|Anniversay I|

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"Are sure that's what you wanna get him" Voni said peering over my shoulder at the small box I was wrapping. "Yes he's going to love it!"
I couldn't wait to see the look on his face. He's been talking about getting one of these since forever.

"Your mom's gonna kill you for running up your credit card bill again" she followed me inside the kitchen. "What she doesn't know won't kill her" I rolled my eyes.

"Woah Parker's really got you hooked" she said eyeing me with a smirk.

"I just wanna get him something nice it's our two month anniversary" I shrugged.

"I mean he's changing you Ell"

"What do you mean?"

"You're wearing dresses and doing your hair all girly and wearing makeup", she gestured to my floral print thigh length dress and perfectly done makeup.

Parker makes me feel different and I don't wanna fuck this up. He was pretty pissed about the text messages. I'm only doing it to protect him he might think it's something when it's nothing.

"Whatever" I pushed Parker's gift in my purse.

"You know it's true Ell" she followed me downstairs still flapping her gums about my relationship. I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge plopping down on a stool.

"Gosh must you keep this up!" I groaned. She leaned her head against my shoulder, "It's okay to say you're in love"

Silence fell over us as she tapped away on her phone probably texting James. Their relationship was adorable in a way, but kind of revolting. She shared many sex stories with me about her and James. I don't know if I could ever tell her if Parker and I had sex. He seems like a wait till after we're married kind of guy.

The guy who'd marry a pretty blonde white girl who's just as smart and bright as he is. And have wide eye beautiful kids and a son that's a splitting image of him. The same soft brown hair and those gorgeous brown eyes maybe he'd wear glasses. It felt like I'd been punched in the gut just thinking about shit like this.

I constantly felt like I'm going to fuck this up eventually. It's just a matter of time before he realizes I'm not what he wants. That we don't belong together and won't ever have kids of our own someday. No one admires a black girl with a white boy and says wow they're perfect together. I most definitely don't deserve someone as great as him.

"How in the hell did I keep this relationship together" I said aloud. The doorbell rang I got up to go answer it leaving Voni in the kitchen. I opened the door Parker stood there with a bouquet of roses wearing a goofy grin on his face. I leaned against the doorframe "for me?" He nodded slowly admiring my appearance with those eyes.

"Yes for you" I took the bouquet smelling the roses before closing the door behind him. He turned to face me I took in his attire a crisp olive green button up with dark washed jeans and a pair of brown loafers. His hair tossed and tangled in a ruffled mess that only made him even more attractive.

"Sweet Jesus" I whispered to myself. I didn't even notice that he had closed the space between us. "Happy two month anniversary baby" his lips hovered dangerously over mine.

"Am I interrupting?" My head shot in the direction of an amused looking Voni watching us. I hadn't heard her come out of the kitchen and neither had Parker. She smirked when she caught my deadly glare.

It's been amazing writing for you guys I can't wait for you to read the rest ! Comment and Vote

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