Mates are bound

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Allison's P.O.V

"B*tch let go of my hair" b*tchy Britney yelled.

I pulled her all the way down the stairs by her hair until we reached the front door. I threw her out and she hit the ground landing on her face.

She got up looked at me with shock "is that my f*cking hair".

I looked down at my hand then back to her "if you ask me, I just saved these strands of hair, from your constant blow drying and flat ironing."

She growled at me and started towards me. She lunged at me and turned into her honey brown wolf.

"Oh you are a REAL b*tch now" I laughed.

She bent down and growled then jumped on me. She tried to snap at my face but I caught her by her neck. I pushed her off and threw her into a tree. Jason,Levi and some other pack members were watching. I turned back towards b*tchy Britney and she came charging at me. I jumped and flipped over her and in mid air I turned into my wolf.

Then I linked to her 'I think it's about time I finally beat your ass'.

She ran towards me and I ran towards her then we collided. She snapped at my neck and I snapped at her hind leg. I got a hold if her leg and bit down hard. She yelp in pain then kicked me in my face. I shook my head back in forth then lunged at her. I rammed into her side which knocked her into a near by tree. She limped up and wobbled over to me. Then out of no where she jumped and bit my snout. I barked out in pain and she bit my front leg. That's when Jason and Levi stepped in. They both came over to me and didn't even go over to that b*tch.

"Babe are you okay" Jason said looking down at my leg.

"Come on we have to get you inside" Levi said looking around.

'Guys I'm okay' I linked them.

Jason took his shirt off and held it in front of my face "shift back".

I took the shirt in my mouth and tried to walk but my front paw hurt. I lifted it and limped over to a wide tree. I shifted back and put the shirt on. The shirt went to mid thigh so I guess it was okay. I looked down at my arm and it had large bite marks on it. I walked back out. With every step I took the shirt would rise up and you could probably see my butt. I saw Levi with his shirt off and Britney wearing it. 'If I should say he was very sexy. Ugh no Allison you are dating Jason and I love him. Wait did I just say I love him? I don't even know if he likes me like that. I hate Levi and he hates me, he just wants to get into my pants that's all.' I thought to myself.

Jason walked over to me....still shirtless may I mind you "let me see your arm".

I lifted my arm and he looked at it "we should get you to the pack doctor".

"No Jason I'm fine, see its going away" I showed him as the marks started to seal themselves.

"Come to think of it...this is some freaky sh*t right here" I said looking at the process continued.

I started to walk towards the house but then I heard Jason growl behind me. I knew what he was growling at but I can't help that his shirts comes to mid thigh. Just like I ignored his growl I ignored Levi's stare. I walked in the house up to my room and changed into some pajama shorts and a pink tank top with white little hearts.


'Dinner is ready' I heard through the pack link.

I got up off my bed and walked down to my moms room to tell her. I knocked on her door then opened it "mom". She wasn't even in there. I walked down the stairs and found mom in the kitchen with some other lady's. I walked in and sat on the counter.

"Oh lady's this is my daughter Allison" mom said walking around the island.

I waved and then turned my attention towards the kitchen door way. Some people were walking in and sat down at the really long table. I snapped my fingers and my phone appeared on the side if me. I went in Instagram and scrolled threw all the crap people post. I laughed to myself at a caption. Then I felt two strong arm wrap around my waist and slide themselves between my legs. I looked up to see a smiling Jason.

"What exactly do you want weirdo" I giggled.

He laid his head down on my chest and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm tired" he moaned.

"Awe I'm sorry. But you do know we have school tomorrow" I cooed into his ear.

He moaned then lifted his head "do we have to go".

"Who said anything about we. I thought you said 'you' were tired" I raised an eyebrow.

"If I can't go to school, neither can you" he smiled.

"Your funny" I kissed his nose.

He leaned his head back on my chest and closed his eyes. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his head. I looked up and saw the whole or most of the kitchen looking at us. I stiffend and I guess Jason felt me do that. Not even lifting his head he growled and everyone looked away. I smiled and kissed his head again.


"WHAT!? NO IM NOT!" I yelled at her.

"You will eventually"I heard Jason say under his breath.

"Ugh you guys are annoying" I rolled my eyes.

"Haha because you know I'm right" Tiffany said walking over to me.

"Hahaha, no your wrong and I'm not"I laughed.

Then Amber walked in and eyes went wide. I knew what was coming so I put my face into Jason's hair. I heard him chuckle.

"ALLISON!" She yelled.

"Before you say anything, yes I'm dating Jason. And no I'm not having sex with him. And yes I do live here for now. And no I'm not sleeping in Jason's room. And yes I did just answer all your questions." I smirked.

"Oh... Okay" she said looking amazed.

Jason still leaning laying on my chest turned his head to look at them "sup".

They glared at him and Amber started to raise her hand.

I reached and pulled her hand down "WHAT EVER YOU DO DONT FLIP HIM OFF. PLEASE".

"why" she ask concerned.

He started laughing and I kept my eyes on Amber "because if you do he will do something to me".

She smirked "oh okay".

She walked over to the table with Tiff. I laughed at them as the gave him the finger behind his back. I turned towards the door way where Levi was standing.

"How long have you been standing there" I asked him.

"Long enough" he said glaring at Jason.

"What is it with people and glaring at you" I asked looking down at Jason.

He looked up and smiled "because I'm way to hot".

"No just don't" I said holding a hand up.

He let me go and stretched. I jumped down and walked over to the table. Levi sat at the head of the table while Jason sat on the other side of him. Jason forced me to sit next to him even though Tiff was at the end. There was a variety of food on the table. Pasta, chicken, green beans, ham, ect. I sat there eating my pasta until I got kicked. I looked up to see f*cking b*tchy Britney glaring at me. She had a black and blue eye. Haha I don't even remember giving that to her. I giggled under my breath. I heard Jason lightly chuckle and saw Levi turn his head away to keep from laughing. I turned my legs so they were facing Jason so she couldn't kick me.

'You did a nice job of kicking her ass' I heard Tiffany's voice flood my head
'Thanks how'd you know'
'The b*tch doesn't just get a black eye. Plus I can see you, Jason,and Levi laughing your asses off down there.'

I looked down the table and saw her smiling wildly at me. I laughed at her and returned to my plate. Levi started to talkJason about the hunters and my safety. I tapped Jason's leg, he looked at me and gave me a head nod.

"What's a mate" I whispered.

He stiffened and hesitated "I will tell you after dinner".

"I think all three of us should talk about it" Levi whisper across to me.

"No forget it I asked I will just google it" I said shaking my head.

I looked down and grabbed my phone and opened google. I typed in mate and this is what came up

1.One of a matched pair

2. Either of a pair of animals or birds that associate in order to propagate.

3. Either of a pair of animals brought together for breeding.

"Well than...that's, that's just" I stumbled out.

Then I leaned over to Jason "are we mates".

He nodded and smiled.

"Is that a good thing" I asked him.

He wiped his mouth and turned towards me "yes, it's a good thing, a very very good thing. The moon goddess is something us werewolves believe in. She is the one who is know to create us, werewolves. She all gave us a soul and another half that goes with it. Those to souls are suppose to find each other and when they do, they become one. Finding your mate is suppose to be the best thing in your life. They make you feel whole. Everything in your life changes when you find them, and they make you feel safe. When you first look into there eyes you can't stop looking at them. When you first touch them you don't want to let go. And when you first.... You know, you don't want to stop".

I blushed at the last part then looked back to his eyes wow he was right about looking into the eye part.

"Did I change your life Allison" he asked me.

I looked down" Jason you make me feel special. For the first time in my life I actually feel as though I'm needed. I feel safe when Im with you Jason."

I looked up and looked around the table there was only few people lingering about. I turned back to Jason he was already looking at me.

"Allison" he started.


"Would it be to early in our relationship to say I love you" he asked looked down.

I was shocked by his words then lifted his head "Jason...I love you too".

He looked at me and smiled. I stood up kissing his forehead and whispered "thank you". I walked out the kitchen and into the living room with the girls.



Allison beat her ass !!! YES !!!

Hey go google mate l.o.l

Awwwwwwww they love each other....I wonder how Levi feels about this.


as I always say






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