|Early Arrival|

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I walked into the kitchen greeting my mother who was leaning against the counter nursing a cup of coffee. "Mother" she looked up. "Your father's coming over" The fact that she was stating the obvious said a lot. "I know, I called him" she put her cup down on the counter.

"No he'll be here any minute now" By the enthusiasm in her voice. I could tell she just couldn't wait for his arrival. Note the sarcasm,"He called this morning saying he was flying in early." Great now I have to deal with him for the entire week.

"He's coming early just perfect" I grumbled. I knew where I would be spending most of the week at Parker's. "This little boyfriend of yours" I could feel her eyes on me. "He's the first you've ever mentioned to me, but I know for certain he's not your first boyfriend."

Alright I've had several serious relationships, but they weren't bring home to the parents type serious. Parker he's different more like every parents dream son in law type shit. I simply shrugged, but I knew that wasn't going to keep her quiet.

She grabbed her keys and purse off the counter,"I'm leaving I'll be back in an hour." With that she made her way to the door closing it behind her. Twenty minutes later I sat on the couch in the living area watching a marathon of pretty little liars. I only watch the show because of Voni. And that I'm completely obsessed with Spencer and Toby's relationship. I have to give it to Allison I really thought she was A at first.

The door bell rang during season six episode four. I've literally spent weeks trying to catch up from season three. "Ugh who's at the fucking door!" I got up pausing the tv. The door bell rang again,"I'm coming have some patience." Opening the door my father stood there with a giant black suitcase in one hand, and a phone glued to his ear in the other.

"Yeah, I just made it babe" I rolled my eyes knowing exactly who the person was on the other end. I stepped aside letting him in. He didn't once pause his conversation to acknowledge me. I closed and locked the door returning to my comfy spot on the black leather couch. Un-pausing the tv I stared intently at the screen until I felt a pair of eyes watching me.

I looked over my father standing in the door frame. What in the hell is up with these old people watching me. "What are you doing?" I said annoyed by his presence. He smiled,"You've grown up so much." I rolled my eyes here he goes with this sappy old people shit. "You saw me two months ago father" I said slightly irritated. Running a hand over his old tired face he sighed,"Where's your mother Elliot?"

"Don't know, don't care" I continued to him ignore as he went on and on. "Your just like your mother" he muttered. Old man stormed off down the hall out of sight. It's funny because she says the same thing. "Your just like your father" I mimicked.

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