I have to protect her.. (Matt)

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I know for a fact its her.

I know its my sister!

I know it is!

She had the bracelet and I know she recognized me.

What happened to her?

I thought she might have...gosh I cant believe that she could have died but she found something better.

A guy who loves her and a family.

A real one not like the shell of a mother we had.

Our father was an amazing man but was taken from us.

But if she finds her...lord know what she will do to her.

I have to get her somewhere safe.

But if she wants to.

I saw that she was in a magazine.

I can\'t believe I missed my sis\'s debut.

Well to my knowledge I thought she was dead.

So I just picked up and left.

I never expected to find her.

But how did she get here?

And Why can\'t she remember me?

I am her own twin brother for crying out loud!

I have to see her again somehow.

I heard some other people talking about some show

\"Hey man did you hear MCR is in town and they are playing tonight!\"

\"Yeah I know I bought a ticket but I can\'t go my mom got sick and I have to take care of her. I can\'t seem to sell my ticket anywhere.\"

\"Bummer man I hope she gets better.\"

\"So do I. And I heard Gee\'s girlfriend is going to be there.\"

\"man she is always at shows. Did you catch the ones she played?\"

\"Yeah man she was freaking amazing! So much energy and she had an amazing voice. It was just amazing show\"

\"you lucky mother fucker.\"

\"What can I say? Haha.\"

Oh yeah that was my sister alright. Girl did always have the talent with the bass and guitar and her voice she got from dad but a higher range.

She was a one woman show.

I was just the drummer.

They are playing tonight and she is always there.

Maybe there is a way...

\"hey sorry to over hear but I couldn\'t get a ticket to the show tonight and maybe I was wondering if I can take it off your hands?\"

\"Yeah sure man just give me twenty and its yours\"

\"Thanks here.\"

\"Are you a fan?\"

\"Yeah they are my sister favorite and it rubbed off on me.\"

\"Cool. Well you are going to get a killer show tonight man. I guarantee it.\"

\"Alright thanks. Say you were talking about some chick earlier who was it?\"

\"Oh you mean Bella Black. Yeah she is just this amazing new comer to the music scene and Gee\'s girlfriend. She is just an amazing performer.\"

\"Wow sounds awesome. Have you guys met her?\"

\"Yeah Fred here has I haven\'t\"

\"How is she Fred?\"

\"She is super nice and shy. But overall great chick. I was glad to meet her.\"

\"Cool. Hey thanks for the ticket I have to jet.\"

\"Alright man have a nice day.\"

\"Oh I will and you too.\"

I was going to try to talk to her after the show. Somehow.

I have to warn her. And make her try to remember everything. And try to get her to go somewhere safe.

I have to protect my sister.

But how do I do that without making her hurt the new guys in her life?

And without breaking Gerard\'s heart in the process?

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