All your worried about is rejection

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Allison's P.O.V

I shut my door then went over to my closet to get clothes.


I ran out the closet and Jason busted through the door and seconds later so did Levi.

I ran over to Jason "Oh my f*cking god".

"What happen Allison" Levi asked walking into my room.

I looked and saw my window was broken I walked over next to Levi with Jason following.

"Who the f*ck would want to break my window" I ask aggravated.

"I'm about to kill someone if they don't leave my mate alone" he mumbled so low he probably thought no one heard but...I did.

I looked down and saw a metal tube. I picked it up and screwed off the top.

"Allison, babe be careful"Jason said putting his arm around my torso.

I pulled out a note it read

•Allison, we are coming for you. Oh and tell your alpha and your boyfriend that there mate isn't safe anymore. Also that your mom should stay in the house it really isn't safe to go grocery shopping without protection around her•

I dropped the letter and the tube. I think I went into shock. I didn't move...or at least I didn't move. I heard nothing around me. I saw Jason in front of my face talking but I heard no words come from him. Levi stepped in front of me but I didn't hear him either. I heard faint noises in the distance but, nothing changed. It looked liked Jason and Levi were arguing but I didn't hear anything. Then they turned towards me and just....just stared. Jason looked at Levi am then gave him a nod and Levi walked up to me and hugged me. Sound started to come back to me and very clearly. I wrapped my arms around Levi and stuffed my face in his chest.

He whispered "it's okay Ally, I everyone will be okay".

"I've heard that a lot through out my life".

"Trust me on this... It will be okay" he leaned his chin on the top of my head.

"What did the letter mean by the alphas and the boyfriends mate" I said lowly.

I heard his heart beat pick up and I pulled away from him to look at him.

"Allison, I don't know what to say or how to tell you" he said.

"Why won't you just say it if your the big bad alpha. I notice you let me say things to you and I get away with it, but if someone says it to you,you go all alpha" I glared.

"Fine Allison. I'm your mate too happy I said it".

"But I thought you only get one" I said looking at both of them.

"We thought so too. But you get a second one if you first mate dies. There called your second mate." He explained.

"Basically one of you died" I said sarcastically.

"Can you not be sarcastic at the moment. Just be lucky I didn't reject you" he sneered.

"Reject. Reject. You think I'm worried about you 'REJECTING' me. I went through a whole lot of 'reject' in my life Levi, this wouldn't be the first. You can reject me if you want ! But since you didn't reject me you decide to be a jerk to me. What kind of mate are you Levi. Your so freaking bi-polar. One minute your kind and nice then the next you want me to die." I yelled.

"Allison I would never want you to die" he said angry.

"Oh gosh it's hard to see that".

Jason put his hand on my shoulder but I pushed it off "did you want to reject me to".

"Allison no. I'm the one who wanted to claim you. Make you safe. Never hurt you." He said in a calm voice.

I turned back towards Levi "I stand here just got a freaking death note basically and listen to you say "oh you better be lucky I didn't reject you" I said imitating his voice.

"What if you did reject me, huh. Doesn't that mean I still have Jason or something, wouldn't that cause you pain. I don't know what it is whenever your whoring around I can feel the pain. I hope you feel the pain when I kiss Jason you jerk". I breathed out.

"Allison, if I wanted to reject you I would have already some it." He growled.

"Then do it already. Do you want me to feel the pain you cause me. I already had enough pain in my life your just causing more. You know what Levi just leave me the f*ck alone." I yelled.

I looked at Jason but softened my eyes "I'm sorry Jase".

I looked at the window since it was already broken I ran and jump through it. In mid air I shifted into my wolf and ran into the woods. I ran past other people who were outside. I heard a noise behind me and I looked back and saw Jason. I looked forward and picked up my pace. I shed tears from my eye. The next thing I know Jason was running along side if me. I sniffed the air and got a scent that was from my room. I chased after it with Jason right in the side of me.

'Allison stop it might me a trap' he linked
'I don't care Jase'
'Babe please' he pleaded.
'Jason they followed my mom, they were in my room, they mentioned you. I will not let them harm the people I love'
'Baby no one will hurt me or your mom. We will have guards watching her.'
'There should be no points for guards if you just let me illuminate the threat' I growled.
'God you sound hot when you talk like that' he purred

I stopped running and I came to a steady jog then to a hault. I looked at him and tilted my head to the side

'You always know how to lightened the mood don't you'
'I had to. Since Austin's not here' he mentally laughed.
'Okay guys, who said Austin wasn't here' a voice said.

I turned my head and a brown wolf along with another chocolate wolf came trotting out.

'Austin, Justin'
'Sup guys' Austin gave a wolfy grin
'You two are morons' I barked.
'You know it' Justin chimed in.

My ears twitched, I spun around and bent down and growled. 3 men came walking out from behind the trees.

"I wonder if your mother will bark like a b*tch when I get to her" the tallest man said.

I growled a deeper growl and took a step forward. My left ear twitched and I heard a chuckle. It sounded familiar. I turned my head to find the most violating sight ever.

That stupid f*cking drunk-tard himself.









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