Pinch Me (Bob)

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I can't believe she said yes!

I thought she would have said no but she said yes!

we walked

and talked like we normally do when its just us on the way

to the cafe that was across the street from the venue for tonight

we were seated and ordered

"So Mr. Bryar why did you ask me to this lunch?"


should I tell her?

I mean I don't want to scare her off but... oh fuck it I am going to tell her

"There is something I need to tell you."

"Okay what is it?"

those green eyes

my god those green eyes just pierced right through me

they were like tractor beams and I couldn't look away

"I..I umm...I ..."

"Bob. relax and tell me"

she placed her hand on my shoulder and rubbed it to try to soothe me

it just made me more nervous

"Gosh I will just go ahead and tell you already"

"Okay I will just sit here and listen so talk."

"Look, the reason I asked you to lunch was to tell you something. Over this time we have gotten to know each other more. These feelings have started up in me. something i haven't felt in a long time. The reason I brought you here today was to tell you I like you Isabella."

after my little confession she just stared at me

like she was just shocked

not really responding

fuck I think I freaked her out

"Bells? Bella?"

"Huh? oh sorry I was just in shock for a bit. you want to repeat that?"

"I like you Isabella."


"Yeah I do. I just wanted to finally tell you that."



"Are you going to ask me?"

"Ask you what?"

"To be your girl dum dum."

she giggled.

gosh she was beautiful

and so cute when she did that

"Oh! let me get to it. Isabella...will you be my girlfriend?"

"I don't know you kind of hesitated there I am not sure you..."


"Oh alright yes Bob Bryar I will be your girlfriend."

this is a dream right?

it has to be

"pinch me."


"Pinch me to see if this is real."

"I got a better idea."

she leaned forward and kissed my cheek

"this is real Bob."

"Thank god."

yes! yes! yes!

I would do a victory dance if i was alone but a kiss on the cheek is better!

she is my girlfriend!


I am on top of the world right now

nothing can bring me down right now

I have plans for this story

you might not like the ending but

I will make it up to you guys

I promise

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