The royal truth

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Hahaha bet you didn't see this coming. I posted and it's not Saturday or Sunday it's Friday!!!

So to start you wonderful weekend off here's the next chapter yeah I know you excited that smile on you little happy face! I'm glad your smiling
😁 like that emoji alight


Levi's P.O.V

I moved toward Allison from behind but she quickly darted away. I saw her bump into someone and he caught her. I looked a Jason who was already walking towards her.

"Sorry about that." I heard her say pulling up from him.

"No it's fine. Are you Allison?" the boy asked.

I saw her nod and look at him. "Yeah and you are."

I got closer to them when I heard him say."I'm so sorry Allison."

"For what?"

I saw him looked down and started to step closer to my mate.

"For leaving you at that foster home."

I saw Allison in a state of shock and she started to fall.

"Allison!" Jason yelled and we were by her in seconds. Jason knelt down to her and I grabbed the guys neck. but he growled at me and I released him from his powerful growl.

"Step away from her." he growled at Jason. Jason disobeyed and ignored him.

"Jason." I ordered.

He looked up and looked at this strange guy. Jason moved and the kid knelt down by Allison and picked her up. Austin and Tiffany and the guy Hilton was next to us in a flash.

"If your coming then follow." The guy ordered. I growled not liking the way he talked to me but he had my mate.

We made our way out the party and outside. The guy turned around and looked at me. "Which is her car?"

"Look I don't know who the f*ck you think you are, but if your taking her anywhere I'm coming with you." I growled at him.

He rolled his eyes. "At the moment I don't give a f*ck, where's her car."

I was shocked because he sounded just like Allison,not just like her but something she would say but I had no time to piece things together. I pointed to the car and he sat her in the back seat. Then he looked up at me and I saw Allison's eyes. "Drive to your pack house."

"Stop pushing me around." I said climbing in the drivers seat.


The entire ride home I kept glancing over at him, then to Allison, then to the others following behind us. We made it to the pack house and I called for my mom.

"What's wrong sweetie." My mother said stepping quickly down the stairs.

"This Douche over here is ordering me around like he owns the place."

My mother looked at him and Hilton her eyes grew. "Oh gosh."

"Mrs.Michels." He bowed his head.

"Come in, come in." My mother pushed going in the house.

I turned around to find him taking Allison out the car. But found that her dress she was wearing had risen up. I got over to them faster then you can say Alpha.

"Give me my mate." I growled at him.

He picked her up anyway and walked right past me. "Dude, go grow some."

I frowned. "Who the f*ck do you think you are?"

He stopped and turned around. "Im probably going to be your biggest nightmare."

"I already have one of those and your holding her."

"Just come inside, I will explain everything."

We went inside and he laid Allison on the couch. He sat at the feet of her and looked at her. I frowned and picked Allison back up.

"I'm not letting her be down here, with all my horny guy friends while shes in heat plus has this dress on."

I ignored the growl mystery dude gave me and I walked upstairs to my room. I grabbed one of my shirts and flung it over my shoulder. I walked back over to Ally and held her up. I zipped her dress down and threw it to the side while I pulled my shirt on over her head. I laid her down and I walked back out the room to my office.

I opened the door to find my dad sitting at my computer and looking at papers. He looked up and smiled.

"I thought your mother and I thought you how to knock."

I raised a brow. "Considering you past the Alpha down to me...I would think its my office and I don't need to knock."

"Good point son, anyways whats wrong."

"Just come in the living room." I walked out with dad following me and I stopped at the bottom stairs and watched my mother give out crackers.

Dad walked past me right to his mate. I saw mom jump but soon relax under dads touch. He looked at Hilton and bowed his head. Hilton gave my dad a head nod and gestured toward the mystery guy. I looked at the the guy in the light and he looked oddly familiar.

"Prince Hilton, whats the pleasure that brings you here." my father smiled.

"I'm friends with Allison." I'm shrugged.

"Who's your friend?" My father gestured toward douche.

I climb off the bottom step and stood by Jason. Then Hilton spoke. "This is Dylan."

I laughed on the inside. No wonder I don't like him he has a douche name.

'Dude whats that suppose to mean.' Jason's voice flooded my thoughts.

I looked at him. 'I don't know. Theres something that I don't like about him.'

He looked down and chuckled. 'Dude you have problems.'

I chuckled. 'I know I'm a douche sometimes.'

Jason started laughing and he balled his fist and covered his mouth. 'You don't say Levi.'

I smirked. 'Yup,you can ask anybody.'

He looked at me. 'That's not a very good title to have.'

'Yeah okay Lover boy.' I laughed lowly.

He growled at me. 'At least I'm not Play Boy.'

I looked at him and frowned while I tilted my head to the side. 'Oh, okay you wanna go there.'

'Yeah I think I just did.' Jason laughed.

"Anything you want to share with the class Mr.Alpha and Beta." My fathers voice snapped us out of our mental conversation.

"Yeah dad I'm just telling Jason here how to stay on task."


•from this point on I'm not going to use the * to bleep out curses. So yeah there I'm not going to do it anymore. It's just going to be straight forward.


Jason looked at me. "No, dude how are you going to tell me be on task, when your never on task."

I was about to say something in return to Jason's comment when I smelt Allison's sweet scent. I watched her come down come down the stairs sleepily and she looked at the kid, Dylan I believe then I remembered why he looked so familiar.... He looks like her. She walked over to us and she grabbed my hand and held onto Jason's waist and laid her head on his side.

"Can someone tell me whats going on?" she said looking at my dad.

The boy stood up and looked at Allison. "I'm your bother."

Allison's POV

"I'm your brother." he said standing.

"So your the moron that left me at the that stupid place." I glared.

He chuckled and looked down then back to me. "Yeah, sorry Ally, I didn't see that one coming."

"I don't even know you...but you call me Ally."

He smiled his perfect white teeth at me. "I'm your big brother Dylan, and I can do what ever I want. Since I kind of was the one that changed your diapers."

I blushed and looked at him. "I need answers and like now, so i know what the fuck I am."

"Well like you need to calm down, like right now." He tried to imitate my voice but failed.

I glared at him and he glared back. "I see you mastered the sarcastic jean from dad.

"Touché." I said still glaring.

"About dem answers." I said stopping our glaring contest.

"We can't talk here so your gonna need to pack all your clothes and what ever you want to bring."

"Whoa dude, you can't just walk in here and start running things. Plus this isn't your territory or your pack and you never asked to walk in." Levi said his eyes black.

"I walked in and didn't get yelled at." Hilton said with his arms draped behind the couch.

Jason looked at him and gave a dumbfounded look. "Dude, your the fucking Prince, you don't need to ask, you just do."

He smiled and his fist under him chin. "oh yeah, ya don't say."

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at my moronic brother. He laughed at them and looked at Levi. "I didn't need to ask you or anybody, because my parents were Thee Alphas."

"What the hell does that mean?" Levi said confused.

"My....well our parent were Carly and Robert O'Connor. Alpha and Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack."

Almost instantly everybody in the room bowed down into there knees in respect except Hilton. I looked at him and he smiled at me. "We cool, I don't need to do all that." The gave me a head nod.

I looked at Levi and Jason who were kneeling next to me and I smirked. "Who the all and mighty now."

Dylan rolled his eyes. "You can stand."

They all got up and looked between me and Dylan. Then Dylan spoke. "Ally you need to pack and your mates can tag along to. We have to leave tonight and be in England in the morning to meet the elders.

"I already have tickets for tomorrow." Levi said looking at his father.

"You can cancel those because we are leaving now." Dylan said.

"Fine, but I want answers." I said grabbing Jason and Levi and pulling them up the stairs.



Boom there it is!!!! Happy now probably not lol but here's a chapter to show you I didn't die or you care!!


Here's your chapter you just met Dylan the wonderful....isnt he funny he's just like Ally




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