Distraction (Gerard)

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She was there one moment

and gone the next

We had a great show

and rocked the place

but I was still hurting

So I went for a smoke

somewhere I could be alone for a while

somewhere no one could see me hurting

"Why are you so sad?"

some chick's voice

and a figure walked towards me

"Someone like you shouldn't be so sad?"

"What makes you think I am sad?"

"You look it. like I said someone as hot as you shouldn't be so sad."

"You never said hot."

"Oops. Well now thats out...you are really hot."

she wasn't bad looking.

she was blonde.


black eye make up that brought out her blue eyes.

a nose ring.

and wore a skirt and a tank top.

she was okay.

"Thanks I guess."

I took a drag

and exhaled

"Come on is there anyway I can make you feel better?"

"I doubt it."

she took my cigerette away and took a drag and exhaled and stomped it out

"I can think of something."


I wasn't very amused with her


she grabbed my face closer to hers and make our lips crashed together

I didn't respond and she pulled away

and I didn't see this random chicks face

I saw Bella's.

and I kissed her I kissed Bella

I pulled back and smiled

but I realized it wasn't Bella

my smile faded

it was this chick's face

"My name is Alexis by the way."

And there she was....my distraction.

I don't know how long this will be.

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