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Levi's P.O.V

'Justin can you track them.'I barked out.

He sniffed the air and him and Dave took off in the direction they disappeared in.

'Girls make sure nobody comes in here' I linked them.

'That's what were trying to do out here.' Jessica said.

We ran out the back and into the woods.

'I need a group of Scouts on the look out now.'

I ran hard my paws hitting the ground roughly. 'Why the f*ck are people always getting into my territory.' I thought.
'Because they hide there scents.' My wolf growled.

'Austin go ahead of us.' I ordered him.

Austin darted past us until I couldn't see him anymore. I looked over to see Jason with his eyes black. I could tell his wolf had completely taken over by now.

'Jason run the borders until you pick up her scent' I ordered him in my Alpha tone.

He grunted and ran to the left I ran right and to the pack house. Everyone moved out of my way without thinking.

'Meeting' was all I said through the link. As I ran into the meeting room I shifted back and got the shorts out of the closet. Everyone came piling in and sat at the table. My dad sat at the head of the table where I usually sat. I didn't feel like fussing with him I just continued to pace the room.

"Levi whats going on." My dad asked.

"He took Allison at the carnival. His name is Tyler. He said something about knowing her real parents and why she's different." I rushed out.

"Calm down son." He said in a calming voice.

"Calm down. Calm down! How can I f*cking calm down when my mate is out there being tortured or even being raped. Calm down isn't in my f*cking vocabulary right now dad. How would you feel if that was mom. Huh. I know for a fact you wouldn't be calm." I yelled. I punched the wall next to me. It made a hole. I punched it again and again repeatedly until I couldn't feel my hand and it was numb. I left my fist on the wall and I leaned my head on the wall.

I sat back up and looked at the table. "Does someone have answers on this kid."

They scrambled through papers. My dad talked to them and I walked over to my desk. I typed in his name and his descriptions. I clicked some more I typed more. Then I stoppe.

"No no no no this isn't happening. No no no no." I pushed the keyboard away from me. "This can't be real. They aren't real. He can't be one. No no no. I need to get Allison now!"

My dad stood up and walked over to my side and looked at the computer. He dropped the papers he had. He turned to the table full of people.

"Fight training starts now." He said in his Alpha tone.

He looked at me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Levi it might be wrong."

I looked at him dumbfounded. "Dad it can't be look at it. It's in front of your face. Second of all I thought these things didn't exist."

"There are many thing we don't know, that the counsel hides from us." He said scrolling down.

"Dad. He's a f*cking Lich. What are we going to do about this ? They can't die. Hell we don't even know how to kill them if they could die. I thought they were all destroyed long ago with the dragons. Wait do dragons even exist now ? I don't know what's real and whats not."

"Son. Dragons don't exist okay." He said looking at the screen.

I stood up but fell back down in the chair holding my stomach. There was a stinging pain in my stomach then I grabbed my chest. My heart started to hurt.

"Levi what is it." He said alarmed.

"Allison. He's doing something to Allison." I choked out.

"Does your heart hurt really bad like its broken or just a stinging pain." He said looking at me.

"Just a stinging pain." I said breathing for air.

"He's not doing what we don't want him to do to her." He said looking down.

My eyes went wide. "What would he be doing if I felt broken."

He looked out the window. "Levi don't make me answer that."

"What the f*ck is he doing now then?"

"He's probably toying with her or something. Kissing her I don't know." He said not making eye contact with me.

I growled and stormed out the office down the stairs and out the front door.

'Levi stop fighting me you ass let me take over.' My wolf growled
'No. So you can get us killed or us kill something.' I snapped back at him.

He pushed forward more but I pushed him back down.

"Levi!" Someone yelled from behind me.

I turned to see Justin and Dave. "What."

"We lost the scent at the north border." Dave said bowing his head.

I widened my eyes. "You mean to tell me their not on our territory anymore."

They both nodded. I was about to say something but I heard rustling coming down the driveway. I looked to see Austin carrying a wolf in his mouth angrily. He dropped it in front of me and growled at it.

'Dude did you kill it.' I linked him.
'No. He was just about to jump over the border to the northern pack but I cut him off. He didn't even see me coming he was In his human form. I was about to finish his ass until he said something about Allison. He turned into his wolf and challenged me, so I just knocked his ass against a tree and he passed out.' Austin said like it was the most normal thing to do.

He looked around. 'Where's the girls.'
'In the house I think.'

Then Tiffany ran out the house and straight to Austin. She hugged him around his neck and kissed the top of his head. She looked down at the wolf and screamed. Austin took her in the house and I looked down at the wolf.

"Take him to the cells." I ordered Dave.

He nodded and dragged him around the house.

I stormed off into the lining of the trees and murmured. "F*cking Lich."

Jason's P.O.V

I couldn't even take control back over my body. My wolf pushed me so far back all I could do was watch.

'Can I have my body back' I snapped at him
'Not until we find Allison' he snapped back.

We ran for 10 more minutes until I felt a pain in my stomach and my heart. He slowed down and came to a steady trot.
'Agh what the f*ck.'
'It's Allison he's hurting her' my wolf howled out in pain.

I felt my wolf give me control back and I ran back to the pack house. As I did Levi ran right past me. I stopped and spun around to look at him.

'What are you waiting for. A invite' he link me.

I ran after him right into the Northern Pack territory. As we did we were greeted by other wolves. Levi ignored them and kept running they chased after him and I. I dodged nips and bites. We ran right up in the front of the pack house and stopped. Wolves surrounded us growling. One took a step forward toward Levi. I took a step forward towards him. It's only natural to protect your Alpha if there in danger or being threatened. The orange/blackish wolf growled at me viscously showing its teeth. I did the same back. This wolf was either stupid or had problems because I was 2 times the size of it and Levi is twice the size of me. I just wanted to know why the f*ck he didn't back off once he saw it was a Alpha and it's Beta. Everyone else backed down but not this one. He stepped closer and I walked up to it looking down at it. I growled and I saw him flinch. He looked me dead in the eyes challenging me. Levi barked at me but I didn't step away from my challenger. I saw Alpha John walk out the house with Beta Collin. Levi growled at me again and I backed down.

"Mikey stand down." Alpha John ordered.

The wolf backed down and ran off.

"Alpha Levi. Beta Jason. Isn't this a surprise. Someone get them shorts." John said. A girl walked up to me and and past me shorts. I took it in my mouth and ran behind a tree. I came back out and bowed my head in respect to John.

"John I have a problem. Actually we have a problem." Levi said.

"Come up to my office." John went inside.

We followed him in the house there pack house want as big as ours but it was a decent size. We walked right to his office and sat down.

Collin smacked the back if my head playfully. "You never did call me back."

I looked at him. "Dude. I was busy."

I got another smack on the back of my head and so did Collin. I turned to look at Levi as Collin turned to look at John. I growled to myself.

"Collin sit over there." John said pushing him.

Collin pointed to me. "He started it."

I was about to say something but Levi growled.

"John there is something that I really don't want to tell you but I'm gonna have to since the thing is on your territory." Levi said looking at me.

"What is it." He said concerned.

"Remember the girl Allison. She was taken. Again may I mind you. But this time by a....Lich."

I search Johns face. There was concern, anger, fear, and disbelief.

"That's not possible." He said shaking his head.

Levi nodded. "I will have my father send you the information."

"Why does this concern me." He said typing in his computer.

"Because the thing ran off my territory and onto yours with the girl. Now that's its on your territory it's out of my hands."

John closed his eyes and breathed in. "Okay. So, we will have to work on the problem, together. I will have my Scouts and fighters on the look out."

Levi nodded.

"We will have to train our packs."

Levi nodded again.

"Alright come back tomorrow. We will figure this out." John said standing up. Levi stood up and they shook hands. We walked out the house and shifted into our wolves.

'Dude we are way in over our heads' I linked him.

I heard him chuckle. 'You don't think I know that.'

Allison's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked around. It's like I was in this root cellar, dirty, dirty and more dirt. There was a examine table,bottles,needles,tubes and other things you would either find in a hospital or in a mad scientist lab. I snapped my fingers but nothing happened. I tried to shift but couldn't. I heard foot step coming down the hallway. I closed my eyes and pretended as if I was still sleep. I heard rustling at scratching noises.

"Allison I know your faking." I heard Tyler's ugly ass voice.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Your an ass, I thought I should let you know."

He laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. I raised an eyebrow at him. "The f*ck is wrong with you?"

He wiped a tear away. "I'm not a ass I'm a Lich and that's worse than a ass."

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "And that is?"

He started getting needles out and mixing liquids and putting roots and stuff in the bottles.

He looked at me and smiled. "A Lich is a sorcerer that usually willingly turns itself into an undead creature." Then he laughed. "I'm like 1000 years old."

My eyes went wide. "I thought Liches only existed in Adventure time."

He laughed. "You act perfectly normal when someone kidnapped you."

I rolled my eyes. "Why should I be worried if I have mates that love me. They will be here in a few hours anyways. Why aren't you all skeleton like the Lich in the show? "

He laughed. "Because long ago I put a spell on myself to keep me looking like this. I didn't like the whole skeleton scene.."

"My mates will be here soon." I said cheeky.

He snorted. "Sure."

~~~~48 hours later~~~~~

Yes! 48 f*cking hours I have been here. If I don't get out soon I'm gonna die of starvation. I have been poked with needles, drank some type of root stuff, and have things hooked to me. May I mind you non of this stuff looks good or taste good. He kicked me, punched me, and smacked me for fighting him. Hell he even tried to get in my pants. But he won't be able to have any children any time soon.

"I'm gonna kick someone's ass if I don't get out if here!" I yelled.

"What happened to they will be here in a few hours. You have been here for two days already." He smirked.

"Look bro. I don't know what your f*cking problem is but you need to let me go. I haven't eaten for 48 hours."I said.

"Can't." Was all he simply said.


"Because you don't need it. If I give you food it will give to strength. Then it would be even harder to control you."

"Why are you even doing this?" I questioned trying to keep my eyes open.

"Well.... because I need your powers because mine are dying out. That's because when my people were destroyed by your stupid parents, all the magic we all shared died with them." He sneered.

"Good." I said leaning my head on the wall.

Then it came to me did he just say take my powers. He couldn't have said that. I'm hearing things correct. I seriously hope he didn't say take my powers.

I snapped my head towards him. "Did you say take my powers?"

He smirked and looked at me over his shoulder. "Slow much."

I glared at him. "Yes. I actually am. Now answer my damn question."

He came over to me and stuck a needle in my arm. "Yes I said take your powers. If I don't you will be stronger than me and kill me so. Might at well take your powers right."

I growled at him and he grabbed my chin roughly. "Stop growling at me or I will have to do something about it."

I growled at him again and he pulled me up and brought our lips together. I lip his bottom lip as hard as I could. After I tasted the blood in my mouth I felt my canines extend. He threw me to the floor with shock.

He felt his lip that was bleeding and looked at me. "You b*tch. I should have known you where a f*cking vampire."

"I didn't know they existed till now. Turns out I'm not so hungry anymore." I smiled.

He knelt to my level and punched me repeatedly. I held my eyes closed tight not wanting to cry. Crying shows your weak I will not cry in front of this douche. Every blow I took I felt my heart get more faint. Then I heard a crack. He stopped punching and I heard the door open then close. I opened my eyes and saw blood all over my shirt. That crack I heard I think was my rib. I had at least 2 broken ones.

'Jason please if you can hear me. Help me please. I need you baby. Levi if your there please help please.' I cried through the link.

The room kept getting darker and darker or it was me closing my eyes.

"Do not fall asleep Allison. Do not." I said to myself.

Tyler came running in and right to me. "Did you communicate to your pack."

"How could I? I can't even talk to my wolf. " I choked out.

He threw something on me and then my body highlight in a blue haze. It was like I was glowing blue. He stuck his hand out over my body and started saying some words in another language. Then I heard growls and and barks. I felt my body losing its self. I started to get weaker by the minute. Then a group of wolves came rushing in. Tyler removed his hand from over my body and as Levi jump for him Tyler said. "iompar." I had no clue what that meant. My blue that was once covering my body faded to a light blue then it was gone.

Jason was at my side taking the needles out of me. He pushed the hair out of my face. "I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry."

Levi came over and had hurt in his eyes. I smiled weakly at them. "I'm gonna have to kick your asses some other time."

Jason gave me a small smile. "It's going to be okay baby."

I looked at Levi. "Levi. I want you to be the one to tell my mom I love her."

He shook his head. "You can tell her your self."

"I can't. I'm to weak, to tired." I said my eyes slowly closing.

"No no no. Allison you have to stay awake for us baby." Levi said.

I felt us start moving then into a sprint.

"Jason, Levi I love you." I whispered.

"We love you too Allison. Just stay awake a little while longer." Jason said running next to Levi.

"Tell Austin, Tiff and them that I love them to." I said fading away.

"Come on baby. Please stay awake for me." Levi said.

I felt a tear run down my cheek. "I love you guys so much."

I closed my eyes and saw a little light. It was so dark and cold where I was I wanted to go to the light. I heard Jason and Levi's voice the other way. But there was this heaven like voice calling my name at the end if the tunnel where the light was. I started to walk towards it, when I got there I walked in and everything went white and I felt my body fade away from reality.



Whoa that's CRAZY !!!!

Hope you liked this chapter because should just like it and vote for it. 😁😁😁

Alright my SMEXY pandas I will update soon.

😱😱😱OMFG YESTURDAY I SEEN AUSTIN MAHONE AT HIS CONCERT I WAS FRONT ROW!!! HE KEPT LOOKING OVER IN MY DIRECTION I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE LIKE REALLY!!!WE MADE FREAKING EYE CONTACT 😱😱😱 I SEEN HIM THE DAY BEFORE THE VMAS HE MADE US ALL VOTE! HE SAID " everybody I'm not gonna sing until you vote for me for the VMAS so everyone get ur phones I will give you time you got ur phones out okay now go on my twitter and click the link in my twitter and vote for me okay I will give you 5 minutes" THEN HE SAT ON THE EDGE OF THE STAGE AND SWUNG HIS LEGS BACK IN FORTH WAITING AND HE WAS SMILING AND DANCING !!!! I THOUGHT I DIED BUT I DIDNT BECAUSE IF I DID I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO FINISH MY STORY!!!!!!😱😱😱😱









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