Smiles and Bruises

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I sat there in the back just staring around.

It sure did look like guys lived in this place

clothes tossed everywhere

video games stacked up in the corner with a game system

I layed down on the floor and began to close my eyes and I felt another person around.

I opened my eyes and there they were again those hazel eyes

"oh gosh!"

"Sorry I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that."

"its okay Gerard. I was just laying down."

"I noticed. and I also noticed you are still covered in blood."


"yes hold on let me get something to clean it."

I sat up and waited he came back with a wet rag and sat in front of me

"do you want to..?"

"Ummm...can you do it I don't know where to wipe exactly."

"okay just hold still okay?"


he lightly pulled my face toward him and lifted my chin and took the wet rag and started to wipe on the left side of my face.

I did nothing but just stare into those eyes.

there was something warm and kind about them

"hold on I can't see clearly where the cut is"

he pulled my face closer

I just kept quiet and decided to look at the ground

and he was done

"there you go all clean."

"th-thank you."

"you are welcome. is something wrong?"

"no n-nothing"

I felt the rush of blood on my cheeks

"Are you blushing missy?"


he chuckled

"its okay. you shouldn't hide it. a nice blush makes you look nice."

I looked up and smiled. and he returned the gesture.

"Thats a beautiful smile you have there."

"Thank you"

"I think I am the first to see it."

"I think you are right. I am thirsty."

"I will get you something to drink I will be back!."

he made me blush

he makes me feel different

"here you go."

he handed me the bottle of some liquid but I wasn't really paying attention and I....

"Oh crud!! I spilled it all over myself!"

"It's okay here."

"I feel dumb for spilling it.'

"It's alright. but you are going to need something new to wear."

"I don't have anything."

"Its okay you can borrow some of my clothes."

"I don't know, you guys are taking me in and this would just make me more uncom-"

"No you going to take them. you have nothing and you don't want to get all sticky do you?"

"well no."

"You are taking my clothes and thats that."


he came back with an Iron Maiden shirt and some jeans.

I was small enough to fit into them

"I am just going to be at my bunk okay?"


I pulled off the sticky shirt and tossed it to the ground and reached for the dry when I felt a pain at my side I looked to see what it was and I couldn't believe what it was....bruises everywhere. I was covered in them. some where old but some were fresh....I was panicing and just screamed....


"oh my god!"

"What happened to me?!"

"I don't know!"

"where did they come from?"

he just grabbed me and hugged me close

"its alright. whatever happened it won't again. I will be here."

"Where did they come from?"

"I don't know hun but just calm down you are hyperventilating."

"ok ok."

"Sh it's alright. calm down."

how did he do that?

just soothe me that fast?

it feels nice to be in his arms

"its ok.."

"you sure?"

"yes I am sure."

we were there for what it seemed forever but I pulled away first

"thank you. its all I ever say."

"no problem...ahem...ummm...I think you should put your shirt on."


"Because you don't have one on."


I quickly covered up before I blushed again.

"I will be near by if you need something."


he left and I just stared down at me bruised torso

what kind of life did I have?

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