I wanted italian

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I waited for Ali to get ready.

It only took her a couple of mintues.

She already had done her hair and make up before she worked on me.

I went over to the mirror and almost couldn't recognize myself.

I looked so different.

"You look wonderful Izzy."

"You think so?"

"Yeah Bob is going to love it...and I think Gerard will too."

"How do you know about that?!"

"Well Mikey and I talk about a lot of things. And Gerard and you came up and how you two are crazy for each other and aren't together. Which is something I really don't understand."

"It's complicated...I am with Bob and that's the end of that."

"Keep telling yourself that Izzy. You know deep down inside who you want and what you have to do in order to be with them. Bob will understand."

"Can we please talk about something else.?"

"Yeah yeah. Okay how do I look?"



"I am sure Mikey will love it."

She blushed.

"I-I have no idea what you are talking about now move it or we are going to be late.!"

"Sure you don't"

We walked out of my room and started heading down to the motel lobby where everyone was going to meet.

"Well I guess we are the first ones actually ready..."

"Hold on to that thought. "

And there she was...Nasty. Gosh. Lord give me strength not to kill her tonight at dinner.

"Oh it's you...what the fuck was your name again?"

"It was Bella."

"Oh yeah...just to warn you..stay away from MY boyfriend or you will regret it."

"Oh is that a threat? Please like that scares me."

"You should be scared you have no idea what I am capable of."

"Bring it you nasty ass bi-"


I stopped myself and turned to face Alicia when I saw everyone standing in the lobby looking at the argument.

Bob walked over to me and put his arm around my waist and lead me away from nasty.

"Bells are you okay?"

"Yeah I am. Sorry you had to see that she just rubs me the wrong way. I did nothing to her and she doesn't even want me and Gerard to talk to each other. Me and Gee are just friends. Gosh so help me I will kill her if she continues with this!"

"Whoa killer calm down. Breathe and relax. If we can get through tonight with out anyone getting killed we will be okay. And I will let you in on something...I don't like her either."


"Yeah she is just plain, whats the word?"



"Yeah gosh come on and lets get this evening over with."

"That's the spirit!"

"You are one silly boyfriend."

"Well I am your silly boyfriend."

"Yeah...you are."

Stop thinking about Gerard!


We rejoined everyone and started to head out.

We had to split ourselves into two groups on the account we didn't all fit in one cab.

Ray, Frank, Bob and nasty somehow ended up in one cab and then me, Gerard, Mikey and Alicia in the other.

We got in and I ended up sitting next to Gerard...fuck my life.

Please control yourself this time. People will be watching.

I think I can this time.

"What was that about?"


"You and Alexis earlier, what was it about?"

"Nothing...it-it was...it was about you."

"You were fighting over me?"

"She told me to stay away from you. Or I will regret it...big deal....I have been through worse."

"You have?"

Shit....I can't let him know about the dreams..

"Nothing. I...maybe you should stay away from me. You have nasty and I have Bob."

"But I don't love her."


"Isabella...you know I don't love her. You know I don't"

"How do I?"

He didn't say another word for the rest of the cab ride.

He just looked out of the window and said nothing.

I couldn't help myself. I reached for his hand and took it in mine.

He turned to look at me and smiled and he kissed my hand.

We sat there looking at each other and holding hands.

"Hey guys we are here"

Mikey annouced

That brought us out of our state.

"Uh where is here exactly?"

"La Fontana Siciliana, I wanted Italian."

"Well nice choice Gerard."

"Thanks Mikes. Come on."

We got out and headed inside.

Gerard walked up to the hostess

"Reservation under G. Way"

"Ah yes Mr.Way table for 8?"

"Yes. And somewhere with privacy please. We would like a nice dinner."

"Certainly sir please follow me."

We went to a nice table in the corner of the restaurant it was secluded and no one would bug us.

I sat next to Bob and he pulled out the chair for me.

"Oh aren't you sweet."

"For you, always."

"You are wonderful Bob."

I could feel the hazel eyes stare at me as I sat down

We got out menus and were deciding what to order.

I could still feel those eyes staring at me.

"You look gorgeous Bella."

My head shot straight up.

"Th-thanks Gee."

"She is isn't she Bob?"

"She sure is."

"Gerard what the hell?!"

"Alexis I was just commenting on her outfit, she looks beautiful in it."


"Not now Alexis."

"Yes now let me remind you that I am."

Next thing you know she had her claws into him.

She was making out with him in front of all of us...

Oh it's so on.

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