You Googled me?

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Allison's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to a sleeping Jason. I tried to get up but he had a hold of my waist. Every time I pushed away he would pull me closer to him. I looked at his smiling face and stared at him.

"It's rude to stare you know"he said with his eyes still closed.

I jumped at little "well sorry I thought you were asleep".

He opened his eyes slowly. I looked into his green eyes then I noticed the specs of gold in them.

"Your eyes are amazing to look at"I said looking between both of them.

He chuckled "thanks, so are yours".

I tried to get up but Jason kept pulling me back towards him "Jason".

"Shh just lay down" he said.

"I have to get up"I said struggling.

"Just a few more...hours" he pouted.

"Don't do that"I said closing my eyes looking away from him.

"Do what" he said.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" I opened my eyes and looked at my room door.

"What...pout"he said amused.

"Yes, that" I said pushing away from him.

"Fine" he let me go and I rolled off the bed onto my feet.

I turned around and he was sitting up and had the blanket on his legs and his hands behind his head. Did I mention he was shirtless.

I felt my eyes change color and I turned quickly and walked to the bathroom. They were black and filled with lust. I walked back out the bathroom without looking at Jason.

"Why aren't you looking at me" Jason questioned.

"Because you made my eyes change black" I scolded him from in my closet.

"So I guess it wouldn't help if I got out the bed" he said.

"Why is that"I asked back.

I looked up and he was standing in my closet door frame in only his boxers. I shook my head and held my hand up "what ever your doing stop".

He winked at me and walked back out.


I walked out the closet with black yoga and a pink tank top with black converse.

"My mom should be awake with breakfast. Go down there" I said walking over to the bathroom.

He walked in the bathroom with me and tousled his hair.

"Your such a girl" I said turning on the water.

"I appreciate that" he said looking at me. I pushed him out and took my shower.

I walked down the stairs to find Jason watching TV with bacon and pancakes and my mom in the kitchen.

He waved to me "hey babe".

I waved back at him confused and walked over to the kitchen "hey mom".

"Hey sweetie" she said looking at me then back to the pancakes.

"Why are you being so...... Not you" I asked.

"Because, I think you have questions for me that I need to answer" she said sadly. She turned off the burner and walked into the living room. I sat next to Jason and he put his arm around my shoulder.

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