You son of a b*tch

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Allison's P.O.V

"Oh Allison, you know it's rude to growl at your father" he chuckled.

Austin, Justin, and Jason stood beside me in a row. The drunk-tard stood I front of the other men.

"Allison, I knew one of these days you were going to find out. I should have killed you when I had the chance. But that b*tch of a mother didnt let me. Don't worry your mothers not a hunter she doesn't even know I'm one. Don't tell that will be our little secret." He winked.

He pulled at gun out and the others pulled tazers or some crap out of there pockets. Justin and Austin started to stalk the around them on the other sides of them.

Mark laughed and started towards me "you were always so stupid Allison."

I lunged at him and snapped at his face. He hit me with the gun in my face but I bit his ankle and he shouted in pain. When I looked up Austin,Justin and Jason already killed the other or at least I think they were dead. I snapped my head back over to the drunk-tard who was crawling away. He got himself up and pointed his gun at Jason. Without thinking I darted towards Jason.





Haha you thought I ended there but I didn't haha I love messing with you Guys. Okay continue !!!!!


Jason's P.O.V

I felt a sting of pain in my right shoulder. But soon realize I wasn't the one who was shot but Allison. I rushed to her aid. I changed back not caring that I don't have close on. I leaned on my knees hold Allison's head. Justin walked over and held out his paw. He had a pair of short and a shirt tied to it. I untied it quickly and put the shorts on. I laid the shirt over her body.

"Allison baby, look at me it's going to be okay. Your going to be okay" I said leaning over her.

Justin dashed away. I swear I have never seen him or Austin ran as fast before. But when it came to Allison they were totally different people.

"Baby, look at me. You have to change back please." I bit my lip holding back tears.

Austin was circling around to protect us. Allison changed back and I put the shirt on her. I looked at the bullet hole and black was starting to surround it.

"Ugh, why does it have to be f*cking silver".

"J-Jase it h-hurts. P-please make I-it s-stop" I stuttered.

"I know baby, I know just hold on" my voice crack at the end.

I couldn't wait any longer. I flicked my nails out and started to dig the bullet hole out her shoulder. She screamed in pain but I had to ignore it and get it out. While she screamed Austin let out a wrenching howl.

I finally got the bullet out and I threw it to the side. I cuddled Allison to me and rocked her back in forth. I looked up to see Justin come running back with the pack doctor and some others wolves including my parents. I looked over to the tree where that stupid tried to shoot me but he was gone.

The pack doctor shifted then came over in a large jacket and knelt down by Allison. She looked at me and I nodded.

"Jason please step back, she needs space"the doctor warned.

"I know, but please save her help her" I was crying already.

"Jason I will save your mate don't worry" he said working away on Allison.

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