Life might be getting better

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Allison's P.O.V

I pulled out the little white box that had an iPhone on it. I was so excited because I always had a little flip phone that was crap. And I didn't even have it now because 2 years ago it got thrown in a pool by retard Mark. I opened the box and pulled out the phone it was white. I looked under the bed again to find a case that was a panda. (Which I love by the way) I plugged the charger into the wall and seen the phone come to life. I swiped the swipe button and I made all the changes I wanted. I played with it for a while until I got tired. I turn the alarm on ,on my phone for school.


was the first thing I heard in the morning. I pick up the phone and turned it off. I rolled over but to find there was no bed there but there sure was a floor. 'Ugh really' I said to my self.

I picked myself up off the floor and headed over to my closet I smile at myself and picked up the first bag I seen. I walked down the hall and took a shower I made sure to lock the door because of the creeps aka Mark. I hopped in the shower and washed my self clean I had no dirt on myself at all. After that I washed my hair with the smell of strawberry's since I liked the smell.

I walked back to my room and put my new clothes on. Since it was cold and rainy yesturday I already know its going to be cold today. I put on low waist skinny jeans and a light peach color flawy shirt with a white tank under it. I looked in the mirror and put on my black converse but the new ones I got. I walked back over to the bags that was flawed everywhere I found a bag that had a flat iron in it. I took it out and walked to the bathroom. I plugged it in and let it heat up while I went back in my room and got makeup. Looking at my phone it was almost 7:30 I needed to be at school by 8. I darted to the bathroom and put on light eyeliner and mascara along with lipgloss. I never was a big fan of makeup and all that crap but its the first day in a new school, who wouldn't go all out. I straightened my hair and I soon realized that I never had done it before and it looked really good for the first time. My natural blond highlights popped out more and I liked it that way. I took everything and unplugged everything and ran to my room. I threw it all on my bed except the flat iron I left that in the bathroom.

"I see you like your new things I expect" I heard a voice behind me say. I jumped a little and saw Mary standing in my door way. I ran to her and hugged her. She stumbled back taken by surprise and them she wrapped her arms around me as well.

"Sweetie I forgot how warm you make me when you hug me" she said.

Unwrapping my arms I looked at her and said "thank you mom, for the letter and things but you still have to give me time to fully forgive you".

I saw tears build up in her eyes and said " I think that the second time I had ever heard you call me mom".

"Yeah yeah don't get all mushy gushy on me" I said almost laughing " plus I think you should get use to it because I'm going to start calling you that more often".

"I know you don't like sentimental crap but I'm a mother you know" mom said walking away" when your done come to the kitchen".

"Okay" I yelled down to her smiling.

I grabbed my phone and saw that it was 7:40."crap I'm going to be late" I said hurrying up. I threw what ever school supplies in the bag mom bought. The bag had to be or over 100$. I ran down the hall to the kitchen and found mom sitting at the table drink coffee and eating a bagel. I walked over and dropped my bad on the floor and put my finally new jacket on the back of my chair. I had bacon placed in front of me along with two eggs.

"What time do you have to be at school?" mom asked looking at the window.

"Ummm. I think 8:15, why?" I said continuing to eat my food.

"Okay hurry up child" mom said" we have to get you to school".

I turned around and looked at her curiously.

"Mom what are you up to" I asked curiously.

"Oh nothing sweetheart, just come along" she said with a sly smile.

"Ally?" Mom said looking at me" is okay if I call you that?"

I looked down and thought about it. Then I looked up with a smile as long as you don't try to murder me with whatever your planing... "

"Okay" she said laughing.

"Also that you won't let Mark hurt me or anything. Also you won't hurt me but mostly him." I said with a small smile.

She walked over to me and hugged me.

"I would never", she said.

" okay mom this sh*t is getting to mushy or something I don't know it feels weird" I said laughing grabbing my bag and jacket.

I was about to walk out the kitchen when the f*cking king of drunk-tards himself shows up. I thought life was going to get better from there but boy I was wrong.



OMG what is going to happen its funny because I don't even know lol jk

Sorry if its sort but you know stuff happens

I actually really like this chapter because its on one on one time with Allison and Mom OMG just realized she called Mary mom now WHOA

HEY look at you you kept reading you are now my best friends


If you will please




~~~ May the odd be foreva in your favor ~~~

Why I said that I DONT KNOW you should know by now I don't do normal lol


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