I thought that old b*tch died

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Allison's P.O.V

I ran down the stairs and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Sorry mom, gotta go going to be late" I said hurrying out the door.

I ran to my Cadenza,threw my bag in the car and rode off to school. When I got there I parked between Jason's and Levi's car.

" Levi usually parks on the other side of Jason's, but no time to scolde his car." I said rushing out and into the building.

No one was in the halls at at. It looked like a ghost town. I ran to the office and the lady didn't even look up she just handed me the slip and I took it running down the hall. I got to my first period class I opened the door slowly. All heads turned towards me.

I walked over to the teachers desk and sat the slip on his table and walked to the back and took my seat.

"Ms.Henderson why are we late" he spoke aloud.

I looked up and in the corner of my eye I seen Jason and Dave laughing.

'You two are d*cks' I said through the link.

"Ummm....I don't know" I said lowly.

"You don't know why your late"Mr.Jared said firmly.

"I do now why, but I rather not tell you" I said looking at him with my head to the side.

He looked at me " Ms.Henderson I will be seeing you after class".

"Ugh" I sat my head down in the desk.

'Want me to wait for you babe' Jason said threw the link

I looked back up and focused on Mr.Jared 'no its fine Jason'
'I'm gonna wait for you anyways' he said.

I looked across the room to Dave who was talking to some guys behind him. Then I looked towards Jason who was looking at the board.

'Jason if you can hear me scratch your head' I said in my mind. He didn't do anything so I guess I had my thoughts to myself. I looked out the window and thought about Jason with his shirt off and only his boxers and me in a skin tight dress walking slowly over to him. I started kissing his chest slowly. I smiled at the image then turned my head back towards the teacher to see what crap he was explaining. Then the same image came into my mind except I was on the bed and Jason was on top of me kissing my neck. I blinked a few times then looked over at Jason who was smirking at the board.

'Did you do that' I asked him
'I don't know what your talking about' he said back
'You saw my thoughts didn't you'I scolded him
'Maybe you should block your thoughts' he said
'I said if you can hear me scratch you head'
'Okay I didn't have too, maybe I wanted to know what you where thinking' he said.

I rolled my eyes and 6 minutes later the bell rung. I grabbed my bag and walked up to the front desk.

"You asked for me"I sarcastically said to Mr.Jared.

"Why were you late to my class"he asked again.

"Because I woke up late. My alarm on my phone didn't go off" I said truthfully.

"Okay but make sure it doesn't happen again" he said looking back down at the paper.

I walked out the class and someone grabbed me. Considering I felt tingles it was Jason or Levi, but I doubt it was him. I turned around and saw Jason.

We started our way to our next class "what do you want Mr.Carter.

"Nothing just waiting for you" Jason said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

We walked down the hall and I then felt a pain in my chest.

"What the f*ck" I said under my breath.

Jason looked at me concerned" what's wrong".

"I, I don't know my chest hurts" I said holding my chest.

I saw Jason look around so I turned around to see Levi lip locking with b*tchy Britney. They pulled apart and Levi looked at me with sad eyes while the whore smirked. I turned around and walked quickly to my next class with Jason following behind me.

I walked in the class and Jason sat next to me in the back. He pulled my seat closer to his and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned back in my chair with my arms crossed. I got glares from girls and others shocked expressions. 'Ugh I'm sooo bored' I thought to myself. I dropped my arms and let my hand slide over to Jason's thigh. I looked at him in the corner of my eye and his eyes were wide. I slid my hand closer to his inner thigh and I got a growl from him.

"If you go any closer I swear I will take you right here and now" he growled in my ear.

I leaned over to him "you sound really sexy right now".

He growled again and was about to do something but the class door swung open.

"Class, I believe you all know Levi Michels he is transferring over to this class now." The teacher said I didn't even know her name.

Levi looked around the class. I nuzzled my head into Jason shoulder in case he didn't see me. But that was stupid because I'm sure he could smell my scent. I looked back up and he was sitting right next to me. I leaned in closer to Jason who chuckled.

Then the loud speaker came on "Can Allison Henderson please report to the main office".

I looked at Jason and he looked at me. I grabbed my bag and headed to the the front office.

"Ugh I hate walking down these stupid hallways"I said to myself.

'Jason ask to go to the bathroom or something.' I said through the link
'Haha I'm way ahead of you' he said back.

Then I heard someone down the hall start yelling and I turned around to see Jason getting thrown out the class. He was ducking from paper being thrown at him and sprinted towards me.

"What the f*ck did you do" I asked him as he ran up to me.

"I got I'm trouble" is all he simply said.

"Yeah but what did you do to make you get in trouble." I asked him.

"I told her that she should really stop wearing that dress because it makes her look fat." He laughed.

"All you had to do was ask to go to the bathroom you moron" I slapped his head.

"I don't do things the easy way" he smirked

"I can see that."

We turned the corner and saw Justin and Austin walking our way.

"Why are you guys here" I asked.

"We heard your name over the loud speaker so we decided to come see whats up" Justin said.

"Did you guys get in trouble doing it like this moron over here" I pointed to Jason.

"Well I stood up and walked over to the board and started writing sh*t I had no clue about. Then Austin stood up on the desk yelling "you solved the secret recipe to the crabby patties." Then I turned around saying"haha plankton you'll never get me patties". Then she got mad and chased us out the room with Austin saying "Oh god Purl we didnt mean to upset you" and that's how we are here at the office." Justin explained.

"I wish I was there to see that" Jason and I said together.

"You probably will because I let Jessie record the whole thing" Austin said.

"I'm friends with a bunch of morons" I said walking into the office.

I step in front of the desk and the lady looked at me "Allison you have a visitor".

"You said that like she is in jail" Justin laughed.

"Dude because she is" Austin laughed.

The lady glares at them then a short women came out the principals office.

"Allison?" The lady said.

"And you are" I asked her.

"You don't remember me"she said smiling.

I looked her up and down then my eyes went wide "Mrs.Thomas.

She smiled and I frowned.

"Allison I'm glad to see you. Your all grown up" she kept smiling.

'Levi please get someone over to my house to check on my mom. I will tell you later' I linked him.

I looked at f*cking Mrs.Thomas and glared at "I'm not glad to see you. I never wanted to see you ever again and yet you are standing in front of me. You old wrinkly b*tch you should have died already."

She stepped forward and I stepped backwards backing up into Austin. I grabbed the lower part of his shirt.

"Allison you have no right" she started but I cut her off.

"No I do have the f*cking right. I'm in school all they can do is expel,give me detention, or more. All my parents will do is scolde me and forbid me to leave my house. I'm not even in your care anymore so just get the f*ck out of my life you stupid old b*tch." I yelled at her.

I accidentally ripped Austin's shirt "sorry" I whisper to him.

"Awe this was my favorite shirt too" he said looking at his shirt.

I turned back to Mrs.Thomas and scolded her.

"Allison what have I ever done to you" she said with a half frown.

"Done to me ,what have you done to me. You made my life a living f*cking hell. The day the Henderson's came I heard you tell those other kids to surround me so they wouldn't see me. Im not f*cking stupid you f*cking b*tch. I knew you would always hide me when family's came around. I knew when you put me in that stupid f*cking closet and shut me in there for a day or two that you were the worlds biggest b*tch that I have ever seen or met. So I hope you you have the rest of your f*cked up life and leave me the f*ck alone." I yelled at her.

I didn't notice I was yelling until I saw the whole office standing out of there rooms. I didn't even hear the bell ring signaling 3rd period until I saw the office was surrounded outside with on lookers.

I turned around to leave but then stopped "oh and thanks for the mark you left on my back... It's still there. So thanks for the wonderful memories."

I grabbed Austin knowing the others would follow. I felt tears run down my face. I went to the cafeteria knowing no one would be in there.

I let go of Austin then heard Tiffany's voice "Ally!"

She ran to me and hugged me. We sat down on a seat and I cried into her shoulder. I looked at my hand and saw my claws out but they soon disappeared. I felt another hand on my back. I let go if Tiff and saw Justin rubbing my back. I looked up and Jason was pacing back in forth while Austin already punched a hole in the wall.

"Jason" I said shakey from crying.

He was right in front on me in a flash "yes baby, I'm here".

"Is there something wrong with me" I asked as tears fell down my face.

"Baby nothing is wrong with you."he said hugging me.

"UGH IM GOING TO F*CKING KILL THAT B*TCH" Austin yelled punching another wall.

"Austin" I said.

He ran over to me and hugged me "everything will be okay Al I swear everything will be okay. Your like my little sister Allison I love you. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Jason thinks the same thing but he's just a pussy to say it".

I smiled as I laid my head on Austin's chest while still hugging him. I felt Jason pull me back and embrace me.

I let go of Jason and walked back over to Tiff who had tears in her eyes.

"Why do you have tears" I asked her.

"Because I don't want to see you cry" she said hugging me.

I saw Justin get up and walk out the door.

I went to go follow him but Jason stopped me "don't if anyone gets in his way right now he will tear them to shreds. He probably going to go kill something or run."


"Not human but an animal, like a deer" He said rubbing my back.

As I calmed down the cafeteria doors swung open. It was the one lady I hates the most more than my f*ckes up drunk-tard father,more than Levi, more than anything.

Mrs, f*cking Thomas.




OMG whats going to happen this isn't good at all.

Awwww I love Austin he's so sweet. (Besides the part with him punching walls and what not) but I was kinda hot 😉

See what happens OMFG

This chapter wasn't the best but I hope you liked it.


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