You mean like a cat?

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Look I warned you okay. You don't have to read it if you don't want plus this chapter makes no sense at all.



Allison's P.OV

I woke up laying on Jason's chest. I smiled to myself and snuggled into his warm chest. I heard him chuckle and I felt him start to rub my back. I kissed his bear chest and looked up at him.

He kissed my nose. "I love you Allison."

I smiled and kissed his lips. He kissed me back and placed me on top of him. He ran his hands up and down my sides.

I leaned up and looked down at him. "Good morning to you too."

He smiled and pecked me on the lips. "Sorry, I kinda haven't actually kissed you nor touched you in 2 weeks."

I giggled and rolled off of him. "I feel much better. Like I have been hibernating and that I'm alive and awake more then ever."

He laughed at me and sat up. "I'm guessing the old Allison is back."

I smiled "yup."

I headed for the shower and turned the water on. I felt a heat wave run through my body and it hurt like a b*tch. I ignored it and kept getting undressed. It hit me again like I ran directly into a brick wall. "The f*ck is this." I ignored it again, then a idea came into my mind.

I smirked to myself and got in. "JASON!"

"What!" He called from behind the door.

I pouted my lip out and called out to him. "I'm lonely."

In a matter of seconds I was pinned to the wall with my hands over my head that Jason was holding and a hand holding me in place. The hot water was steaming down my body as Jason trailed kisses down my neck. I let out a small moan and I heard him chuckle.

"I like those enchanting sounds." He said against my neck. I whimpered a little and he kept kissing my neck but not the spot I wanted him to kiss. I growled at him and he smiled.
"Jason." I moaned.
He kissed the spot and I just melted into him.

He looked at me and his eyes were black. "Your in heat."

"I don't care." Then I attacked his face with kisses.

His final words were. "I hope this room is soundproof."


About a hour and a half later I got out the bed and brushed my hair down. I threw a pair of skinny jeans and my white shirt that said 'Panda Love' on it that hung off my shoulder and my black converse. I did everything else and put my dirty clothes in a bag that Jason had. I patted my pockets in search for my phone. Jason handed it to me and I took it from him. I went to open the door but Jason grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. He kissed me and held me in place.

I felt my wolf starting to take over so I pulled back from him. "My wolf is looking for more then your giving her."

He smirked and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He started to kiss my neck and my wolf pushed even harder to the surface.

"Jason. S-stop." I whimpered.

He stopped and looked at me. "Then your going to have to control your heat then."

"You mean like how cats go into heat?" I raised an eyebrow.

He chuckled. "Yeah like a cat except a dog. No offense. A male wolf can smell your heat 2 to 3 miles away. Most guys in the pack will have a hard time staying away from you because of your heat. They will want to pounce on you the second they see you."

I giggled. "I wonder how this will play out."

He kissed my nose then sat me back on my feet. I walked through the backyard and into the back door, Jason hot on my heels. Everyone's head turned towards me and smiled.

I saw Austin about to say something but I raised a hand to him. "No Austin."

He smiled "I will say it in time."

I went to sit down at the table but the girls grabbed me and pulled me to the living room.

"You know the whole deal by now Allison." Jess said.

I rolled my eyes. "I just got out the hospital and Im hungry." I whined.

"Don't play the bullshit on us. We can smell him all over you. Plus we can smell your heat." Amber pointed out.

I was about to say something but I looked to see Mrs. Michels coming down the stairs.

She looked at me and smirked. "I see your feeling better Allison."

I looked down. "Yeah."

She disappeared in the kitchen. I looked back towards the girls and signed. "If your wondering if it was better...yes. But no, I'm only saying this because when I did it with Levi I was drunk and not in the right state if mind. This time I was sober, plus the hot shower, and the bed."

"No this time you were drunk on want that's all." Tiffany laughed.

I waved her off. "Whatever."

"Was anything bigger than usual." Jess wiggled her eyebrows.

I pointed at all if them. "That is something I'm not saying and not comparing. That's just wrong and mean."

"Come on Al." Amber pleaded.

"Think about this. Is it because Levi's a Alpha or...." Tiff pushed.

"No. I'm not doing it." I felt my body warm up.

Tiff raised an eyebrow. "Jason?"

"I'm not saying." I said getting up.


"Still not saying." I said walking to the kitchen.

"I will just have to find out." Tiff said.

A growl erupted from my chest and I froze in my spot. "What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

She smirked. "Tell me."

I smiled. "Same."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you lying."

"I'm not. I think if you ask them, they will both say they need there hearing checked." I smirked knowing that would piss her off.

She grumbled something but sat on the couch. The guys came back from the kitchen and sat in the living room.

"Since I just got out of the hospital, I think we all should go out to eat to a fancy restaurant." I smiled.

"That sounds fun!" Tiff said jumping up.

"When was the last time I've been to school." I laughed.

"Three weeks." All the guys said at once.

"How about some other time, not tonight." I said getting up.

"You do know this week we are going to London right?" Levi said looking at me.

"What day?" I asked.

"Wednesday." He said looking away from me.

"Fine, lets go to the water park." I suggested.

Tiffany pulled me. "Bikini time."

"Oh god." I heard all the guys say under their breaths.


I slipped on my white strapless bikini top and aquamarine bottoms. I threw my coverup on and put extra clothes in my bag. I grabbed my flip flops and sunglasses and ran out my room, down the stairs and outside. About 5 minutes later they all came piling out the house.

I stood up and looked. "which car are we taking?"

"Mine." Levi said getting in.

I looked to my cars that sat in the driveway, then back to Levi's car. "I think I will take my baby."

I started to walk over to my Cadenza but I was stopped.

I turned to see Tiffany holding my arm. "Your bringing me with you so you know."

I smiled and nodded. I got in the car and started it up. I looked at the guys who were staring at us. Justin came running out the house then he froze like a statue. He sniffed the air again and looked my way. His eyes went from his normal brown to black in just seconds.

I raised an eyebrow. "Justin you okay?"

He started to walk towards me but Jason tackled him to the ground and pinned him down. "Justin calm down!"

I turned to look at Tiff. "what is going on?"

She smiled and laughed at me. "It's your heat. I'm sure Jason told you already."

"Oh I see."

I turned and looked at Justin who stopped struggling and Jason was holding him up. "Justin I think it's better if you stay here."

Justin looked at me with sad eyes. "Sorry Ally." Then he went inside.

"Awe I feel bad now." I pouted.

"Don't be. It's not your fault it's just natural." Tiff said.

All the guys came piling into my car in the back seat. I looked in the mirror and smiled. "I hope your ready for this."

Tiffany started laughing and I put my sunglasses on, then I sped down the driveway on our way to the water parks.


"Can I have 5 bracelets." Levi said to the girl. He handed her the money but it took her forever to give him the freaking things. She kept looking him up and down and I was getting irritated. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. I moved to the side of him and he wrapped arm round me. I looked at the girl and she was glaring at me.

I smirked at her. "Can we just have the things please."

Her glaring stopped and she smiled and looked down. "He should be with someone prettier I think."

I heard her say under her breath. I glared t her. "I wouldn't be talking."

Levi pulled me to his chest and kissed the top of my head. "Your way hotter babe."

I smiled and looked up and he kissed my nose. I looked at the girl and she handed me the things. I took them and bounced off happily into the water park. I walked around until I found enough chairs for all of us. I sat my bag down and laid my towel on the chair. Of course Jase and Levi had to be on either side of me.

I looked over Jason to Tiffnay. "Are you ready?"

He glanced over at me. "I should be the one asking you."

I giggled and started to take my coverup off. As soon as it hit the ground their were growls from Jason and Levi. I rolled my eyes at them and walked over to Tiff.

I grabbed her arm and started to pull her to the water slide, I stopped and turned to the guys. "Come on will you, and Jason can you get my hair tie out my bag."

They took their shirts off and a rush if heat went though me. Jason looked at me and laughed. "You need to keep that under control."

I rolled my eyes and took the hair tie from him. Tiff and I ran to the biggest slide there was. I climbed up the steps and got to the top in about 5 minutes.

The blond guy turned around and smiled at us. "Which one is single."

I laughed. "Non."

He frowned. "awe that's to bad."

He gave us a tube and he helped me in. He was kinda to close to my face then I liked but Jason and them had my back if something went wrong. He moved back and got behind me and pages me down the slide. The tunnel was dark and I was moving really fast. I screamed all the ways down until I was splashed in my face when I came to a stop. I hopped off the raft and got out the water. I waited till they all came down. I started to walk towards a different ride when I heard Tiffany scream. I looked and saw that Austin picked her up ad she was holding on to his back. My eyes grew because I knew for a fact that I was next. I looked around frantically searching for them. I don't see Jason not did I see Levi, but I could tell they were watching me. I started walking to the lazy river and I got in. I was about half way around when I was attacked from under the water. Jason came and broke through the surface and ran his hand back though his hair.

I started smacking him and he started to swim away from me. I chased him though the water, he got out the water and ran somewhere. I got out and looked for him. I concentrated on his scent and I followed it to the pool where everybody was.

'You look lost' Jason teased
'I'm gonna hurt you' I growled
'I would watch if I was you' Jason said

I was picked up and thrown into the water, I broke through the surface and looked up. "LEVI YOU JACKASS!"

He started laughing and I glared at him. Jason swam up next to me. I took in a mouth full of water and he picked me up and put me on his shoulders. I looked at Levi who was still laughing and I spit the water on him. He stopped laughing and snapped his neck to me. Jason put me down and I held onto his back and he started to swim to the other side of the pool. I was snatched off his back and Levi held onto me.

By the end of the day we went on every water ride, got kicked out of the pool, Jason punched someone for flirting with me, and I managed to get put into water park jail which I am in now. Yes at the moment I am in the freakish cell sitting here watching a fat guy eat donuts.

"Dude, I know I'm suppose to get at least one phone call or something. right?" I said holding onto the bars.

He looked at me and laughed. "Sure sweet pea."

I rolled my eyes and he opened the cell. I went right to the phone and dialed Austin's cell since he might not be as mad.

It rang and he answered about the 4th ring.

'Hello, who is this?"
'Austin! its me Allison. I kind if need your help right now.'
I heard him chuckle. 'Allison what did you get yourself into now.'
'I'm in jail."
'Austin calm down. I'm still in the water park. I'm just in water park jail.'
'Hahaha what did you do?"
'Well.... I kinda.....ummmm.... got mad at this guy because he wasn't moving fast enough. I said excuse me but he flipped me off. so I kind of just... threw my drink on him and smashed my ice cream in his face.'
'Hahhahaha how old was he!' Austin laughed
'About 15. But I didn't know he was one of the security guys sons.'
'God Allison okay I'm on my way.'
'Ok just don't tell Levi and Jason'
'Because their going to be mad at me'

It was quiet for a moment and I heard movement then Jason answer.
'You could have called my phone'
'Can you people hurry up'
'Why should we'
Because I'm in a bikini and I'm wet, plus there is this guy in here looking at me.' I smirked to myself.
'We're coming'

I hung up and looked at the guy eating the donut. He pointed to the cell and I went back in giving him the finger. I sat back where I was and leaned my head on the wall and closed my eyes.

'Sometimes I wonder why you just don't use the link' my wolf laughed
'In all honesty, I sometimes forget I have that'
'Wow, nice one Allison."
'Yeah I know. But did you know we had a brother?'
'If I knew I would have told you. But I always did feel this connection somewhere but never knew where it was coming from.'
'You never told me that.'
'Sorry hehe'

I heard the cell door open and I looked up to see a security throwing someone in the same cell as me. It was a young boy about 15. He had black hair and had was spikes and grey eyes.

I laughed and looked at the guy eating the donuts. "Can I have a donut?"

He looked at me and thought about it, then nodded. He got up and brought the box over to me. I chose the strawberry with sprinkles. "Thank you"
He smiled and went to go sit back down. I looked at the boy who was eyeing me up an down.

"Stop it." I said biting the donut.

The boy smiled. "How could I?"

I looked at him. "Dude your like 15."

He smiled. "age is just a number baby. I'm Carson."

I laughed. "Oh god where is my boyfriend."

He laughed. "Your looking at him and whats your name."

I rolled my eyes. "Im Allison. Why are you in here?"

"I pulled this old mans pants down." He said like it was so normal.

I finished my donut. "Ha real nice."

"What did a hot piece of ass like you do?" he smirked.

"I threw my drink on someone and smashed my ice cream in his face, turned out it was a security guards son."

The boy laughed and high fived me. I looked at the door and all my friends came in. Austin had a amused look on his face along with Tiffany.

"Hey guys." I waved.

Jason came up to the bars and smiled. "Well well well look what we have here."

"Jason get me out of here." I said getting up.

Jason looked at the boy behind me then back to me. "Did he do anything."

"He's only 15, calm down."

"You have to be 18 or older to get her out." the fat guy said.

"I'm 18." Levi said showing him is ID.

The guy nodded and he opened the cell for me. I looked at Carson then back to Levi. "please."

Levi looked at the guard. "Get the kid out to."

He let Carson out and he ran up and hugged me. "Thank you so much Allison. "

It was awkward because I didn't know the kid an he was hugging me. So I just patted his back. "Yeah your welcome."

"I'm surprised you didn't pull me off of you let considering I'm a horny 15 year old." He said pulling back.

"Yeah, now I need to take a shower." I said walking out the door. He laughed and went his separate way. I looked back towards my friends who were looking at me. "what."

"You when to jail and became someone's b*tch." Austin laughed.

I glared at him. "Your running home no joke."


We got home all the males that were outside kept a close eye on me as Jason and Levi did them. I looked to see Austin running to the house in his wolf form. I wasn't joking when I said he was running home. I walked inside the house and the heat in my stomach burned me. I tied to ignore it but it wouldn't stop. I walked up the stairs to my room and laid out in my floor. The burning got even worse and I didn't know how to make it stop. I felt my wolf take over my body and she had full control. Before I could do anything I was laying on top of Jason in his room.

"Allison!?" Jason said surprised.

"What!" I snapped at him.

"Calm down Allison, your wolf is scaring the crap out if me." Jason said looking at me.

I growled at him and started to rip his shirt.

He looked at me. "It only makes sense that my wolf takes over completely then. Sorry Allison."

His eyes turned black with specs of gold and I was flipped onto my back.



I told you about all that nasty stuff. You didn't have to read it so.... Yeah. Anyway YAY they went to the water park.

And 👀 look who did it Jason and Allison. Whooooop!!!!

🙊🙈🙉 I feel dirty like before....

Okay so I'm gonna go



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