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Parker sat in the back of the library avoiding contact with any other living being if possible. His nose wrinkled at the smell of the book titled "The History of Literature." Being the type of guy who couldn't lift a weight or run a mile without dying there he sat in the library alone. His dark brown eyes studied each word on the perfectly crisp page.

His eyes left the page when everyone in the library started running towards the double glass doors at the front of the building. Standing up cautiously he closed the book sitting it on the table. Walking to where the crowd of students rushed to get out the door. He heard screaming and cursing as he got closer to the crowd. He noticed a dozen more people blocking the outside of the door. Tapping one of the eager students in the group on the shoulder,"What's going on out there?"

"Dude there's a fight between Elliot Reed and some chick who claims Elliot stole her boyfriend." Parker nodded pushing his black rimmed glasses back up the bridge of his nose. Peaking over the crowd he stood at about six feet. Catching a glimpse of fist flying in the air as well as clothing.

High pitch whistles could be heard echoing down the hall. The crowd scattered in all directions as the girls still wrestled kicking and scratching on the white tiled floors. The school police officers showed up grabbing Elliot off the blonde girl. She cursed and kicked furiously as the officers tried to sustain her. 

"Bitch I'll kill you!" Is all you heard from Elliot as she jerked and kicked trying to get another hit at the girl. Her black straightened hair in a tangled mess as they carried her away.

The bell had ring Parker rushed back into the library grabbing his things. Never having a tardy in his life he jogged down the hall trying to make it before the late bell ring.

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