Time for crazy pills

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Levi's P.O.V

"Sh*t" I said under my breath.

I ran fast with Allison in my arms. I didn't feel her body as tense, it was just...limp.

"Jason I need you to--" I didn't finish my sentence because he just ran up ahead of us.

I ran straight to the back of the house were Jason was already opening the doors. I ran in and sat her down, I stepped back and they all got to work on her. I stepped out the room and walked over to Jason. He had is back towards a tree sitting at the base of it. He looked at though he was deep in thought or having a talk with his wolf.

'That's what we should be doing' my wolf budded in
'Oh and he's alive' I said sarcastically
'Hardy har har. But on a serious note, what are we going to do about Allison'
'If I knew I would tell you but.... I dont'
'Have I ever told you, you are a sad little being'

I rolled my eyes at his comment.'this will be the first and probably not the only time I will say this but....what do you think I should do.'
'Levi. You know what you should do. Listen to me of course.'
'Tell me why I knew you were going to say that' I groaned.
'Because. I told you, you knew what you should do.'
'What should I do then, oh wise one'
'Wait. That's all we could do is wait. I bet if you ask Jason, his wolf probably said the same thing. I know your probably going to say, wait! I don't want to wait I want her to wake up now but... Sorry dude sucks for you. I want her to wake up now to, but as you can see that's not happening any time soon so.... Get your head out your ass and smell the coffee.'
'Oh yeah the that really help with the situation I'm in right now'

I blocked him out but not without hearing him say 'you ass wipe'. I looked up to see people staring at me. More like a crowd of people staring at me.

"What!" I said agitated.

"Alpha, we were wondering if there was anything you wanted us to do?" A small boy said.

I closed my eyes and Allison's scent was faint more faint then before. My eyes shot open and I looked at the crowd. "Guys go get trained or something and girls go cook or you can train if you want."

I ran off towards the small cottage, Jason was already running through the doors. I ran through the doors and right into a sight I never wanted to see. Allison was pale, like a snowman. Her hair was dull, her body was still. It looked as though her face was drained of any emotion,and color. Her lips were cracked, she had bruises all over her legs, cheeks,arms, and probably more on her torso and chest. I walked on the other side of her and grabbed her hand. She was like ice,cold. I knelt down next to her, a stray tear felt left my eye. I looked up to see Jason full blown crying holding her hand on the other side. I looked back at Allison, more tears started to fall. I closed my eyes and listened to the heart beats in the room. I singled Allison's heart beat out and blocked out everyone else's. It was faint, to faint for a regular or anyone's normal heart beat. I opened my eyes that were full of tear. I didn't care if there were other people in the room. Alpha or not my mate was dying. I didn't want this, nobody wanted this. Yes I was a jerk. Yes I was a asshole. But no, not this, not Allison.

"Allison please. Please come back I need you. We need you." I whispered onto her hand.

I looked back up from Allison to find my family, Jason's family, and all our friends.

I looked at the doctors and shook my head slowly. "Is there anything you can do."

They all looked down then back to me. One of then spoke up. "We can keep her here but it will be up to Allison to come back to us."

I looked over to my mom,who had tears rimming her eyes. She started over towards me. She came right towards me and hugged me. I stood up and hugged her.

"Mom I don't know what to do." I cried in her shoulder.

"I know sweetie, I know." She said rubbing my back.

"Mom please do something. I just don't know anymore. How am I suppose to live with myself without her." I cried hugging her tighter.

She started to pull me to the door I felt a heavier hand on my back. I looked to see my dad. Mom pulled me outside.
My wolf let out a ear breaking howl inside my head.

Jason's P.O.V

I felt a light hand on my back. I growled not even looking at the person. I wiped my eyes and just concentrated on the heart beat that was fading away. I sat back down on the floor, I had my head between my hands. I heard a growl knowing it was from my dad, but I ignored him. How are you going to growl at me at a time like this. He growled again but more harshly.

I stood up and got in his face. "Growl at me one more f*cking time. See what happens, I'm telling you right now. DO NOT CHALLENGE ME because I will kick your old ass okay."

I turned back around and faced Allison. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I opened my eyes.

I looked over to the doctors. "Do everything you can, alright."

They nodded and started to get things out. I looked at the doorway. "Everybody out!" I ordered. They all scurried out.

"Tiffany!" I called out. She turned and looked at me,her face was tear stained. "You can see Ally." She nodded.

I started towards the house but stupid grabbed my forearm.

He turned me around and glares at me. "You will not speak to your father like that Jason."

"Dude stop playing my father okay. You guys act like I don't know!" I yelled in his face.

"Sweetheart please, your making a scene." My mom said lowly.

I turned towards her. "Mom I don't understand why you didn't just tell me."

"Is everything okay over here Jason." Mr. Michels said walking over with his wife and son.

"Yes it is." My "dad" answered for me.

"No it's not okay."I said glaring at my "dad."

"Jason calm down. Now!" He ordered.

My eyes probably already changed to black. "I know you didn't just order me to do something. Your not even my real dad!"

I heard gasps around us. I looked at my mom who looked down then back to my Charles.

"Are you happy now. You made your mother cry." He glared.

I growled at him and he stood I front of my face and growled. "You were never my son in the first place. I should have killed you when I saw your mother holding another baby that wasn't mine."

I pushed him and he stumbled back. "My mother deserves a better mate then you. Plus I have Beta blood in me and sure as hell not from you."

He swung at me but I ducked. I tackled him by his legs and he fell to the ground. I heard a scream that was probably from my mother. He pushed me off and rolled us over. He punched me in my right jaw and hard. I shifted to my wolf from under him and I bit down on his arm. He punched me on the side of my head and released him. He shifted and charged at me. He caught me by the neck and he shook his head back in forth viciously. I barked in pain then I felt him drop me. I looked to see Austin had him pinned to the ground by his throat. He flipped Austin over and bit his neck, I could tell he was about to finish him off. I ran at full speed and knocked him off of him. I circled around Austin protecting him. He was in bad shape his neck was bleed worse then mine was at the time.

"Charles stop this." My mother yelled.

The wolf looked at my mom and his eyes softened. I growled at him.'don't look at her you douche.'

'She's mine anyways' he linked back to me.

I crouched down and growled at him. He ran full speed at me. Since I was in full protection mode, plus the anger, plus the pain my mate was in, plus the fact that this douche hurt another one of our own in the pack. I jumped at him and caught his snout. He growled and then turned me on my back somehow. He pinned me to the ground but I kicked him off. I took a blow to my side and a bite to my hind leg. He was about to come at me again but a large black wolf stood in front of me. Charles stopped and growled.

'Dude are you f*cking crazy because I think you are' I linked him.

He glared at Levi and growled again. Levi growled deeply and Charles flinched back. He bowed his head in submission but then out of no where he started to snapping at Levi's paws. Levi spun his around so fast and pinned him to the ground that I couldn't even catch the movement.

'You never disrespect your Alpha, let alone try to attack him.' Levi growled.

Charles stopped his squirming and showed his neck in submission. Levi stepped off of him and looked at Austin. He was limping towards the pack doctors house with his mother. I looked back at Charles he had blood trickling down his neck.

'I accepted you into the pack when you were a rouge. I said if you attack or hurt anyone in your pack you are to leave my pack. Then you decide to snap at me. I Levi Michels cast you out Charles Carter out of the Dark moon Pack.' Levi said through the whole pack link.

"Please Alpha. Don't do that." My mom pleaded.

'I'm sorry Mrs.Carter.' He linked her.

Levi looked at me. 'You okay dude.'

'Considering I was fighting to the death and I'm bleeding to death....I'm perfect.'

He shook his head and trotted off to the front of the house with his parents. I looked at my mom who was crying. 'Mom please stop crying'

"Jason, I'm sorry sweetheart." She said lowly.

I couldn't communicate with Charles anymore since he was a rouge now, or should I say again. He looked at me and ran off in the trees.

He came with shorts and a shirt. "Come on Lisa. We have to go."

I shifted back to my human form me growled at him. "You aren't taking my mother anywhere. Now her off our territory."

"She's coming with me." He growled.

I looked to see Jessica running up to me and and handed me a pair of shorts. I slipped them on. "Thanks Jess."

I looked at my mom. "Mom please don't."

She looked down at the ground. "I love you sweetie."

I heard Charles chuckle. "Mate first am I right. To bad yours isn't here."

I went to go strangle him but Justin came out if nowhere and was holding me back. The jerk and my mom ran off into the thick of the woods. Soon after about 5 wolves ran after them, since one was a rouge and he was in our territory they had no choice but to chase and maybe hopefully kill him.

"Dude let me go." I growled to Justin.

"Then calm down right now." He growled.

I relaxed and he let me go. I turned to him, then his eyes went wide. "Dude your neck."

"Yes. I know it's scratched and its bleeding. I will be fine." I waved him off walking to the front of the house.

"Are you okay." He asked walking next to me.

"Think about it Just. I now have no parents. I just watched a f*cking rouge run off with my birth mother. There is a Lich out there somewhere, and we all know that Liches don't just leave. They always come back for something. Then I have a mate, who may I add is dying." I said looking at him.

"I see."

I touched my neck and winced. "Ah sh*t this hurts."

He chuckled. "Told you you should get it looked at."

"Now if Austin was here he would have cracked a joke or something." I smiled.

"I don't get why you people still doubt that I'm never around." I heard a voice come from behind me.

I turned to see Austin with bandages on his neck with his arm around Tiffany, who was still crying. Then all the girls came running out the house and hugged her. They all just pushed Austin aside.

He held his arms open to the sides. "Okay then."

He walked over to us and pointed to my neck. "Dude you should get that checked out."

"I know." I said touching it again.

"Stop touching it and come in the living room." Mrs. Michels said in the door way of the house.

I smiled childish at her and I started up the stairs. As I walked past her she smacked the back of my head.

"What was that for?" I questioned.

"That's for not beating that guys ass." Then she smacked me again. "That's for not breaking out of Justin's hold and chasing that guy down." She smack my arm. "That's for not coming to me earlier about your jacked up neck." She pushed me to the couch.

"Mrs. Michles I think by the time you get him to the couch you would have gave him a concussion." Austin laughed.

She raised her hand at him and he put his arms in a 'X' way so she couldn't get to him.

She went in the kitchen then came back with a box full of medical things.

She pulled something out and unscrewed the top. "Honey this might burn."

"What do you---- Ahhhhhghghhghh" I yelled.

"I told you it might burn." She smiled.

"Yeah but you never told me when you were going to put it on." I shut my eyes tightly.

"Surprise." She laughed.

She put the last bandage on and looked at me. "You don't seem so heart broken as you should be."

I smiled and looked down. "I'm actually listening to my wolf."

"What did he say."

"That I will just have to wait. It's gonna take time. It's up to Allison now."

She smiled. "I think it's time for dinner."

I looked towards the guys. "What."

"I wonder how this will play out. You actually listening to your wolf." Levi laughed.

"Are you listening to yours?" I smirked.

He stopped smiling and glared at me. "Maybe."

I got up off the couch and started towards the kitchen. "That's what I thought."











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