Never watch the Walking Dead with Jerks as friends

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Allison's P.O.V

"Mom what ever your thinking, it's not what it seems" I said reassuring her.

"Allison your 17 , there's nothing wrong with liking boys" she said pulling away from the school.

"Umm...where did you get this car from" I said looking around the car.

"Oh my friend lent it to me for a while" she was staring at the road.

I turned my attention towards the window. It was quiet for a moment until I decided to tell my mom about my day. I told her to the time I bumped in to Jason to the time she seen me running after them.

Then at the moment it dawned on me, when mom asked me this morning to pack my stuff. How did I not think about it before. I must have been to worried about being late for school.

I turned towards mom "why did you ask me if you could pack my stuff"?

All she did was smile and say "you will know soon enough". As we road by our apartment. I looked back and looked towards mom. She finally got the guts to murder me right after a half perfect day of school.

Jason's P.O.V

I watched Allison get in the car with who I think was her mother and drove off. I turned my attention back to my friends who were now bickering about whoAllison likes more. I walked to my black Toyota Camry and got in with the boys following me. Before I could pull off Britney stepped in front of my car.

"Brit if you don't move I'm going to be forced to run you over with my car.... And at the moment I don't feel like cleaning b*tch off of it" I snarled.

"Oh Jasey, feisty I see" she said with her hands on her hips.

I groaned in frustration and hit my head on the stirring wheel. I saw her walk over to my window and she stuck her head inside.

"Hey guys" she purred waving to everyone in the car. They all made noises and didn't even bother to knowledge her.

"So Jase..." She started but I cut her off.

"One DONT EVER CALL ME JASE and Two I swear if you don't move I'm going to have Dave here take care of you because your not telling me what you want. Plus you have been standing here for what is seems about 20 min."

I looked towards Dave who looked back at me, I have him a nod and he started to get out the car. I looked back towards the crap leaning in my door.

"If I were you ...I would move" I said smirking.

Just then Dave picked up Britney and threw her over his shoulder. Me and the guys laughed and waited till Dave game back from putting her in her car. We waited about 2 min and then drove off.

"Dude, why did you get so mad when she called you Jase", Justin asked poking his head between the to front seats.

My attention still on the road ahead " because, only people I like can call me that".

"So does it mean I can call you Jase" Austin added.

I laughed and said"no".

Austin frowned "why exactly".

"Simple" I started " because I don't like you".

The car erupted with a laughter while Austin sat back looking out the window. Half way to the pack house I stopped at a red light and waited. There were girls walking by and the guys gave wolf whistles.

"Hey, why don't I have your number in my phone" Justin shouted.

I looked at him in the mirror and just shook my head. The light turned green and I sped away from the group of girls that started to crowd up on the corner. That happened because dum and dummer decided they wanted attention so they figured 'oh why not take our shirts off' and all I said was "you morons".

Reaching the pack house I went up and jumped on the couch and turned on Walking Dead without bothering doing my homework. I soon fell asleep.


I woke up to something tickling my face. I slowly open led my eyes and found a f*cking walker in my face making noises.

"WHAT THE F*CK" I yelled and punched it in the face.

"AHHHHH SH*T DUDE", the walker said.

I turned around and looked towards the door there stood Justin, Austin, Levi, and Levi's dad. They were all laughing. I turned to see the walker on the floor rolling in pain holding its face. It reached up and pulled the mask off.

"JUSTIN, WHAT THE F*CK DUDE" I yelled at him.

"WHY DID YOU PUNCH ME IN MY F*CKING FACE" Justin yelled getting off the floor and sitting on the couch.

"WELL YOU DONT F*CKING WAKE A SLEEPING WOLF ! ESPECIALLY ONE THAT IS BETA ! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH ! YOUR LUCKY I DIDN'T F*CKING SHIFT AND RIP YOU TO SHRED "! I shouted getting light headed. I turned back to the guys who were rolling on the floor and which Levi's dad holding a camcorder.

"You guys are asses" I said grabbing my bag and walking to my room. I walked into the hallway but then backed up and said "Justin you might want to put ice on that before it gets any more swollen". He looked at me and flicked me off. I just smiled and continued to my room.



'You know this room is sound proof right' my wolf told me

'Yeah no sh*t Sherlock' I said back

'Whoa dude I was just saying'

'Well you know your always a jerk to me' I told him

'Well it's my job' he mentally laughed

'Well I'm sorry if I'm boring you' I signed

'Your a moron you know' he scolded me

'I appreciate that comment'

' why won't you just text Ally' my wolf said mentally shanking his head

'That's a great idea but its like 10:00 she might be sleep' I said to him

'Then don't let her sleep' she said softly

'Nah I'm gonna do it anyways' I smirked

'Like I said moron' was the lasting he said to me.

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