|Peter Parker|

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"Oh Peter Parker won't you save your damsel in distress", Elliot said fanning herself as she leaned against the wall looking helplessly around the half empty hallway.

"Uh what movie is this from?" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Damn you! You're the worst Peter Parker ever" she grumbled. "In my defense I've never been a big fan of spiderman" I shrugged.

She gasped dramatically earning a few suspicious stares from our peers. "Vince I should kill you ! I absolutely adore the amazing spider man" she said placing her hand over her heart and fluttering her eyes.

"You're ridiculous he's just a guy in a red and blue spandex suit who puts himself into stupid situation" I said flatly. She smacked my arm "bite your tongue" I rolled my eyes.

"Spiderman is fucking amazing and sexy as hell" she was starting to fan girl. "Um I don't care" I said staring at her. She shook her head full of wild bouncy curls "I can't believe you Vince."

"Come on before we be late picking up our cap and gowns" I said grabbing hold of her hand leading her down the hall. She sighed following close behind. I never would have known this full of fury and beauty would fan girl over spiderman.

I didn't want to admit it in front of Elliot but I use to love spiderman. Of course that was at the age of eight when I had spider man pajamas and bed sheets. I've long ago put down the comics of Marvels Classic the amazing spider man.

We entered through the double doors of the multiple purpose room. It was basically a big room where they held extra stuff that didn't require a lot of space.

"Ah Mr. Vince and Ms. Reed finally you join us" He peered over his glasses. "Mr. Shelby" I smiled "Are our gowns ready?"

"They've been ready for the past hour Mr. Vince" he said sourly. Elliot opened her mouth to say something but I squeezed her hand giving her a look. "Thank you sir I'm sorry we took so long" he handed me the white box with a red bow on it that had a tag with my name and grade written neatly.

I opened it taking a peak at the silky pressed and neatly folded red cap and gown. "Ms. Reed you may pick up your cords tomorrow morning for the ceremony" he said handing Elliot her box.

She turned to me "Senior status baby" I laughed shaking my head as she did a little dance. All the other seniors joined in. Then out of nowhere someone started playing music.

I shook my head as Elliot grabbed my hand for me to dance. "I don't dance sweet heart" she laughed tossing her head back. "Come on Peter Parker just this once for your damsel in distress" I sighed. I twirled her then did a little dance bobbing my head she smiled "White boy has moves."

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