Paybacks a b*tch

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Allison's P.O.V

"What exactly do you have in mind" Justin asked.

"Do you have paintball guns" I asked.

Justin's eyes grew "you are a genius".

"Yeah, I know I get called that a lot." I laughed.

Jason walked over to us with Levi.

"I see you found out your a wolf" Levi said.

"Yes, yes I am Alpha" I said back not looking at him.

"Allison, you don't have to call me Alpha you know" he said with a laugh.

I looked at him "are you trying to be nice".

"Kinda since your a new wolf and all" he said back.

"Okay..." I dragged out the 'ay' part .

"But don't worry this wont last long. I still dislike you" he smirked.

Something that sounded like a growl came out of my chest.

I leaned over to Justin and whispered "did I just growl or something".

He nodded and I looked back at Jason. I got up off the grass and walked over to him. I wrapped my arm around his torso and pulled him closer.He looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

He looked back at me and said "when will I be able to kiss your lips".

"We will see lover boy" I patted him on the chest and walked over to the edge of the forest.

"Justin, go get the paintball guns and make sure there loaded."

He leaped up and ran towards the house.

"Babe what are you planning on doing with the paintball gun" Jason asked scared.

I turned around and said "payback".


2 hours later Austin still hasn't came back.

"Okay plan B" I started "Justin and I will go into the woods. And Jason you stay here be on the roof if he comes back. If you see him howl or do whatever you do to contact us."

He laughed and walked over to me "it's called mind linking".

"You can read each others minds, I want to do that" I pouted.

He kissed my nose"don't do that".

I knew what he was talking about but just for kicks I want to play dumb.

"Do what" I pouted again.

"Pout, if I can't do it neither can you" he said.

"Nah I rather pout. You can't do it because its cute and I will give in easily" I whispered the last part.

"Oh haha now I know what to do" he smirked.

I waved him off and walked back to Justin "ready".

"Let's go kick his ass" he said walking in the woods.

I heard Jason do a whining noise and I turned around.

"If I come back... I will have a surprise for you" I said biting my lip.

He frowned "the the f*ck do you mean 'if' you come back".

I smiled and ran after Justin.

Jason's P.O.V

I watched her run into the woods. 'The f*ck, she better come back' I thought to myself. I turned around to find a angry Levi. I avoided his gaze and walked past him. I went up the back stairs of the house and into the kitchen.

"Hey Jason" Katie said, she was one of the moms in the pack.

"Hey Mrs.Wilson" I said nicely.

"Want anything to eat" she asked me.

"When I come back. I have a guess over and she might be hungry." I said leaning on the counter.

"Oh it's a she" Mrs.Wilson said continuing to cut the tomatoes.

"It's my mate" I smiled at the word mate.


"No I didn't tell my mom yet. And can you please put the knife down I really don't want to get stabbed in the chest with it. I kinda think my mate needs me and I don't want to die". I pleaded.

Levi walked by and I heard him mutter "think your better off dead while shes with me".

I glared at him as he walked by and turned my attention back to Mrs.Wilson.

She put the knife down and stared at me "So know one knows".

"Nope, only me,Justin,Austin,Jessica I think, and Levi." I said.

"Well I know now to. Don't worry I won't tell anyone...maybe" she grinned.

I turned around and got the paintball gun off the couch. I walked all the way up to the very top floor and opened the door to the roof. I walked out and sat almost on the edge.

"I should take Allison up here"I said to myself.

"No think you should take me up here more often" a voice behind me said.

I turned around to see Victoria "What do you want".

"I want you over here on me" she smirked and started walking towards me.

"Look go f*ck your dog or something. I don't want you or anything to do with you or your diseases" I snarled at her.

She put her hand on her chest like she was hurt by my word " Jasey what are you talking about".

"Can you not hear, I said go away" I looked away from her and back towards the woods.

'Jason jump down' my wolf warned
'What ! do you want me to die' I almost yelled at him
'Fine don't listen but when Allison comes backs and never wants to talk to you again don't blame me" he blocked me out.

I didn't hesitate and I jumped off the mother f*cking roof of the f*cking 5 story building for my f*cking girlfriend.

I hit the ground and landed on my feet "ah sh*t... that's gonna hurt later".

I turned around and looked up and saw Victoria half nake it on the roof. Then I saw Levi walk next to her holding a camera yelling at her.

I looked down at the paintball gun in my hand. I looked back up and saw her talking to Levi. I aimed it at her side and shot.

"Ahhhhhhh" she screamed.

I fell on the floor laughing I almost peed on myself.

"Jason you b*tch, I'm gonna kill you for that" she screamed at me.

I was on the floor laughing and I just lifted my hand up and flipped her off.

"Ugh, I hate you" she screamed down to me.

After my laughter subsided I went up on the porch and sat down waiting either for Austin or Justin and Allison.


Allison's P.O.V

"Can't you track him or something" I asked Justin.

"Yeah, but his scent is fading away kinda" he said looking around.

"What's his scent" I asked.

"What do you smell right now" he asked me.

I sniffed the air "cherrywood,and a new car".

He raised an eyebrow" you think I smell like a new car".

"Yeah, so that's your scent?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know my scent now, try to find Austin's." Justin said looking behind me.

"What does he smell like" I asked him.

"Like an ass if you ask me" he laughed.

I shook my head and sniffed the air "I smell a sour patch kid and hot chocolate".

"Hahaha, well I think you found his scent" he laughed "so just follow it until it becomes stronger".

I sniffed the air and we went around trees, bushes and even more trees. We jumped over logs and ran across a river.

"Justin... I think I got us lost." I said.

"No you di.." I cut him off.

"Shh you hear that." I whispered to him.

"Allison your eyes" he said.

"What color are they" I asked.

"Dark blue" he said amazed.

I sniffed the air again" he's close".

I looked up and seen Austin sitting in a tree looking almost sleep.

I pointed up and Justin looked up and smirked.

"You go on the left I go on the right" he whispered.

I nodded and walked around on the other side of the tree. I looked over at Justin who gave me the thumbs up. And we shot at the same time hitting either side of him.


I saw Justin give the sign to run and that's what I did. I ran after the scent cherrywood and a new car.

We got to the house and I saw Jason on the porch. I ran to him and behind him while Justin ran in the house which he probably ran to his room.

I saw a dark brown wolf come out the woods with yellow and blue paint.

I looked at it and it looked angry as hell. The wolf looked at us and gave Jason a Wolfy smirk.

"Austin" I said on a tiny voice.

The wolf looked at me and growled.

"Austin if I pet you, you won't bite me right" I asked.

Austin's eyes softened and sat down then bowed his head. I came from behind Jason and walked over to Austin. I sat my hand on his head and started petting him.

"OMG Austin your fur is soooo soft" I said playing with his ears.

I heard Jason growl behind me but I ignored him.

Then the next thing you know, I was thrown on the ground and Austin was standing on top of me with his paws on either side of my head.

I shut my eyes closed tightly "don't kill me please".

I opened one eye and Austin had his head turned to one side looking at me. He opened his mouth and started licking me.


He stopped looked at Jason and then ran.

I got up and wiped my face off.

"I'm gonna kill him that's why he ran" Jason said.

"He was playing Jase" I said.

"I don't care and for the record my fur is way softer." He smirked.

"Big ego much" I laughed.

"Yup"he laughed and we walked into the house.

"So can I turn into a huge dog." I asked.

"We are not dogs we are wolves." He corrected." And yes you can".

"Can I now" I pouted.

He looked at me then looked away "after we eat".

"Okay" I said.

"Jason what wou" the lady started but stopped when she seen me.

"Hello, I'm Mrs.Wilson". She smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Allison" I said in return.

It was quiet for a min and I looked at Jase then back to her. 'I guess there doing that mind linking thing' I thought
'They are' my wolf said
'Why can't we do it' i asked her
'We have to be in a pack' she said back
'Oh okay' was the last thing I said to her

Jason walked over to me"sorry".

"It's okay I was talking to my wolf" I said sitting at the island.

"So" she started " Allison what would you like on your sandwich."

"Whatever you think I would like"I said kindly.

"Jason I like her" she pointed to me.

"JASON CARTER WHERE ARE YOU" a women screamed walking in the kitchen.

"Mom why are you yelling" Jason said walking over to his mom.

"Did you shoot Victoria with a paintball gun" she said angry.

"Yeah, but I had a reason to though" he said.

"What would that be" she tapped her foot.

"She tried to come onto me and I jumped off the house" he said.


"Mom I'm fine but your embarrassing yourself" she said glancing at me.

She turned to me and I waved. She looked back at Jason and smacked the back of his head "you let me yell at you".

Jason looked at her and did the 'are you serious face'.

She walked over to me and held her hand out " Hi, I'm Lisa Carter. But you can just call me Lisa."

"Hi, I'm Allison Henderson" I said with a warm smile.

"Are you mates with my son" she asked me.

I saw Jason face palm himself and then looked back at his mom "yes".

Her smile was from ear to ear. She looked at Jason and frowned "I want grand babies".

I choked on my water Mrs.Wilson had given me.

"MOM!" Jason shouted.

"What I'm just speaking my mind" she admitted.

"Okay Lisa I think we should go in the living room" Mrs.Wilson pushed Lisa out the door way.

As she did Lisa yelled "don't use protection".

I looked at Jason who was blushing and was shaking his head muttering something.

He looked back towards me "well you met my mom".

"Yeah.... I see where you get it from" I said.

"Get what" he raises and eyebrow.

"You speaking your mind" I laughed.

We sat down and ate our sandwiches that Mrs.Wilson had made us. Then a group of boys walked in the kitchen.

"Hey there sexy" one of them said to me.

"We should hang out I don't bite...that hard" another one laughed.

I saw Jason in the corner of my eyes balling his fist. I looked at him and put my hand on his thigh. He relaxed and let out a growl that sounded like a warning. They looked at him and walked out the room.

I took my hand off his thigh but he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap.

"Haha whoa there Jase" I said.

"Sorry, I think you know by now I'm territorial" he grinned.

I got up and put the plates in the sink and walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie" he said walking over to me.

"Sure, what movie" I asked.

He walked over to the TV and pulled a movie out and put it in the DVD player. Then I thought to myself 'God why did I have him of all people pick a movie out.'



Payback is a b*tch right

Watch your back Jason Levi is JEALOUS

Hahah Austin got paintballed l.o.l

Really Austin really licking Allison like that was just nasty ewe.


Hope you likes this chapter if you did thanks if you didn't thanks !


like I always say






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