Portrait (Gerard)

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"sugar...what you don't want me calling you that?"

"No...I just never had someone call me that before thats all...I kind of like it."

"well I am calling you that from now on! now go get the brushes I want to see an artist at


I was back before she could say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

she was just patiently standing waiting, gosh she was beautiful

okay focus now Gee, get it together

"okay got them!"

"So what are you going to paint?"

"I don't know honestly, is there anythign you want me to do?"

"Hmmm.....how about a painting of the gang! on stage!"

"I like it, now turn around and wait for me to be done."


"No buts now turn around and wait for me to be finished."


I got to work and started painting

but I made an adjustment to it midway

I painted to gang alright

but the whole gang

painting always made me feel so peaceful

something to take my mind off of things

just seeing the brush slowly pet the canvas

it was soothing

and just nice

"alright...just a minute here..."

"Come on! I want to see!'

"Hold on hold on, yesh girl. "


"Yes! take a yander."

she turned quickly and just stood there with this vacant look on her face

i think she didn't like it...


I had to make sure she was still alive at least waving my hand in her face didn't do

much to prove that

"Do you like it?"


she lives!

"do you like it?"

"she that me?"

"yeah...you hate it don't you?"

"no! no...I just have never seen myself like that before...it's beautiful."

"Thanks...I want you to keep it. I painted it for you anyway."

"I don't know..."

"Take it Bells I insist"

"Oh alright....thank you..."

"You are welcome."

"Its a nice small portrait of me and my guys....it feels like I finally have a family."

"You do and you always will Isabella. No matter what I am here for you, always hun."

I was going to keep my promise to her

she is what matters most to me now.

and this small portrait is a piece of me

that she will have whatever happens

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