The answers reveled

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Can you guess whats coming out in 2 days that's connected to this book????

Yup you guessed right the sequel to this one comes out in 2 days!!! it's called Forever Bound

REMEBER 2 DAYS THE SECOND BOOK COMES OUT!!! YOU ALL HAVE BEEN ASKING. ACTUALLY THE 1st chapter is in two days you can just read the description....which I'm no good at but I think you would get the point though

Ok let's get this party on the road!!🎀🎀🎀🎀


Dylan's P.O.V

"It's finally lovely to meet you Allison." Ms.Lee , the witch elder smiled. Ms.Lee was a very nice lady. Long brown hair and green eyes. She had few wrinkles. Actually I don't know why they call them the elders, they don't even look that old.

We stood up and Allison smiled at her. "Nice to meet you to."

They all introduced themselves.

Ms.Lee looked at me and frowned. "Dylan, what took you so long to get here."

Before I could answer Mr.Barton started to laugh, the high warlock that helped us off the plane started to laugh. "Casey you should already know that Dylan isn't going to listen to a thing." He was the more funny one. He takes care of business and gets things done. But his eyes change from green to brown or a mixture with red hair.

I looked at him in disbelief. "Your kidding right."

Hilton turned toward me. "Dude you don't listen to anything at all."


"Okay, I thought we were here to talk about our problem?" Allison said looking at all of us.

I waved her off. "your just like mom, impatient."

She was about to say something but looked at the elders then back to me and stuck her tongue at me. I smirked. "What... can't say what you wanna say."

"That's enough from both of you." Mr. Vadeer high vampire scolded. Like all those other freaks of nature blood suckers...i had to like him. Even if he had red eyes an silked back black hair and was pale as hell and was like 1000 years old. Who I may add is serious all the time.

Allison and I stopped and I cleared my throat. "Allison has some questions, that I can't answer."

"Proceed." Mr. Carson, the high werewolf. He was just like Allison...sarcastic as fuck. if you leave him and Mr.Barton in a room together they would make all types of hell. He was tall and looked so very young. around his 30's. But he acted like a kid always playing jokes, pranks, he wore his hair like Jason's. In a cliff like thing,with goldish like eyes. Not just because he's wolf, he's just my favorite. plain and simple.

"You might want to lock down the building for this one. We already had a incident before we got here." I said looking down the row at them.

Mr.Barton nodded and said some words. Then the whole building went into darkness but only a few lights were on.

"So Allison, tell us your story?" Ms.Lee smiled.

Allison's P.O.V

"So Allison tell us your story?" Ms.Lee smiled at me.

"Well it all began when I met Jason. Well at first I didn't know I was a wolf till I actually kissed him for the first time. Why is that?"

"Ha well first, you must have thought you were crazy having a voice talking inside your head. That only happened because since you didn't know you were a wolf and you weren't around other werewolves. Your wolf was dormant and wasn't awaken till you actually interacted with another one of your own species." Mr.Barton explained.

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