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I stared at the tangled sheets beneath our feet and sighed at the memories of last night. It had to be the greatest night of my life. Elliot and I stumbled into the hotel room three this morning. After a long limo ride around town with everyone after prom.

Her dress still lay on the floor. I could remember her bubbly giggles from the wine Neal had stolen from a bar in the hotel. Her moans as I pleased her slowly. Those long carmel legs wrapped around my waist.

Besides that I saw something different in her. Last night Elliot was a entire different person. She was vulnerable, gentle and open. She talked about her parents and the judgment she faces. About her fears of losing herself and even me sometimes.

She cried for the first time in front me and she held onto me as if I was going to disappear into thin air. I kissed her better and held her close until she fell asleep. I glanced down at the broken sleeping beauty in my arms. The light from the open curtains spilled in creating beautiful shadows along our naked bodies. I stroked her cheek gently with my hand.

Our relationship hasn't been anything but ups and downs. And I hope that sex doesn't over complicate this even more. I couldn't help but wonder if what Elliot said was true or was it all just the wine talking. That what she said last night before we made love was true. That she loves me, a guy who wears contacts and pretends to be someone he's not for a girl he's fallen deeply in love with.

I sighed deeply feeling the weight on my chest get heavier. "What are you thinking about?" Her voice was soft and soothing bringing me out of my daze. I took another deep breath pushing my worrying thoughts in the back of my mind.

"The thief, who stole my heart", A sweet smile crept upon her lips and she leaned up to place a kiss on my mine. I pulled her closer wanting more of her taste last nights feelings tumbling back. I groaned feeling myself hardened against her bare thigh as she kissed me a bit longer.

"Shower?" She smiled against my lips a sparkle in her dark brown eyes. I nodded "Shower." We both made our way out of the sheets without taking our hands off each other. You could say the attraction between us was undeniable.

The water sprayed against my back as I kept her body firmly against mine. I caressed every inch of her loveliness. Our tongues explored each other mouths hungry and desperate. This time the weight had lessened. I felt her love with every kiss, touch, word and moan.

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