Mom...are you a miser ?

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Yeah I didn't have a authors note for the last chapter but I do have one for this one

For those of you who are reading one question

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Anyways I hope you like this chapter


Allison's P.O.V

"Mom it feels like we have been driving for hours" I said getting aggravated.

She looked at me and smiled "sweetie do you not take in your surroundings".

"As you can see... No I don't actually" I said sarcastically.

"Hahaha sweetie, we drove around town for about an hour. But seeing you don't pay attention it didnt work." She said smiling.

"What didn't work" I raised an eyebrow.

"So you can see how to get to school and the mall" she smiled.

"We drove past school" I asked scratching my head.

She giggled "okay think it's time to go home".

"Yeah... But I'm hungry" like just on cue my stomach growls.

"We can eat at home".

"But mom I don't want to eat there with that jerk around me" I said.

"It's okay" she said as she pulled into what seemed like a billion dollar house.

"Mom who's house it this" I said looking up at it.

She got out and started to walk towards the door "ours".

"What do you mean OURS as in we live here, as in sleep, eat, LIVE" I said still confused.

She looked at me and nodded I walked up to the house it was huge. Since I never lived in a house I won't know what to expect. I looked across the yard and it was huge and I turned back towards the house I could tell it had two floors. Entering the house you had to walk threw a arch way and when I say this house was huge it was HUGE. When I walked through the door I was in the living room. The walls were a cream color wine the rug was a dark red wine color. I walked further in and turned right. I came upon a kitchen if that's what you can even call it. I have never seen a kitchen this big before in my life. I left out the kitchen and was in the dinning room which was connected to the living room. I walked down the hallway and opened the first door on the right and did the same to every other door. I walked back into the living room and walked up the stairs. It was a hallway slit into two. I went left first and opened all the doors the walked backed and went right and did the same. What I come to find out that MY house has 6 bathrooms, 3 of them being in three bedrooms. Also 6 bedrooms and two offices. I went back down stairs went into the kitchen and opened the backdoor. In the backyard there was a sitting area and a fence. The backyard was surrounded by forest but that's only if you open the gate to it. I walked back inside and wondered into the living room and noticed that there was a sun room and a bar table. I walked over to it and stepped inside. "I will defiantly be in here most of the time" I said to myself. I stepped out and went out in the front to find my mom on the phone arguing with someone. I know I shouldn't do it but I wanted to know. So I closed my eyes and listened in on her conversation.

"Mark I'm sorry I'm not coming back" mom yelled into the phone.

"You left because if the little slut" mark said furious.

"You will not talk about my daughter like that" my mom sneered.

"I can talk anyway I want. NOW come home... with all that money you have" Mark barked.

"Good bye Mark" with that she hung up.

I opened my eyes and pretended that I didn't here. She walked over to me and we sat down in front of the house on the steps.

"So... How do you like the house" she said with a wide smile.

I smiled in return" I love it mom... But how did you get the money.

"Sweetie when I was younger I was rich and I still am." She laughed "when I met mark I acted as if I was poor and trust me I hated it. Like seriously hated it. But you have to remember I was young and I thought I loved Mark. I was so very wrong... Later on in years I started to see the real side if him. I could have left whenever I wanted to but I was scared that if I did... I would never be loves again. I soon found out he only stayed with me because he found out I was rich and just wanted my money. But I never told him I knew that he knew I had money. So I just played along with it. Until he kept asking for money and more and I kept saying I didn't have any. That's how we always started to argue.

She paused and a few tears fell down her face. Then she continued again.

"When you were younger and when I first got you I started a secret account for you until you were old enough to manage it your self. But that day... That horrible day I hit you it made me realize what I become. That I've become a true b*tch."

We laughed at her comment and she looked at me in the eyes.

" So as soon as I thought everything though I called my parents and trust me they were extremely happy to hear from me. And so I left Mark because you became my world and everything in it. I know I know you don't like mushy gushy stuff but I don't care right now. Allison you could of had all of this from the beginning. The clothes, the money, the house but I was too stupid to realize that and now you do. And it's probably going to spread through your school that Allison Nicole Henderson is rich but you should be okay with that... Right".

I looked down for a second and thought about how kids would react. I wouldn't be one of those girls who go around prancing with there purses and sh*t. I would still be me...right. I looked back up and nodded my head.

"So... Mom you were basically a miser" I said smirking.

"Well I had no choice" she shrugged her shoulders.

I hugged her and thanked her she showed me up stairs and to my room. It was the second door on the right. She told me hers was the one all the way at the end of the hall. I walked into my room and wanted to scream. My room was a light purple and my rug was a fluffy white. (Which would soon be brown.) I walked in more and saw I had my own bathroom and walk in closet. But what I was the happiest about was that the front of my room was a balcony over looking the front yard and I could see the forest and lights from the town. I walked back through the glass doors and closed them and locked them then shut the curtains on them because I didn't like pervs. I turned back and saw that I had some work to do since my stuff was in boxes.


I groaned in frustration when I couldn't get my bed together. Every thing was away my clothes on hangers and I could easily move my dressers because of the floor. I wiped my head from moving around a lot. I got up off the floor and said "time to get back to work". I then clapped and snapped and my bed was some how 'magically' put together. "Now how the hell" I started but stopped when I heard my mom coming.

"How's everything going" she said looking around. I walked over to her to see my work. My bed was in the middle of the room with the head board against the wall. I had a little table next to the bed and my dresser was on the other wall. I had finally unpacked ALL my boxes because I knew we were going to be here for a while. I had put my posters up of movie stars and singers.

She turned to me and have me a wide smile "your room finally looks complete".

"Ha ha very funny mom" I said.

"Hey, tomorrow I'm having movers bring in some furniture and things, and I don't know how long it would be so you can hang out after school with your friends" she said smiling.

"Ok sure" I said making my way down the stairs.

"Oh and sweetie" she said stopping me at the top step.

"Yeah mom" I said peeking my head around the corner if the wall.

"Don't tell your friends you had to help me after school, because you didn't. But come to fine out you actually did." She said waving her finger at me.

"Yeah...about that" I started and ran down the stairs.


It was about 10:00 when mom and I came back from pizza palace. I was sitting on my bed on my phone since mom was getting all the TVS and furniture tomorrow. Then my phone went off it was a text from Jason.

Jason: Sup
Me: Hey
Jason: Wat r u doing
Me: just finished unpacking in my new house
Jason: YOU MOVED ?!
Me: Yeah but I still go 2 the same school
Jason: Y didnt you tell me. U break my heart
Me: wait a sec I didn't even know I was moving until my mom picked me up
Jason: yeah okay
Me: watever don't believe me then
Jason: okay will do
Me: l.o.l wat r u doing
Jason: just got pranked by the guys
Me: wat they do to you
Jason: well...
Jason: calm your tits I am
Me: waiting
Jason: I took a nap when I got home and was watching The Walking Dead. wen I woke up Justin put on a zombie mask and I didn't know it was him and kinda punched him in the face.
Jason: that's not funny I was freaked out okay
Me: bet u were scared
Jason: I was not scared I was freaked out that's all
Me: okay okay I believe you
Jason: sure you do
Me: hey Jase I gtg take a shower ttyl
Jason: haha how about I come over ;)
Me: ur such a perv I swear
Jason: u know it
Jason: Hit me up later bye
Me: you and your boy language
Jason: BYE
Jason: this is our first convo and its so weird
Me: maybe because I'm talking to a weirdo
Jason: -_-
Me: l.o.l ttyl
Jason: later


^ haha those look like faces

When I was writing this chapter I got really light headed. I was like omfg whats going on.

But anyway thanks for reading I already have 16 reads.
16 reads !!! I'm very happy about that.

Like always





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