Who needs sleep

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I almost forgot thanks tgrust for the very first comment. Bunny569 OMG I love seeing your comments and Vixengal OMFG THAT COMMENT MADE ME LAUGH AND SMILE !


Levi's P.O.V

I was in the middle of doing my "homework" with Britney when I smelled lavender,roses,and Bon fire. I stopped kissing Brit and walked to the door knowing she would follow me. I got head bows in the hallway and continued my way down the stairs.

When I reached the bottom stairs and turned the corner I wanted to rip my Betas head off. I saw Allison on top of him straddling his hips and there faces where to close. To close for my liking I coughed and she looked up. I said "look at what the cat dragged in".

Then Britney leaned up and whisper "this sucks we should go back up stairs". I smiled and kissed her knowing it would hurt Allison.

'Your a real b*tch you know' my wolf said

'Thanks' I said in reply

'I can't believe you actually want to hurt our mate you douche' my wolf barked

'She's your mate not mine' I said back to him and then shut him out

I saw her frown at me and my wolf didn't like that. He tried to push forward and hold her but I kept him contained. Then I heard Jason laugh and saw she was still straddling him.

"Ugh sorry Jase" She said getting off him.

Jason smiled and got up "no it's fine... I actually like that position if you might ask".

As soon as he said that I wanted to jump on him and cut his throat open personally. I was shaking with anger and needed to get out of here. I saw her walk over to him and put her hands in his back pockets.

She leaned up and kissed his nose. I didnt like the first time and i sure as hell didnt like the second. Then I heard him growl "mine" and he picked her up and he had his hands on her butt. She wrapped her legs around his hips naturally. 'This is impossible'my wolf said

'You don't think Sherlock' I told him

'She's mine' he growled

My wolf was so close to the surface it was hard to contain the growl that my wolf let out.

"Well that escalated quickly" I heard Austin say.

I glanced at Austin and shook my head slightly the said under my breath "that moron".

I saw Allison hold back a laugh from Austin's comment. It was quiet for a moment until Allison spoke again "I will go shopping with you later Jess. Austin text me." Then she yelled "JUSTIN" I saw Jason cringe when she yelled. "Sorry" I heard her whispered to him. He nodded then I heard Justin yell back "WHAT". She smiled and covered Jason's ears with her tiny hands then yelled back "TEXT ME LATER". He yelled back "OKAY, BUT YOU OWE ME" she took her hands away from his ears and put them on his shoulders.

As Jason walked down the stairs to the front door I saw her look at me. My eyes were black from anger and I was shaking. Jessica let go of me and backed away. Then there were gone I heard the car speed away and when I couldn't hear it anymore I let my wolf out. I was a jet black wolf with blue eyes with flecks of gold from my wolf. Since I was angry they were black.

I ran out the door with some of my pack looking at me or bowing their head. I ran hard into the woods with my paws hitting the ground. I ran until I stopped at a river and looked down in the water and looked at myself.

'You were stupid to let her go' my wolf complained

'I don't care and I didn't reject her...yet' I bark

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