Jerks, Sluts , then theres Me

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"Ummmm...yeah Mark can you not be an ass this early in the morning" I said tilting my head to the side glaring at him.

"Don't speak to me in that tone" he said walking in the kitchen.

"Mom can you please tell King drunk-tard to leave me alone" I turned to my mom.

"Oh so you call her mom now. "He said with a hint of anger" where did you get all this new stuff. You robbed a
bank didnt you, you little slut".

"Mark that's enough from you"mom said standing in front of me.

Mom grabbed my hand and pushed past Mark. She made sure she pushed him hard enough to make him bump the wall next to him.

"Ally I'm sorry for his behavior"mom said with sympathy.

"Mom it's fine it's not your fault that's he's an ass" I said smiling at her.

I looked at my phone and it was already 7:50.

"Ahhh sh*t" I said under my breath.

"What's wrong sweetie" mom says hurrying down along the stairs.

"I'm going to be late for school " I said trying to skip steps down along the stairs.

As we went down the last flight of stairs I jogged out the door. As as I went to swiftly run down the street my mom caught my arm.

" mom I have to go" I said in a hurried voice.

"Yes I know that is why you are getting a ride from school" she said smiling at me" this is my friend Jeremy."

I looked from mom to Jeremy and then back to mom. At the moment I couldn't me suspicious and ask questions but I just went along with it.


Getting out the car it was 8:06. Oh thank god things may finally go my way at least today hopefully.

"Thanks mom ,and thanks for the ride Jeremy" I said waving.

" oh and sweetie is it okay if I pack your stuff in your room" mom asked with her lips pressed together.

I looked at her and gave her the thumbs up. A walked away into the building. Already opening the blue doors I felt all eyes on me and I hates the feeling. I brushed some hair behind my ear and continued to look for the front office. I thought to myself 'why do they call it the front office if its not the the f*cking front, it would make sense if it was'. I continued my search for the "front office" until I came to the conclusion that I was going to be late for my first class. I stopped a girl with jet black hair and brown eyes I said to her "hey ummm...I'm new here do you think you can show me the front office". The looked at me confused and then a smile grew wide on her face.

Weird if you ask me.

"Yeah follow me"she said still smiling.

I was scared to follow her because she kept smiling ,I wanted to know her diabolical plan to slaughter me or something. We turned about 2 more times and I finally came to the office.

"Thanks" I say waving.

"Yeah your welcome. By the way I'm Amber",Amber said still smiling.

Really her smile was starting to creep me out like seriously, her cheeks had to hurt by now.

"I'm Allison", I said in return.

I turned and walked into the office I looked at the clock on the wall and had about 5 min to get to class. I walked up to the front desk and there was a small round lady sitting here with glasses smushed up on her face.

"Ummm excise me I'm Allison Nicole Henderson the new student" I said to her with a bright smile I could muster even though I didn't want to be here. The lady looked up and returned my smile and handed me a piece of paper. As I was now leaving the office I was looking down at my classes

First : English
Second: World Science
Third: calculus
Fifth: History
Sixth:free period
And finally seventh: art

Ugh the one class that I will mostly dread was stupid calculus. I was like a 3 year old when is came to math. Stepping out the office with my head down on my fault I ran into someone. I looked up off the floor and saw him. He was one only the most sexiest guys I had ever seen. And thank got he didn't have a gun pointed at me. But to my surprise he had a hand out. I took it hesitantly and he pulled me off the floor.

"Hey sorry about that Im Jason Carter" he said with a boyish grin.

God even his voice was sexy. No Allison stop that what are you doing.

"Yeah... No I mean that was my fault. I'm sorry I'm Allison. Allison Henderson."

"Are you new to the school I've never seen you around here before" he said a bit confused.

"Actually yeah I moved here about 2 months ago" I said trying not to make myself look like a fool.

"Hey is that you schedule can I see it " he looked at me then to the paper.

"Yeah sure" I said handing him the paper in my hand.

As he scanned over my paper I decided to scan his body. He has nice forest green eyes and a muscular jaw line. I could see his abs though his shirt and his shirt wasn't even that tight. He had on baggy jeans and his hair. His hair was just like I see in movies or commercials. He had dark brown hair the was jelled in the front to stand up. I looked back to his eyes and I saw a smirk tug at his lips. What the hell is he smirking at. I so was not just checking him out.

"Yeah we have some classes together like the first one." He handed the paper back to me " want me to show you there."

"Please"I think i said a little to quickly for my liking.

Walking down the hall behind Jason I saw glares, confusion, hate, and something else I couldn't figure out. I saw Jason take a few glances back to I would guess to see if I was still there. But then that's when it hit me this guy could be the man whore of the school and I'm following him. I probably look like one of his sluts. Coming out of my thoughts from running into a wall which was actually Jason.

"Whoa there Al are you okay" he says catching me before i fall scanning my body, but we all knew what he was actually doing. wink wink.

"Yeah I'm fine"I said starting to feel my cheeks heat up. Damn you chick hormones.

Jason's P.O.V

I was in the middle of yelling at some jerk that cut me off in the schools parking lot. I burst through the doors and girls were already trying to throw themselves at me. I ignored them and kept walking. Once I looked up I rammed into someone. As I was about to yell at the person my eyes softened when I saw her.

"Hey sorry about that.... Im Jason Carter" I said with a grin. I felt bad knocking her down I held out my hand but she seemed to me thinking about something else.

"Yeah... No I mean that was my fault. I'm sorry I'm Allison. Allison Henderson."

Well at least we knew each others names, now if I can get her off the floor. But the thing that confused me the most was that her scent was different I wasn't just any regular werewolf scent it was weird actually. I could tell she didn't know she was a wolf because of the way she carried her self. I'm sure anyone could tell she did t know she was a wolf. Well except the humans of course.

After a moment of silence I spoke up.

"Are you new to the school I've never seen you around here before"i said a bit confused.

'Of course she is new stupid' my wolf told me.
' now is not the time' I said back to him
'Fine' he said.

"Actually yeah I moved here about 2 months ago" she said.

"Hey is that your schedule can I see it " i looked at her then to the paper.

"Yeah sure" Ally said handing me the paper in my hand.

As I was scanning over the paper I could see that she was looking me up and down like I was prey. I let her do it until she was done, because I didn't want her to get embarrassed so I waited till her eyes met mine again. But I couldn't help but let a smirk play upon my face.

"Yeah we have some classes together like the first one." I handed the paper back to her " want me to show you there."

"Please"She said a little to fast. I simply turned around and smirk as usual.

I walked down the hall glancing back a few time to make sure she was keeping up or even still there. I saw people giving out dirty looks I wanted to send out a warning growl but I was afraid that she might hear it. Who ever was keeping that wolf secret quiet better tell her soon because she goes to a school with a bunch of them even though there are some humans here too.

I came to a stop and soon felt Allison run into me. I turned around just to catch her at the right time.

"Whoa there Al are you okay" I say scanning her body for her dirty blond hair to her sparkling hazel brown eyes. Then her tiny nose and her full gloss lips and the curves formed perfectly to her body. I was snapped out my trans when she spoke up.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said as I saw her cheeks turn a shade of pink.

Allison's P.O.V

I enter the class beside Jason and saw him take his seat. He then put is backpack in the seat next to him and he gestured towards the seat then to me. I gave a slight smile. I walked over to the teacher he was a tall slender man. Come to think of it the guys looks like slender man himself probably be snatchen people. I looked at him and all he said was "one moment please". I took that chance to scan over the room and to my dismay people were staring at me with anger. 'Why the hell are you people so mad at me I didn't even do anything to you ... Yet' I thought to myself.

"Class this is our new student" he said in a firm voice" I will expect you to be welcoming to her."

"Hey... I'm Allison Henderson and I moved here 2 months ago" I say in a tiny voice.

" nice to have you with us Allison I'm Mr.Jared you may take your seat wherever you like" Mr.Jared said walking to the board.

I saw Jason quickly move is backpack and pretended like he didn't even do anything wrong. I walked over to the seat and that's when my brain stopped functioning and zoned out. That hour was spend looking at Jason at the corner of my eye with him trying to make me laugh hard.

I did the same thing in the next class but come to find out the lady had called on me but I had no clue what she asked me. Jason was sitting on the right of me and I saw him mouth 24. So I went with that answer and it was correct I looked back at him and mouth him a quick thank you. He returned that with a goofy grin.

Before lunch I was in the class I dreaded the most and sadly Jason wasn't in that class with me. I walked out the class to find a Jason leaning sexily across the hall waiting for someone. Pfff It couldn't have been me.

I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes and said "did you remember my schedule or something".

He looked down at me and smirked nodding his head "yeah pretty much".

I shook my head then said "Jase" I said so quietly " is it okay if I call you that".

He looked at me and gave me a smile I didn't even know could possibly exist. "Allison, yes you can call me Jase. Plus I don't know if you noticed but I call you Al or Ally and you don't seem to mind".

I smiled at him while we walked down the corridor to the lunch room. "Why are you so nice to me" I asked really wanted to know. He seemed a bit taken back by my question and then he stopped and frowned looking confused.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer Jase" I said reassuring him.

"No it's fine I was just wondering why I am nice to you"he said looking at me with caring eyes" maybe it's just because your hot but not b*tch at the same time". I blushed at his comment and then we walked though the cafeterias doors. I shrank down hiding behind Jason feeling self conscious. I heard Jason chuckle and started walking. I followed him flowing through the people like water. I realize that I had my hands on his back and we were standing in the line. 'What the f*ck is wrong with me now a days like really' I thought to myself. I looked up and my hands were still there I snatched them away and made my eyes wonder to somewhere else that was not Jason. We got our food and he started to walk towards a group of guys and girls which I already knew were the jerks and sluts table. I'm guessing Jason didnt feel my presents beside him because he stopped walking and came over to me.

"Why you stop walking" he said curiously.

"Jase, I don't think it's the best idea for me to be over there with your friends and there hoes" I said looking around him.

I saw Jase's eyes start to water and his mouth turn in.

"Are you about to cry"I said looking at him.

At that moment I he bursts out laughing and I jumped a little from the sudden change.

"Allison I swear that is the funniest sh*t that I ever heard come out your mouth" he said between laughs.

"Jase I'm serious right now, you can go sit with them I'm just going to go over here" I said looking at him trying to be serious.

Jase kept laughing and I couldn't help but laugh to. We stood there for like 3 min laughing and when we calmed our selves down he sat his tray down and took his phone out.

"Let me see your phone" jase said still half laughing.

I handed him my phone not being scared to pull out that crappy flip phone I once had.

Once he was done with whatever he was doing he took a picture then handed back to me. I looked at the screen and saw he put his number in my phone.

I looked up at him and said "really with the picture".
He was giving the duck face in the picture.

He hand me his phone and said "take a picture but you can't copy mine".

I took the phone and thought about it but came up with nothing. Guessing Jason sensed I was frustrated he took the phone and then walk to my side.

"How about this" he said before switching the phone to the front camera and kissing my cheeck and my face in shock. I looked at the picture with my hazel brown eyes staring right into the camera and my mouth open a little with him kissing my cheek and his eyes looking up at me. Personally I liked it.

"Okay so now back to this, where to sit stuff " Jason said looking around. I turned to see what he was looking at but I soon wished I didn't. Almost everyone was staring at us girls looked at me with hate and jealously. Guys were glaring at Jason. Jason made this growling noise which didnt sound human at all.

"Dude I think you need to go to the nurse" I said holding his face in my hands.

He chuckled "why".

I looked at him and said "because you sound like a dog about to attack someone".



Well,Well,Well looks like someone has a crush lol

OMG yes I got bored and decorate my room at 2:00 in the morning. Isn't that wonderful lol Not

But seriously I was tired afterwards and OMG AGAIN Jason growled... Hahah she thinks he's ill

Wouldn't you do the same if you heard that from your friend ...I would be like UMMMM WTF WAS THAT ...ARE YOU OKAY lol

Sorry if its to long or to short either way I hope you liked it.


~~~~~ hahah that's what she said ~~
I don't I didn't have a quote or anything but anyways LATERZ


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