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I dedicate this chapter to Juuustandrea17 , BrookSmith895, and daira42 for always voting😊

😝 Bet you didn't see that coming....HA well it just did so.... yeah lol it just did.

Alright let me stop my babbling mouth and let you ppl read the story.


Allison's P.O.V

I was in a white room, almost glowing. I walked in farther and looked around, this was getting to freaky for me. I looked down at myself and I was wearing a sky blue sundress.

"Hello?" I called out. No answer, not even that heavenly voice I heard. Then almost something's started to come into vision. The ground was completely white, as if I was floating. There were cages that started to appear with benches and food stands. I raised an eyebrow. "Am I at a zoo?"

"Yes, you are sweetie." I jumped and turned around.

I placed my hand over my heart. "Oh sh*t lady you scared the crap out of me."

She had long brown hair and green/grey eyes. Her skin was pale, and she had on a white sundress red heels.

She laughed. "I'm sorry Ally."

I looked at her. "How do you know my name."

She looked at the cage next to her and I looked at it. Behind the bars was a Griffin, a head and wings of a eagle and a body of a lion. The animal came up to the bars. She stuck her hand between the bars and patted the bird on its head. "Good boy."

She looked back towards me and smiled. "Allison, I'm your mother."

I blinked a few times. I know this lady didn't just say she was my mother. I heard a bark from the side if me and I jumped. I looked to see a white wolf come trotting up to me. It stood towering over me. 'Well she's our mother' the wolf linked me.

I went wide eyes. 'Are you the voice inside my head'

The wolf nodded. I looked back towards the lady, then to the griffin then to the wolf. "Oh God I'm dead. I died in Levi's arms. This can't be happening. Oh my God! No no no no ! I didn't even get to do it with Jason!"

'ALLISON' the wolf yelled at me.

I turned to it. "Huh"

'Shut up.'

I glared at it. "Yup, you are definitely the wolf in my head.

She gave a Wolfy smile and I heard the lady chuckle. I looked towards her. "So are you really my mother."

She walked up to me and held her wrist out. "See this Allison." She pointed to the birthmark that was a shape of a heart kind of. "You have this on your ankle."

I looked down in my right ankle and it sure was there. I looked back at her with tears. "Mom."

She hugged me to her and kissed the top of my hair. "You have grown so much Ally."

I looked at her and she wiped my cheeks. "Mom, what happened, I mean to you and dad."

She smiled at me. "Walk with me sweetie."

We turned and walked down the path with my wolf on the side of me. I looked at the cages. There were so many different animals and creatures I had never seem before. Birds with weird wings, snakes with wings, 3 headed dogs. I stopped to look at it. All the heads were sleep except one of them. It looked at me and tilted its head to the side.

"Mom, what is it?" I asked.

"It's a Cerberus. It's said that its a dog that guards the gates of hell for Hades, God if the underworld." She spoke looking at it.

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