifted from the ground. I screamed but forgot the room was sound proof. Levi put me over his shoulder and laughed. "You are so light it's crazy."

I bit his shoulder and he dropped me on the bed. "Oh you like biting?"

I rolled over and started to crawl just to be grabbed my the leg and dragged back towards him. "Let me go you psycho."

He flipped me over and pinned me to the bed. "Sorry little kitten, no can do."

His hands slid to my sides and I knew I was in trouble. Jason and Levi were the few people and when I say few I mean the only people that knew where I was ticklish. He started tickling me. I screamed to the top of my lungs, but he kept going. "please Levi stop." I was able to laugh out.

I tried to push him away but that just made it even worse.

"JASON HELP." I laughed.

"He can't help you." Levi smirked as he continued to tickle me.

I heard my phone start to ring and I heard Jason pick it up. I didn't bother to listen to his conversation when I have a psychotic person over me. Levi stopped tickling me and looked over his shoulder. "Was it important?"

My laughter died down and I wiped the tears away and crooked my neck to see Jason. "No, but Tiffany is waiting for you down stairs."

I wiggled under Levi and he turned and looked at me. He lowered his self to me. "Later we are going to be in this position, but without all this extra clothing."

I went up an kissed his lips and pushed him off. "That's what you say now. Nothing is gonna happen in this bed, in this room, tonight."

"Oh really." he ran his hand up my thigh slowly. He got close to my ear and nibbled at it. "You hurt my feelings when you say things like that." he said in a husky voice.

I heard my heart speed up and start to beat against my rib cage. My breathing hitched in my throat. "W-what are you t-talking about?"

He kissed my cheek and rolled off me. My eyes flickered to Jason who looked sort of sad. My wolf whined inside that I hurt him. I looked at Levi and smirked. "Your not the one getting any tonight. But a boy that goes by the name of Jason will though."

I looked at Jason and his eyes widened. I winked at him and got off the bed. I walked to the door and opened it. "Levi don't be jealous....Alpha boy."

"Jason, wanna come." I said looking at him.

He jumped off the couch and right to me. "Sure."

"Laterz Levi." We left the room leaving a shocked Levi behind. We entered the elevator and I faced him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my hands in his but pockets. "Are you mad at me?"

He put his arms around my neck and looked down at me. "No."

"Why did you look sad then?"

He smiled down at me. "That's what I wanted you to think."

"What? You wanted me to think you were sad and that it's my fault I made you feel like that"

He nodded. "I wanted to come with you."

I laughed at him and kissed his lips. Before he or I could deepen it the elevator stopped and the doors opened up. Two elderly people step in smiling at us. I smiled back at them but something felt off. Like it wasn't right.

"Whats wrong?" Jason whispered in my ear.

"Something's off. It's like the atmosphere completely just changed."

He sniffed the air and slid me behind him. "We are about to get off."

"No I think we need to get off now."

The elevator doors started to close but Jason stopped them. He pulled me out and the old people smile. The old lady looked at me and I felt disturbed. She turned towards Jason and smiled. "Lovely girlfriend you have here."

He smiled awkwardly. "Thanks."

The old man looked up. "to bad shes dead."

The lady turned into something with wings and claws and a face that her own mother wouldn't love. She jumped at us and we took off down the hallway. Jason turned to his wolf and turned around and jumped at it. I turned around and watched the thing land on him. It grabbed him by the neck and was about to twist. My wolf pushed up and I shifted and jumped and tackled it. With success it dropped Jason and I was over it growling. It clawed at my face and I grabbed the neck. It was like I wasn't in control but my wolf. I clamped down on its neck and bit down hard. It stopped moving but I didn't let go of it. I heard someone open a door behind me and I dropped the thing and turned around and prepared myself. Dylan came walking out with a tooth brush in his mouth. He looked at me then to Jason the to the dead thing them back to me. He took his tooth brush out. "what the fuck is this shit?"

I growled and went back over to Jason. He had a gash in his neck. I sat neck to him and started to lick his wound. I heard Dylan say some words but I payed no mind to him.

I looked in Jason's eyes and he looked into mine. 'Are you ok?'

He stood up. 'I need something on my neck.'

"Go in my room." Dylan ordered.

I helped Jason to the room and he sat on the floor. "Shift back I'm out here." Dylan called outside the door. Jason shifted back and it was worse then I thought. I shifted back and went to my brothers closet and took his shirt and put it on. I took another one and some boxers. I ran back to my hurt mate. He put the boxers on and sat on the bed.

"Dylan! What do I do?"

Dylan came in and walked up to us like it was just any normal day. "Go get the alcohol in the bathroom and the first Aid kit from under the sink.

I ran in and got what I need. I push my brother out the way and opened the alcohol bottle. "Babe this might burn ok."

He closed his eyes tightly and nodded. I grabbed a towel from Dylan and poured it on.


"I know I know, I'm sorry." I rubbed some cream on it and wrapped some bandages around it. I jumped over him and kissed him.

" Hey hey hey no kissing on my bed." Dylan shoved us off his bed.

We hit the floor with a thud. Jason grabbed me so he hit the floor first. He was already in bad condition but getting pushed on the floor is just the last thing he needs. I stood up and helped him up. I turned towards my moronic brother and glared at him. "What the hell?"

"What do you mean what the hell? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I pointed towards myself."Me? What about you, going around pushing people who is already in a condition."

Jason put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine."

Dylan pointer towards Jason. "See he's fine"

I glared at Dylan then looked at Jason and softened my eyes. "are you sure?"

He nodded. I turned to look at Dylan. "anyway....what the hell was that thing in the hallway? Why did it try to kill us?"

"Whoa there little sis calm down. First I forgot what that thing is called, but I know it's bad. Second...didn't i tell you not to go out because people are out trying to kill you?"

I looked around the room like it was obvious. "Well thanks bro, thanks for telling me. NOW AFTER I ALMOST DIED!"

"Sorry I thought I told you. There are things and people out to get you and me and your mates. There after me because I'm your brother and I'm just that good looking. There after your mates because they are the only things in their way to get to you."

I nodded and looked at Jase. "I guess we're staying in the room tonight."

"Actually your not. We meet the elders now." Dylan said grabbing his phone.

"What about Levi?" I asked.

"What about him? Tell
Him get his ass down here. He's already whipped by my little sister. Just like this one over here. And tell him bring clothes down for you and him." he pointed at Jason.

"Okay...umm....no the hell I am not whipped. I am still free to do what ever the fuck I want to." Jason said glaring.

I smirked to myself. "Can you get me vanilla Sunday with Carmel and chocolate. Oh yeah in a cone."

"Is that all or is there more?" he asked looking at me.

We walked into the elevator. "Nah I think that's it."

"Dude you are so whipped." Dylan laughed.

"I'm not. If my girlfriend asks me for ice cream, I'm getting it for her." he looked down and then pulled me to his chest. "Damn it, I'm whipped."

I hugged him. "I know just like Levi, Austin, and everyone else that I'm around."

We got off the elevator and Tiffany was standing at the door when I got off. "Where were you and why are you basically nude?!"

i put my hands up. "Sorry for almost dying."

"What do you mean you almost died?"

"Stupid over here didn't tell me a bunch of freaks of nature was after me." I gestured toward my brother.

We walked out the building to find Hilton leaning on a limo. "took you long enough and why are you half nude?"

I gave him a pointed look. "I should really hurt you for that note you left me. And I wish people will stop asking me that question."

He scrunched his brows together. "I didn't....." then realization hit. "ohhhhh, yeah I know you love me."

I slapped his chest and glared. "Your an idiot."

He smiled. "I would prefer ass but, idiot works too."

He looked at Jason. "The hell happened to you?"

"Let's just say I got bit pretty damn hard by a old lady."

Hilton looked at me as if waiting for me to start laughing. I mean Jason wasn't lying....he did get bit by a old lady. He looked at Dylan. "Dude, is he serious or should I start laughing?"

Dylan nodded. "it's true."

"Hahaha, oh shit... you got bit by a old person!" Hilton fell to the ground laughing.

Jason started to nod. "Go ahead Allison, I know you want to laugh to."

I coughed to cover up my laughs but instead if me laughing hard I heard to other people behind Jason start laughing. I looked around him to find Austin leaning on the door laughing pointing at Jason. Levi was bent over laughing to hard. I thought he was about to die.

"Ok you chimps, can we please load up in the car so we can be there, and not be late." Dylan said pushing me to the car.

All the way there the car was full of laughter. I changed into my clothes that Levi brought down for me. It was hard to change because having two mates who are over protective plus in a car full of guys isn't the easiest of things. Levi just brought down some jeans for Jason since he was already wearing half of my brothers clothes. After laughing at Jason we laughed at Justin who didn't come. We laughed at him because they told me about when they played a prank on Jason it back fired. Instead of Jason freakish out Justin got punched in the face. I still remember it, he texted me at like 10:00 at night. We pulled up to a huge castle like things. I mean it was huge, like something you only see in fairy tales.

We got out and Hilton put his arms out and spun around. "Welcome to my domain."

"This is your house?" I pointed.

"My house, my gate, my car, my drivers, my things, everything is basically mine." He said opening the gate to the castle.

"Cocky much." I said under my breath.

He turned walking down the path backwards. "I'm cocky like that."

I rolled my eyes and walked through the double doors to a billion dollar house.

There where people at the door waiting and holding glasses with drinks in them.

"Are my parents home?" Hilton said to a guy that looked like a butler.

"I'm sorry Prince Hilton, but they stepped out to the garden area."

Hilton groaned. "Fine tell them I'm in a meeting with the elders."

The butler turned towards Dylan. "Is this young lady your sister?"

"Yes." Dylan answered.

"Daughter of the O'Connor's."

The butler bowed and walked away. Hilton turned to me and everyone else. "Follow me."

We walked through halls and Hilton and Dylan bows. As we walked outside three girls threw themselves at us.

"Like Oh My God Dylan is this, like, your sister?"

Dylan face palmed himself. "Judy go away."

"Awe don't be such a sour wolf." she laughed.

Yup I didn't like her already.


'You haven't talked since...I don't even know.' I said back to my wolf.

Dylan pushed past Judy and into the next building. The building was big and old like. It had pictures of old guys and women. We stopped at to big doors and Hilton stopped.

"So basically the elders are in here and don't disrespect them or anything."

I smiled. "I'm not gonna bite, now open the doors."

"No. Seriously Allison, Dylan warned."

They opened the doors and it was like a court room just without the jury and the seats. There were 4 older looking people talking amongst themselves. We walked up to them and they turned to us one lady and 3 men.

Everyone bowed and I followed. They bowed to us and the lady smiled and stood. "It's finally lovely to meet you Allison."




We my friends are almost at the end there are 2 updates left till I'm done....then you get to read the next book and see what happens to Allison and her CRAZY freaked out life.

Anyways...I have to go
💋💋💋LOVE YA💋💋💋



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