Never leaving

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Austin's P.O.V (haven't seen him in a while)

"Allison, stay with me." I said to her.

I picked her up and ran as fast as I could to the pack house. When I got to the pack house there was a whole bunch of sh*t going on. People running in and out the house,screaming. I pushed past some people and went to the back yard to the small house were the pack doctor would be with Levi.

I kicked the door open with my foot and Amanda appeared. "oh gosh, what happened to her".

"I think she got shot. And she lost a lot of blood." I said sitting her on the bed.

"Okay, we will get right to her" she said taking Allison's shirt off.

I left the room and went to where the most commotion was going on. I stepped through the doors of the room and saw about 3 pack doctors working on Levi. Sh*t I didn't even know we had more than one pack doctor. I step back out and went outside.

'Jason where the f*ck are you'I linked him.

'Gonna need your help, I'm in front of the pack house' he linked back.

I ran back to the front of the house where Jason,Justin,and Dave were standing.

I walked over to him. "dude we need to get things under control like now ".

"I know that. Rouges could be anywhere and our Alpha is down." Jason said looking around.

I turned to look at the house. "may the moon goddess help us".

Jason's P.O.V


They all stopped and looked at me. "everybody you need to calm down now. Moms get you children inside. I need all Scouts to run the borders. Guardians stay here and watch around the house. Everyone else continue like its just another normal day."

They all ran and shifted to wolves.

I turned towards Austin. "where's Allison".

He looked down and avoided eye contact. " I took her to the pack doctors house with Levi. She lost a lot of blood dude".

I ran towards the back and ran through the doors. I sniffed her out. I ran into the room and she was dead cold sleep. Her side was all bandaged up and had a dark red spot in the middle of it. I knelt down next to her and held her hand.

'Jason' someone linked

'Levi'I questioned.

'Yeah. Dude is Allison okay'

'Well she's in the room next to you with a bandage on her whole side' I said looking at it.

'Uhhgg okay. I know I haven't been the best mate dude, but... I'm asking you to watch her.'he said

'I have been' I said

Then he blocked me out. I sat there holding her hand but I soon fell a sleep.

******5 days later******

Allison's P.O.V

I moaned and touched my head. I opened my eyes and shut them quick after. I let my eyes adjust to the lighting then I opened them completely. I was in some sort of doctors office. I looked at the chair to my left and saw my mom sleeping.

I tapped her "mom".

Her eye lids opened right away and she head shot towards me and she hugged"oh Allison sweetie your okay."

"Your kind of hurting me" I breathed out.

She let go imminently "sorry".

"It's okay. Where's Jason and Levi"I asked looking around.

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