I plastered on a smile, but I was dying inside..

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days were amazing, wonderful.

they just breezed by.

like time wasn't there.

we did everything together, sometimes we ended up with matching outfits when we went out.

everyone though it was cute and we well we didn't notice until someone pointed it out.

we took long drives to no where.

we sat in his studio and I watched him create.

we sat in the living room as he watched me sing and play.

it was perfect.

but...i knew it was coming...I just didn't know from where..

the house phone rang one day.

"I will get it!"

"Alright babe."


"Hello Allison."

"You. how did you get this number?!"

"Oh a little birdie told me...but thats not important. I just wanted to tell you that this whatever you have now...won't last. I will make sure of it. and then you will back here cleaning my house and cooking for your dad and me."

"That piece of shit that you married isn't my dad, and that is my dad's house. and I am never, I repeat never going back there. I would rather much die."

"Oh sweetie don't say mean things like that it hurts my feelings."

"I am pretty sure you don't have any feelings, and if you did that was long ago. Now never call here again or I promise you that you will regret it. "

"Oh this is not the end Allison be sure of that."


"Oh Allison...be seeing you very soon."

"Fuck off Scarlett...and I am not afraid of you."

"Well you should be."

I slammed the phone on the receiver and was fuming.

how in the world did she find me?

beats me someone has something against you.


think, think really hard.

“You are lying and you will regret not letting him come back to me. You will regret this Bella Black. You will see.”

“HA! There is nothing you can do that has not already been done to me!”

no she couldn't have...I mean...how would she know about me and whats going on?

do I have to spell it out for you woman!

"What?! No! what kind of person do you think I am?"

" A liar, thats what I think you are. I mean its so convienent that you don't remember anything, and we happen to find and decided to bring you with us. and then we find out you can sing and play. I think you are full of shit Isabella."

oh my gosh....she must of over heard me and mikey talking and ran to Brian. that bitch all to get Gee. He doesn't even want her.

She is going through some pretty big lengths to try to.

son of a....they are not going to win.

What exactly are you going to do? Scarlett is coming, you don't want to tell gee...what do you suggest we do?

I don't know!

my cell rang.

"Hey she just called me, how in the fuck did she find you?"

"I have some idea, some bitch trying to break me and Gee up and she is doing anything possible."

"well stand up to her."

"I will, but scarlett is coming to mess things up so I can go back to being her slave."

"Sis whatever you do. Do not let her go to Gee's house. She will do anything and I mean thing to get you back. Do not even let Gee knows she exist or meet her. you got it."

"Yeah I do."

"Alright I will be there in a couple days and we can figure out what to do okay?"

"Alright...but matt...I know what I am going to do."

"What is it?"

"I will tell you later just call me when you are here, okay?"

"Alright. I love you Bella."

"I love you too Matt."

"I will see you in a couple days."

"Okay bye."

I stood there almost numb. I can't believe I am considering doing this.

But you want to protect him right?

Yes but I love him.

then you know what you are going to have to do.


Then get to planning.

I hate my life.

tell me about it.

"Hey bells who was that?"

"Oh the first one was wrong number and then I called Matt to see how he was."

"How is he?"

"He is great, seeing places and such."

"Thats good."

I was going crazy inside,

keep it together!

"Are you alright sugar?"

"Yeah...why do you ask?"

"You look sad. Are you sure you are fine?"

"Yeah just miss Matt thats all."

"Well you have me. Hey how about we go bug Mikey how does that sound?"

"Sounds great. let me just get my jacket. okay?"

"Alright meet you in the car."

I plastered on a smile. but inside I was dying. I can't believe what I am going to do. I hate myself.

But I am doing this for him.

To protect him, from her.

She will destroy his life.

and I can't let her do that.

but I slowly dying just thinking about it....I love him so muc

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